TUCoPS :: Browsers :: hack8072.htm

Disclosure of file system information in Mozilla Firefox and Opera Browser:
Disclosure of file system information in Mozilla Firefox and Opera Browser:

Title: Disclosure of file system information in Mozilla Firefox and Opera 

I don't know if it could be considered really a security problem, anyway 
i'll try to explain my ideas.
Sorry for my bad english.

Author: Giovanni Delvecchio

Bug: Disclosure of file system information

Applications affected:

- Firefox 1.0
- Mozilla 1.7
- Opera 7.54 (*)

( maybe also previous versions )

Tested versions:

- Firefox 1.0 on Linux and Windows
- Mozilla 1.7 on Windows
- Opera 7.51,..7.54 on Linux

The content of this advisory could be applied also to other browsers, i have 
checked just Mozilla, Firefox,Opera and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Microsoft Internet Explorer seems not to be affected.

Bug Description:
A problem exist in some browsers where a frame can gain access to attributes 
of another frame or iframe.
An application of this bug could be the possibility to disclose local 
directory structure.


------ begin code.htm -----

if malicious_server responds with a page containing an unknown Content-Type 
field ( for example text/html. ,note the dot) ,the browser will show a 
dialog window with some options (open, save, cancel). Choosing "Open" to 
view this page, it will be downloaded and opened in local ; javascript code 
will be executed in local context.
Obviously, if user chooses to save and after open it the result is equal.

(*) For Opera this  method of remote exploitation requires that opera must 
be setted as Default Application in "handler for saved files" whether the 
user choose "Open" in the dialog window.

No solution at the moment

Vendor notice
24th November 2004: I have contacted mozilla by security@mozilla.org 
and Opera by its bug track page at https://bugs.opera.com/wizard/

No response from both at the moment.

Best regards,

Giovanni Delvecchio

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