TUCoPS :: Dialup BBSes :: wild_1.txt

Wildcat: Wildcat Hacking

                   \  W I L D C A T  H A C K I N G  \
                   \                                \
                   \        By: Morbid Man          \
                   \                                \

     Ok wildcat hacking. Wildcat is a lame bbs program that many
Elite bbs's use i dont know why but it sucks. now if y hate those
wildcat bbs's i have the perfect way to hack them. the onlt
problem is that they need to have bi modem set up witch almost
all wildcat bbs's i am on have it set up well...i will get to the
point... now first d/l the same version of wildcat that the bbs
ya want to hack has and. the reason for this is that ya need to
know what the user list file is called and i know it had changed
since some of the older versions. then rite it down and call up a
wildcat bbs that has bi modem and d/l the file that it uses for
the user list. simple as that then look at it and hack it! it
might be a nice idea to have bi modem set up on your end so ya
can d/l it <heh> also d/l some other stuff like the config file
so ya cal get the p/w's for the sysop section and so on.

                               MoRBiD MaN

p.s. i would like to thank Silver Wave For The idea!

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