TUCoPS :: BSD :: ciaci063.txt

Rsi BSDi Rlogind Vulnerability



                       The U.S. Department of Energy
                    Computer Incident Advisory Capability
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                             INFORMATION BULLETIN

                         RSI BSDI rlogind Vulnerability

June 19, 1998 20:00 GMT                                           Number I-063
PROBLEM:       A vulnerability exists using rlogind in all current versions of
               Berkeley Software Design Inc. (BSDI).
PLATFORM:      Any server running BSDI with rlogind enabled.
DAMAGE:        Can create a buffer overflow which may allow an attacker to
               gain root access.
SOLUTION:      Disable rlogind until patches are available.
VULNERABILITY  Disable rlogind on affected systems as soon as possible. Apply
ASSESSMENT:    the patches as soon as they are made available.

[ Start Repent Security Inc. Advisory ]


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                   Repent Security Incorporated, RSI
                       [ http://www.repsec.com ]

                       *** RSI ALERT ADVISORY ***

- --- [CREDIT] --------------------------------------------------------------

Mark Zielinski: Research and development, author of advisory.

- --- [SUMMARY] -------------------------------------------------------------

Announced:     June 17, 1998
Report code:   RSI.0004a.06-17-98.BSDI.RLOGIND
Report title:  BSDI rlogind
Vulnerability: A buffer overflow exists in rlogind that could allow remote
               root access on servers running BSDI 2.1 or earlier
Vendor status: Has been contacted on 6-17-98
Patch status:  No vendor patch currently available
Platforms:     BSDI 2.0, 2.1
Not affected:  BSDI 3.0, 3.1
               FreeBSD-Current (2.2.6)
               NetBSD-Current (1.3)
               OpenBSD 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Reference:     http://www.repsec.com/advisories.html
Impact:        If exploited, an attacker could potentially compromise
               root access on your server

- --- [DETAILS] -------------------------------------------------------------

Problem:       A vulnerability exists in BSDI rlogind that has the
               potential to allow an attacker to gain remote root
               access on any server running BSDI 2.1 or earlier with
               rlogind enabled.

               This vulnerability occurs as a result of inverse
               resolution of IP addresses to hostnames.  An attacker
               in control of a DNS server can configure the records for
               a specific IP address to resolve with a name larger than
               rlogind can handle.

               Due to insufficient bounds checking, a buffer
               overflow can result when rlogind attempts to copy the
               connecting hostname into a buffer with a predefined size.

               While overwriting the buffer, the attacker can manipulate
               the stack and execute their own commands, possibly gaining
               root access on the server.

               For more information on this type of attack, point your
               web browsers to: http://www.repsec.com/bofs.html.

- --- [FIX] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Solution:      Disable rlogind until Berkeley Software Design Inc.
               can provide a patch.

               To disable rlogind:

               1. su to the root account
               2. kill -9 `ps -aux | grep rlogind | awk '{print $2}'`
               3. edit /etc/inetd.conf with your favorite editor
               4. place a # in front of any lines beginning with "login"

- --- [PATCH] ---------------------------------------------------------------

Solution:      Wait for Berkeley Software Design Inc. to release an
               official patch or upgrade to 3.0 or higher.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Repent Security Incorporated (RSI)
13610 N. Scottsdale Rd.
Suite #10-326
Scottsdale, AZ 85254

E-mail: advise@repsec.com
WWW: http://www.repsec.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.repsec.com

[ End Repent Security Inc. Advisory ]

CIAC wishes to acknowledge the contributions of Repent Security Inc. for the
information contained in this bulletin.

CIAC, the Computer Incident Advisory Capability, is the computer
security incident response team for the U.S. Department of Energy
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LAST 10 CIAC BULLETINS ISSUED (Previous bulletins available from CIAC)

I-054: Cisco Web Cache Control Protocol Router Vulnerability
I-055: SGI IRIX Vulnerabilities (NetWare Client, diskperf/diskalign
I-056: Cisco PIX Private Link Key Processing and Cryptography Vulnerabilities
I-057: FreeBSD NFS Kernel Code Error
I-058: SunOS rpc.nisd Vulnerability
I-059: SUN ftpd Vulnerability
I-060: SGI IRIX OSF/DCE Denial of Service Vulnerability
I-061: SGI IRIX  mediad(1M) Vulnerability
I-062: SGI IRIX BIND DNS named(1M) Vulnerability
I-063: RSI BSDI rlogind Vulnerability

Version: 4.0 Business Edition


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