Advisory ID: XSec-06-02 Advisory Name: Internet Explorer (IMSKDIC.DLL) COM Object Instantiation Vulnerability Release Date: 08/15/2006 Tested on: Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 on Microsoft Windows XP SP2 CN Affected version: Internet Explorer 6.0 Author: nophttp://www.xsec.org Overview: A vulnerability has been found in Internet Explorer 6.0. \ When Internet Explorer tries to instantiate the IMSKDIC.DLL \ (Microsoft IME) COM object as an ActiveX control, it may corrupt \ system memory in such a way that an attacker may DoS and possibly \ could execute arbitrary code. Exploit: =============== IMSKDIC.DLL.htm start =============== =============== IMSKDIC.DLL.htm end ================= Link: http://www.xsec.org/index.php?module=releases&act=view&type=1&id=8 About XSec: We are redhat.