TUCoPS :: Browsers :: hack0989.htm

Internet Explorer Causing Explorer.exe - Null Pointer Crash
Internet Explorer Causing Explorer.exe - Null Pointer Crash


Application:     Internet Explorer & Explorer.exe
Vendors:           http://www.microsoft.com 
Versions:          Windows Xp Professional & Internet Explorer
Patched With:  Q330994; Q822925; Q828750; Q824145;
Platforms:         WindowsXp
Bug:                   Internet Explorer Causing Explorer.exe - Null Pointer
Risk:                  Medium -  D.O.S
Exploitation:     Remote with browser
Date:                  19 Mar 2004
Author:             Rafel Ivgi, The-Insider
e-mail:                the_insider@mail.com 
web:                   http://theinsider.deep-ice.com 


1) Introduction
2) Bugs
3) The Code


1) Introduction

WindowsXp is currently the most common operating system in the world.
This product must be as safe as it is common.


2) Bug

Lately a new function was discovered : "shell:". This function allows
running some
new functions remotley. There is a bug in Explorer.exe when accessing a
with double backslash.

For Example accessing any of the html tags below, will cause explorer to


Paste at [Start Menu]-->[Run] --> shell:windows\\system32\\calc.exe

Explorer.exe crashes when using "\\".
"\" doesn't crash it and even %5C%5C doesn't crash it.

There is a registery key which is turned on by default. This key
automatically restarts
"Explorer.exe". If this key is set to "0", Explorer.exe will not restart.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]


3) The Code


Paste at [Start Menu]-->[Run] --> shell:windows\\system32\\calc.exe


Rafel Ivgi, The-Insider

"Things that are unlikeable, are NOT impossible."

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