Telegard & Renegade Hints (Bugs) Telegard and Renegade boards are the most used boards around. The other boards like SearchLight, Major BBS, Unix, Maximus, etc. aren't really that good. But Telegard and Renegade boards, to me, are the best and the most user friendly. Since they are so user friendly they should be easy to mess with... The following hints are really just bugs in the software. There is no way you can actually hack either of the boards by using this text file. This text file is just a list of a few bugs that were found in Telegard & Renegade that might help you in your way to driving a SysOp insane. - Telegard - 1) When logging in NEW press ALT-255 (Ascii Space) when it asks you for your handle. This will allow you to either logon twice with your same handle or using someone else's. 2) Use ALT-255 and use the SysOp's handle. This will make the SysOp a little paranoid if he doesn't know about the ascii space command. Many SysOps will start locking out new users and up the security a little bit because they think that their board is going to get hacked. 3) Rename a file that is full of ascii and name it to the computers clock string ($CLOCK, CLOCK.$$$, CLOCK$ something like that). When you upoload it the board will automatically think it is the real clock string and will start reading your ascii file. This will totally mess up the internal clock in the computer. 4) If the SysOp is stupid and hasn't taken the ARCHIVE menu off of his board then you can have some real fun. Upload a virus or a file with a .BAT file inside or something to the affect and make it screw his system up. Go into the archive menu and run the .BAT file or the virus or whatever you gave to him. It will do whatever you told it to do... - Auto Validation - 5) If the board has Auto-Validation set to ON this could probably be the best time you will ever have... Logon NEW with a fake account. Just start screwing around on the board. This is real stupid, but it's fun. Logon NEW with the SysOp's account and start posting messages and automessages about how the board is going to go down in a few days. This is very affective if the SysOp is away from the computer for a few days. Logon NEW with the SysOp's account. Start posting messages full of cuss words telling people that they are motherfuckers and stuff like that. The users will get real angry at who? THE SYSOP! The SysOp will have no users after a week of you yelling at them. If the board has FidoNet or some other kind of net start posting messages all over the place saying you have dildos for sale and stuff like that. It doesn't matter what name you use when you do this because the people who run the net will get real mad anyways, but if you use the SysOp's name it will surely get him kicked off! There are others like uploading LOGOFF.BAT files to run things and pressing things like @S@S or @A@A and locking up the board, but they are all stupid and almost always fail. - Renegade - 1) If the Renegade version is lower than 12-25-92 you can press the space bar when it asks you what your handle is while loging in NEW. This will lock up the SysOp's computer till he reboots. 2) When you post a message in versions 1-03-93 and later (only ones I've tested this in) you can hit E for edit, then F for From Who and you can put in any name you want in. This is good if you post a bad message to someone or if you post in a Net of some sort. 3) Renegade boards have a little trouble with using door programs. Expecially callback doors. When RG swaps to DOS to run a door it will make a hidden file that is the Swapping file. It SHOULD delete it when it goes back to the board, but sometimes it doesn't. It almost always leaves a hidden file of about 200k on the system's hard drive if you use a callback door. There, that's my file. It is pretty much worthless, but it might give some of you studs *HA* some ideas when you find a lamer board that is running TG or something. Have Fun