TUCoPS :: Browsers :: nav7crkd.txt

Netscape Navigator (7.02) Cracked

# Readers' Favorite - Make Notes in Your Browser today!
# <http://liudieyuinchina.vip.sina.com/domex/aPoP/>
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"netscape navigator" is cracked.
("that's all" is end of file if you are in a hurry)

OS:Windows Server 2003 Enterprise
Browser: "Netscape Navigator 7.02"
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/20030208 
Netscape/7.02 "

<http://umbrella.mx.tc> ==> "DomainDot-MyPage" section

<http://umbrella.mx.tc> ==> "DomainDot-Screenshot" section

URL "http://[Domain]./[DirectoryName]/[FileName]"(one <http://[Domain]./[DirectoryName]/[FileName]> more dot 
after "[Domain]") will actually navigate your browser to:
then "document.domain" is "[Domain]."(one more dot in "document.domain").

try to execute javascript:

after being set to an empty string, document.domain is auto-caculated to 
be [DirectoryName].
of course, "[DirectoryName]" can be "www.paypal.com <http://www.paypal.com>", but you still cannot 
access document at "www.paypal.com <http://www.paypal.com>" by just having "www.paypal.com <http://www.paypal.com>" 
as "document.domain".

now, you make "document.domain" to be "w.www.paypal.com", then set it 
to "www.paypal.com <http://www.paypal.com>". 
you can access document at "www.paypal.com <http://www.paypal.com>" now.

that's all.

do you still remember "IE dot bug"?
( <http://online.securityfocus.com/archive/1/273168/2002-05-18/2002-05>-
24/0 )

they are so similar, aren't they?

i hope you'll get well soon!

wish you all a nice day!

greetings to:
Sandblad(the guy who found "IE dot bug"), "the Pull", dror( 
<http://www.drorshalev.com/> ), bin, gean, dross and iainm.

# Readers' Favorite - Make Notes in Your Browser today!
# <http://liudieyuinchina.vip.sina.com/domex/aPoP/>
# <http://domex.int.tc/>

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Umbrella: MaX TeCh


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