__Summary Using plugins like Flash and the -moz-opacity filter it is possible to display the about:config site in a hidden frame or a new window. By making the user double-click at a specific screen position (e.g. using a DHTML game) you can silently toggle the status of boolean config parameters. As long as the number of about:config parameters is unchanged (unlikely a casual user will change them) you can move the parameter you want to the specified screen position by using CSS. You can also load about:config using the real player plugin and merged url events. See the real producer documentation for details and merge a command like "u 0:0:0:0.0 0:0:0:30.0 &&targetframe&&about:config" __Proof-of-Concept http://www.mikx.de/fireflashing/ __Status The bug is marked as fixed in bugzilla. Get a nightly build, compile on your own or wait for Firefox 1.0.1. 2005-02-01 Vendor informed (bugzilla.mozilla.org #280664) 2005-02-01 Vendor confirmed bug 2005-02-04 Vendor fixed bug 2005-02-07 Public disclosure The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the name CAN-2005-0232 to this issue. __Affected Software Tested with Firefox 1.0 and Mozilla 1.7.5 __Contact Informations Michael Kraxhttp://www.mikx.de/?p=10 mikx