Hello all, If this is something obvious that I have overlooked I apologize in advance.... I have received several emails (W2K, Outlook 2000) that appear to be Netsky.Q or Netsky.R. When opened these emails launch the attachment automatically. In my case, the .pif file has already been removed by my email server, so the text file that has replaced the virus carrying .pif is launched by notepad. Still, this is rather disturbing to me, since AFAIK this is not supposed to happen. According to this: http://www.f-secure.com/v-descs/netsky_q.shtml Netsky uses an old IE / Outlook MIME type vulnerability to auto launch the executable: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS01-020.mspx This vulnerability, according to the article, only affects IE5, whereas I am using IE6 SP1 + patches. Just to be sure, I did a windows update for all the latest security patches. Even after this, Outlook still opens the attached file on viewing the email. Is this new or have I missed something? I can post the message source if anyone is interested. Thanks, Mike Sassaman