File: CRASHING AE LINES Read 24 times Here it is, how to stop and how to crash ae's! written by -----> Delta-Master, thanx to the new micro mofia, and THE Resistance... 1: GO TO INSTALL..... NOW SELECT SUPRESS KEYS.. 2. HIT CTRL -L AND 3. OH YES CTRL-H AND THAT WILL DO... <>Also put in the character which will turn on the buffer and autosave and destroy the person's ae!!! which is: ^R WELL THIS IS FOR LITTLE COMPUTER PUSSIES.. THAT DON'T KNOW HOW TO WORK AN APPLE.. WELL NOT LET'S MOVE UP A DEGREE TO A ASSTHAT MAKES HIS LIVING CRASHING AE'S... (THIS TYPE DON'T HAVE APPLE... PROB. TIMEX SINCLAIRS 1000 OR HAHAHA I.B.M.'S PC "JR") WELL FOR assholes LIKE THIS WHO KNOW ASPENT THEIR LIFE READING AE INSTRUCTION MANUAL.... WE HAVE TO GO TO ASSEMBLY... well, i'll leave it off here, but 1 last thing(I forgot how to fix it..in mach ine code i'm sure..) you type: V>iew: (15 or so spaces) then press return..that should fuck him up bad! Another is if he has an ae working on a pw system, you type ctrl-y and that should put you into machine lang(*), but it doesn't have DOS so you can upload a copy of DOS(in machine code, i'll make a copy of it for ya guys soon) and then init his disk or something latur, Delta-Master The Leader Of The Resistance agent 007 in the NEW micro mofia [Courtesy of Sherwood Forest ][ -- (914) 359-1517] -----End of File Call The Works BBS - 1600+ Textfiles! - [914]/238-8195 - 300/1200 - Always Open ============================================================================== __ __ \ / '\/ '\ Courtest of: The Works BBS \ \___/\___/ F.B.B.S. Incarnation <_________||____ . [617]861-8976 < _\ . 3/12/24 baud <_____________ \>\ . . 7 days/24 hours < . . \ \ . 65 Megabytes of Storage / . . \___> . . . Largest Text Files BBS in . . . . . .... . . . The C o u n t r y ! ==============================================================================