TUCoPS :: Cisco :: ciacl106.txt

Cisco IOS HTTP Authorization Vulnerability


                       The U.S. Department of Energy
                     Computer Incident Advisory Center
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                             INFORMATION BULLETIN

                   Cisco IOS HTTP Authorization Vulnerability

July 5, 2001 17:00 GMT                                            Number L-106
PROBLEM:       When HTTP server is enabled and local authorization is used, it 
               is possible to bypass the authentication and execute any 
               command on the device. 
PLATFORM:      Those running all releases of Cisco IOS(R) software, starting 
               with release 11.3 and later. 
DAMAGE:        The user will be able to exercise complete control over the 
               device. All commands will be executed with the highest 
               privilege (level 15). 
SOLUTION:      Upgrade or apply the workaround given in the Cisco advisory. 
VULNERABILITY  The vulnerability is MEDIUM. Though the exploit has been 
ASSESSMENT:    discussed in public forums, both the HTTP server must be 
               enabled and local authorization be used in order to be 

[Start Cisco Systems Inc. Advisory]

Cisco - Security Advisory: IOS HTTP Authorization Vulnerability
Cisco Security Advisory: IOS HTTP Authorization Vulnerability

Revision 1.2

For Public Release 2001 June 27 08:00 (UTC -0800) 


When HTTP server is enabled and local authorization is used, it is possible, 
under some circumstances, to bypass the authentication and execute any command 
on the device. In that case, the user will be able to exercise complete control 
over the device. All commands will be executed with the highest privilege (level 

All releases of Cisco IOS® software, starting with release 11.3 and later, are 
vulnerable. Virtually all mainstream Cisco routers and switches running Cisco 
IOS software are affected by this vulnerability. 

Products that are not running Cisco IOS software are not vulnerable. 

The workaround for this vulnerability is to disable HTTP server on the router or 
to use Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS+) or Radius for 

This advisory will be posted at 

Affected Products

Any device running Cisco IOS software release 11.3 and later is vulnerable. 

Cisco devices that may be running with affected Cisco IOS software releases 
include, but are not limited to: 

*)  Cisco routers in the AGS/MGS/CGS/AGS+, IGS, RSM, 800, ubr900, 1000, 1400, 
    1500, 1600, 1700, 2500, 2600, 3000, 3600, 3800, 4000, 4500, 4700, AS5200, 
    AS5300, AS5800, 6400, 7000, 7100, 7200, ubr7200, 7500, and 12000 series. 
*)  Most recent versions of the LS1010 ATM switch. 
*)  The Catalyst 6000 if it is running Cisco IOS software. 
*)  The Catalyst 2900XL LAN switch only if it is running Cisco IOS software. 
*)  The Catalyst 1900, 2800, 2900, 3000, and 5000 series LAN switches are 
*)  The Cisco Distributed Director. 

For some products, the affected software releases are relatively new and may not 
be available on every device listed above. 

If you are not running Cisco IOS software, you are not affected by this 

Cisco products that do not run Cisco IOS software and are not affected by this 
defect include, but are not limited to: 

*)  700 series dial-up routers (750, 760, and 770 series). 
*)  The Catalyst 6000 is not affected if it is not running Cisco IOS software. 
*)  WAN switching products in the IGX and BPX lines. 
*)  The MGX (formerly known as the AXIS shelf). 
*)  Host-based software. 
*)  The Cisco PIX Firewall. 
*)  The Cisco Local Director. 
*)  The Cisco Cache Engine. 

No other Cisco products are affected. 


By sending a crafted URL it is possible to bypass authentication and execute any 
command on the router at level 15 (enable level, the most privileged level). 
This will happen only if the user is using a local database for authentication 
(usernames and passwords are defined on the device itself). The same URL will 
not be effective against every Cisco IOS software release and hardware 
combination. However, there are only 84 different combinations to try, so it 
would be easy for an attacker to test them all in a short period of time. 

The URL in question follows this format: 


Where xx is a number between 16 and 99. 

This vulnerability is documented as Cisco Bug ID CSCdt93862. 


An attacker can exercise complete control over the device. By exploiting this 
vulnerability, the attacker can see and change the configuration of the device. 

Software Versions and Fixes

Each row of the table describes a release train and the platforms or products 
for which it is intended. If a given release train is vulnerable, then the 
earliest possible releases that contain the fix and the anticipated date of 
availability for each are listed in the "Rebuild", "Interim", and "Maintenance" 
columns. A device running any release in the given train that is earlier than 
the release in a specific column (less than the earliest fixed release) is known 
to be vulnerable, and it should be upgraded at least to the indicated release or 
a later version (greater than the earliest fixed release label). 
When selecting a release, keep in mind the following definitions: 


      Most heavily tested and highly recommended release of any label in a given 
      row of the table.

      Constructed from the previous maintenance or major release in the same 
      train, it contains the fix for a specific defect. Although it receives less 
      testing, it contains only the minimal changes necessary to effect the 

      Built at regular intervals between maintenance releases and receives less 
      testing. Interims should be selected only if there is no other suitable 
      release that addresses the vulnerability, and interim images should be 
      upgraded to the next available maintenance release as soon as possible. 
      Interim releases are not available via manufacturing, and usually they are 
      not available for customer download from CCO without prior arrangement with 
      the Cisco TAC. 

In all cases, customers should exercise caution to be certain the devices to be 
upgraded contain sufficient memory and that current hardware and software 
configurations will continue to be supported properly by the new release. If the 
information is not clear, contact the Cisco TAC for assistance as shown in the 
following section. 

More information on Cisco IOS software release names and abbreviations is 
available at http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/620/1.html. 

 |               | Description of |                                         |
 |    Train      |    Image or    |      Availability of Fixed Releases*    |
 |               |    Platform    |                                         |
 |11.0-based Releases and Earlier |   Rebuild   | Interim**  |  Maintenance |
 |               |Multiple        |                                         |
 |     10.3      |releases and    |Not affected                             |
 |               |platforms       |                                         |
 |               |Multiple        |                                         |
 |     11.0      |releases and    |Not affected                             |
 |               |platforms       |                                         |
 |      11.1-based Releases       |   Rebuild   | Interim**  |  Maintenance |
 |               |Major release   |                                         |
 |     11.1      |for all         |Not affected                             |
 |               |platforms       |                                         |
 |      11.2-based Releases       |   Rebuild   | Interim**  |  Maintenance |
 |               |Major release   |End of Engineering                       |
 |     11.2      |for all         +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Not affected                             |
 |      11.3-based Releases       |   Rebuild   | Interim**  |  Maintenance |
 |               |Major release   |End of Engineering                       |
 |     11.3      |for all         +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.0(18)          |
 |               |ED for dial     |                                         |
 |               |platforms and   |Not Scheduled                            |
 |    11.3AA     |access servers +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |5800, 5200,     |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |5300, 7200      |                                         |
 |               |Early deployment|End of Engineering                       |
 |    11.3DA     |train for ISP   |                                         |
 |               |DSLAM 6200      +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platform        |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(7)DA2        |
 |               |Early deployment|                                         |
 |               |train for       |End of Engineering                       |
 |               |ISP/Telco/PTT   |                                         |
 |    11.3DB     |xDSL broadband  +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |concentrator    |                                         |
 |               |platform, (NRP) |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(5)DB2        |
 |               |for 6400        |                                         |
 |               |Short-lived ED  |End of Engineering                       |
 |    11.3HA     |release for ISR |                                         |
 |               |3300 (SONET/SDH +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |router)         |Upgrade recommended to 12.0(18)          |
 |               |MC3810          |End of Engineering                       |
 |    11.3MA     |functionality   +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |only            |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |Voice over IP,  |                                         |
 |               |media           |End of Engineering                       |
 |    11.3NA     |convergence,    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |various         |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |platforms       |                                         |
 |               |Early deployment|End of Engineering                       |
 |    11.3T      |major release,  |                                         |
 |               |feature-rich for+-----------------------------------------+
 |               |early adopters  |Upgrade recommended to 12.0(18)          |
 |               |                |End of Engineering                       |
 |    11.3XA     |Introduction of +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |ubr7246 and 2600|Upgrade recommended to 12.0(18)          |
 |               |                |End of Engineering                       |
 |   11.3WA4     |LightStream 1010+-----------------------------------------+
 |               |                |Upgrade recommended to 12.0W             |
 |      12.0-based Releases       |   Rebuild   | Interim**  |  Maintenance |
 |               |General         |             |            |              |
 |     12.0      |Deployment      |             |            |12.0(18)      |
 |               |release for all |             |            |              |
 |               |platforms       |             |            |              |
 |               |                |Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0DA     |xDSL support    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |6100, 6200      |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(7)DA2        |
 |               |Early Deployment|                                         |
 |               |(ED) release,   |                                         |
 |               |which delivers  |Not Scheduled                            |
 |               |support for the |                                         |
 |    12.0DB     |Cisco 6400      +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |Universal Access|                                         |
 |               |Concentrator    |                                         |
 |               |(UAC) for Node  |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(5)DB2        |
 |               |Switch Processor|                                         |
 |               |(NSP).          |                                         |
 |               |Early Deployment|                                         |
 |               |(ED) release,   |                                         |
 |               |which delivers  |Not Scheduled                            |
 |               |support for the |                                         |
 |    12.0DC     |Cisco 6400      +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |Universal Access|                                         |
 |               |Concentrator    |                                         |
 |               |(UAC) for Node  |Upgrade recommended to 12.1DC            |
 |               |Switch Processor|                                         |
 |               |(NSP).          |                                         |
 |               |Core/ISP        |             |            |12.0(18)S     |
 |    12.0S      |support GSR,    |             |            |Available     |
 |               |RSP, c7200      |             |            |2001-July     |
 |    12.0SC     |Cable/broadband |             |            |12.0(16)SC    |
 |               |ISP ubr7200     |             |            |              |
 |    12.0SL     |10000 ESR c10k  |Not affected                             |
 |               |Cisco IOS       |             |            |12.0(18)ST    |
 |               |software        |             |            |2001-Jul-02   |
 |               |Release12.0ST is|             |            |              |
 |               |an early        |             |            |              |
 |               |deployment (ED) |             |            |              |
 |               |release for the |             |            |              |
 |    12.0ST     |Cisco 7200,     |             |            |              |
 |               |7500/7000RSP and|             |            |              |
 |               |12000 (GSR)     |             |            |              |
 |               |series routers  |             |            |              |
 |               |for Service     |             |            |              |
 |               |Providers       |             |            |              |
 |               |(ISPs).         |             |            |              |
 |               |Early           |                                         |
 |               |Deployment(ED)  |Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0T      |VPN, Distributed|                                         |
 |               |Director,       +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |various         |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |platforms       |                                         |
 |               |Catalyst        |                                         |
 |               |switches        |                                         |
 |               |cat8510c,       |                                         |
 |12.0(13)W5(19c)|cat8540c, c6msm,|Not vulnerable                           |
 |               |ls1010,         |                                         |
 |               |cat8510m,       |                                         |
 |               |cat8540m        |                                         |
 |               |Catalyst        |             |            |              |
 |12.0(10)W5(18g)|switches        |             |            |12.0(18)W5(22a)
 |               |cat2948g,       |             |            |2001-August-23|
 |               |cat4232         |             |            |              |
 |               |Catalyst        |             |            |              |
 |12.0(14)W5(20) |switches        |             |            |12.0(18)W5(22)|
 |               |cat5000ATM      |             |            |2001-August-03|
 |    12.0WC     |                |             |12.0(5.4)WC1|              |
 |               |                |             |2001-July   |              |
 |               |                |Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0WT     |cat4840g        +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |                |Upgrade to be determined                 |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XA     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |Short-lived     |Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XB     |early deployment+-----------------------------------------+
 |               |release         |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XC     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XD     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XE     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(8a)E         |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XF     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XG     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XH     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XI     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XJ     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |  12.0(5)XK    |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |  12.0(7)XK    |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XL     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XM     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.0(4)XM1        |
 |               |                |Availability date to be determined       |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XN     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XP     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.0(5.4)WC1      |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XQ     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)           |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XR     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.2(1b)          |
 |               |Early Deployment|End of Engineering                       |
 |    12.0XS     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(8a)E         |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XU     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.0(5.4)WC1      |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.0XV     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.2(1b)          |
 |               |                |2001-Jul-02                              |
 |      12.1-based Releases       |   Rebuild   | Interim**  |  Maintenance |
 |               |LD Release for  |             |            |              |
 |     12.1      |all platforms   |             |            |12.1(9)       |
 |    12.1AA     |Dial support    |             |            |12.1(9)AA     |
 |               |Core/ISP        |             |            |              |
 |    12.1CX     |support GSR,    |             |            |              |
 |               |RSP, c7200      |             |            |              |
 |    12.1DA     |xDSL support    |12.1(7)DA2   |            |              |
 |               |6100, 6200      |2001-Jun-18  |            |              |
 |               |Cisco IOS       |             |            |              |
 |               |Software Release|             |            |              |
 |               |12.1(1)DB       |             |            |              |
 |    12.1DB     |supports Cisco's|             |            |              |
 |               |6400 Universal  |             |            |              |
 |               |Access          |             |            |              |
 |               |Concentrator    |             |            |              |
 |               |Cisco IOS       |             |            |              |
 |               |Software Release|             |            |              |
 |               |12.1(1)DC       |             |            |              |
 |    12.1DC     |supports Cisco's|             |            |              |
 |               |6400 Universal  |             |            |              |
 |               |Access          |             |            |              |
 |               |Concentrator    |             |            |              |
 |               |Core/ISP        |             |            |              |
 |    12.1E      |support GSR,    |             |            |12.1(8a)E     |
 |               |RSP, c7200      |             |            |2001-Jul-09   |
 |               |12.1EC is being |             |            |              |
 |               |offered to allow|             |            |              |
 |               |early support of|             |            |              |
 |               |new features on |             |            |              |
 |               |the uBR7200     |             |            |              |
 |    12.1EC     |platform, as    |             |12.1(6.5)EC3|              |
 |               |well as future  |             |            |              |
 |               |support for new |             |            |              |
 |               |Universal       |             |            |              |
 |               |Broadband Router|             |            |              |
 |               |headend         |             |            |              |
 |               |platforms.      |             |            |              |
 |    12.1EX     |Catalyst 6000   |             |            |12.1(8a)E     |
 |               |support         |             |            |2001-Jul-09   |
 |               |Cat8510c,       |             |            |              |
 |    12.1EY     |Cat8510m,       |             |            |12.1(6)EY     |
 |               |Cat8540c,       |             |            |              |
 |               |Cat8540m, LS1010|             |            |              |
 |               |Early Deployment|             |            |              |
 |    12.1EZ     |(ED) special    |12.1(6)EZ1   |            |              |
 |               |image           |             |            |              |
 |               |Early           |                                         |
 |               |Deployment(ED)  |Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.1T      |VPN, Distributed|                                         |
 |               |Director,       +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |various         |Upgrade recommended to 12.2(1b)          |
 |               |platforms       |                                         |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Schedlued                            |
 |    12.1XA     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.2(1b)          |
 |               |Early Deployment|             |            |              |
 |    12.1XB     |(ED) limited    |             |            |              |
 |               |platforms       |             |            |              |
 |               |Early Deployment|             |            |              |
 |    12.1XC     |(ED) limited    |             |            |12.1(9)AA     |
 |               |platforms       |             |            |              |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.1XD     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.2(1b)          |
 |               |Early Deployment|             |            |              |
 |    12.1XE     |(ED) limited    |             |            |              |
 |               |platforms       |             |            |              |
 |               |Early Deployment|             |            |              |
 |    12.1XF     |(ED) 811 and    |12.1(2)XF4   |            |              |
 |               |813 (c800       |2001-July-09 |            |              |
 |               |images)         |             |            |              |
 |               |Early Deployment|             |            |              |
 |    12.1XG     |(ED) 800, 805,  |12.1(5)XG5   |            |              |
 |               |820, and 1600   |2001-July-09 |            |              |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.1XH     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.2(1b)          |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.1XI     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.2(1b)          |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.1XJ     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.1(5)YB4        |
 |               |Early Deployment|             |            |              |
 |    12.1XK     |(ED) limited    |             |            |              |
 |               |platforms       |             |            |              |
 |               |Early Deployment|Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.1XL     |(ED) limited    +-----------------------------------------+
 |               |platforms       |Upgrade recommended to 12.2(1b)          |
 |               |Short-lived     |             |            |              |
 |    12.1XM     |early deployment|12.1(4)XM4   |            |              |
 |               |release         |2001-June-27 |            |              |
 |               |Early Deployment|             |            |              |
 |    12.1XP     |(ED) 1700 and   |12.1(3)XP4   |            |              |
 |               |SOHO            |             |            |              |
 |               |Short-lived     |Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.1XQ     |early deployment+-----------------------------------------+
 |               |release         |Upgrade recommended to 12.2(1b)          |
 |               |Short-lived     |             |            |              |
 |    12.1XR     |early deployment|12.1(5)XR2   |            |              |
 |               |release         |             |            |              |
 |               |Short-lived     |12.1(5)XR2   |            |              |
 |    12.1XS     |early deployment|2001-July    |            |              |
 |               |release         |             |            |              |
 |               |Early Deployment|             |            |              |
 |    12.1XT     |(ED) 1700       |12.1(3)XT3   |            |              |
 |               |series          |             |            |              |
 |               |Early Deployment|             |            |              |
 |    12.1XU     |(ED) limited    |12.1(5)XU1   |            |              |
 |               |platforms       |             |            |              |
 |               |Short-lived     |             |            |              |
 |    12.1XV     |early deployment|12.1(5)XV3   |            |              |
 |               |release         |2001-July    |            |              |
 |               |Short-lived     |Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.1XW     |early deployment+-----------------------------------------+
 |               |release         |Upgrade recommended to 12.2DD            |
 |               |Short-lived     |             |            |              |
 |    12.1XX     |early deployment|             |            |12.1(6)EZ     |
 |               |release         |             |            |              |
 |               |Short-lived     |             |            |              |
 |    12.1XY     |early deployment|12.1(5)XY6   |            |              |
 |               |release         |2001-July    |            |              |
 |               |Short-lived     |             |            |              |
 |    12.1XZ     |early deployment|12.1(5)XZ4   |            |              |
 |               |release         |2001-July    |            |              |
 |               |Short-lived     |Not Scheduled                            |
 |    12.1YA     |early deployment+-----------------------------------------+
 |               |release         |Upgrade recommended to 12.2(2)XB         |
 |               |                |2001-August                              |
 |               |Short-lived     |             |            |              |
 |    12.1YB     |early deployment|12.1(5)YB4   |            |              |
 |               |release         |             |            |              |
 |               |Short-lived     |             |            |              |
 |    12.1YC     |early deployment|12.1(5)YC1   |            |              |
 |               |release         |             |            |              |
 |               |Short-lived     |             |            |              |
 |    12.1YD     |early deployment|12.1(5)YD2   |            |              |
 |               |release         |2001-June-25 |            |              |
 |               |Short-lived     |             |            |              |
 |    12.1YF     |early deployment|12.1(5)YF2   |            |              |
 |               |release         |             |            |              |
 |      12.2-based Releases       |   Rebuild   | Interim**  |  Maintenance |
 |     12.2      |LD release for  |12.2(1b)     |12.2(1.1)   |12.2(3)       |
 |               |all platforms   |             |            |2001-August   |
 |               |General         |             |            |              |
 |    12.2T      |deployment      |             |12.2(2.2)T  |              |
 |               |release for all |             |            |              |
 |               |platforms       |             |            |              |
 |    12.2XA     |SPLOB           |             |            |12.2(2)XA     |
 |               |                |             |            |2001-July-02  |
 |               |Short-lived     |             |            |              |
 |    12.2XD     |early deployment|12.2(1)XD1   |            |              |
 |               |release         |             |            |              |
 |               |Short-lived     |             |            |              |
 |    12.2XE     |early deployment|             |            |12.2(1)XE     |
 |               |release         |             |            |              |
 |               |Short-lived     |             |            |              |
 |    12.2XH     |early deployment|             |            |12.2(1)XH     |
 |               |release         |             |            |2001-June-25  |
 |               |Short-lived     |             |            |              |
 |    12.2XQ     |early deployment|             |            |12.2(1)XQ     |
 |               |release         |             |            |2001-June-23  |
 |                                   Notes                                  |
 | * All dates are estimated and subject to change.                         |
 |                                                                          |
 | ** Interim releases are subjected to less rigorous testing than regular  |
 | maintenance releases, and may have serious bugs.                         |
Obtaining Fixed Software 

Cisco is offering free software upgrades to eliminate this vulnerability for all 
affected customers. 

Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through their regular 
update channels. For most customers, this means that upgrades should be obtained 
through the Software Center on Cisco's Worldwide Web site at 
http://www.cisco.com. Please do not contact either "psirt@cisco.com" or 
"security-alert@cisco.com" for software upgrades. 


The workaround for this vulnerability is to disable HTTP server on the router or 
to use TACACS+ or Radius for authentication. 

To disable HTTP server, use the following commands: 

     Router# configure terminal
     Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
     Router(config)# no ip http server

In order to configure TACACS+ or Radius for authentication, please consult the 
following link http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/480/tacplus.shtml 

Exploitation and Public Announcements

This vulnerability has been reported to us independently by David Hyams, Ernst & 
Young, Switzerland and by Bashis (bash@ns.wcd.se). 

The Cisco PSIRT has received no reports of malicious exploitation of this 
vulnerability and we are not aware of any public discussion. 

Status of This Notice: INTERIM

This is an interim security advisory. Cisco anticipates issuing updated versions 
of this notice at irregular intervals as there are material changes in the 
facts, and will continue to update this notice as necessary. The reader is 
warned that this notice may contain inaccurate or incomplete information. 
Although Cisco cannot guarantee the accuracy of all statements in this notice, 
all of the facts have been checked to the best of our ability. Cisco anticipates 
issuing monthly updates of this notice until it reaches FINAL status. 

A standalone copy or paraphrase of the text of this security advisory that omits 
the distribution URL in the following section is an uncontrolled copy, and may 
lack important information or contain factual errors. 


This notice will be posted on Cisco's Worldwide Web site at 
http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/707/IOS-httplevel-pub.html. In addition to 
Worldwide Web posting, a text version of this notice is clear-signed with the 
Cisco PSIRT PGP key and is posted to the following e-mail and Usenet news 

*)  cust-security-announce@cisco.com 
*)  bugtraq@securityfocus.com 
*)  first-teams@first.org (includes CERT/CC) 
*)  cisco@spot.colorado.edu 
*)  comp.dcom.sys.cisco 
*)  firewalls@lists.gnac.com 
*)  Various internal Cisco mailing lists 

Future updates of this notice, if any, will be placed on Cisco's Worldwide Web 
server, but may or may not be actively announced on mailing lists or newsgroups. 
Users concerned about this problem are encouraged to check the URL given above 
for any updates. 

Revision History

      Revision 1.02001-June-27 08:00 UTC -0800 Initial public release
      Revision 1.12001-June-28 08:00 UTC -0800 Updated software availability 
      Revision 1.22001-June-29                 Updated platform descriptions

Cisco Security Procedures

Complete information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Cisco products, 
obtaining assistance with security incidents, and registering to receive 
security information from Cisco, is available on Cisco's Worldwide Web site at 
http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/707/sec_incident_response.shtml. This includes 
instructions for press inquiries regarding Cisco security notices. 

This notice is Copyright 2001 by Cisco Systems, Inc. This notice may be 
redistributed freely after the release date given at the top of the text, 
provided that redistributed copies are complete and unmodified, and include all 
date and version information. 

All contents are Copyright © 1992--2001 Cisco Systems Inc. All rights reserved. 
Important Notices and Privacy Statement.

[End Cisco Systems Inc. Advisory]

CIAC wishes to acknowledge the contributions of Cisco Systems Inc. for the 
information contained in this bulletin.

CIAC, the Computer Incident Advisory Center, is the computer
security incident response team for the U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE) and the emergency backup response team for the National
Institutes of Health (NIH). CIAC is located at the Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory in Livermore, California. CIAC is also a founding
member of FIRST, the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams, a
global organization established to foster cooperation and coordination
among computer security teams worldwide.

CIAC services are available to DOE, DOE contractors, and the NIH. CIAC
can be contacted at:
    Voice:    +1 925-422-8193 (7x24)
    FAX:      +1 925-423-8002
    STU-III:  +1 925-423-2604
    E-mail:   ciac@ciac.org

Previous CIAC notices, anti-virus software, and other information are
available from the CIAC Computer Security Archive.

   World Wide Web:      http://www.ciac.org/
   Anonymous FTP:       ftp.ciac.org

PLEASE NOTE: Many users outside of the DOE, ESnet, and NIH computing
communities receive CIAC bulletins.  If you are not part of these
communities, please contact your agency's response team to report
incidents. Your agency's team will coordinate with CIAC. The Forum of
Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) is a world-wide
organization. A list of FIRST member organizations and their
constituencies can be obtained via WWW at http://www.first.org/.

This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an
agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States
Government nor the University of California nor any of their
employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any
legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or
usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process
disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately
owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial products,
process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or
otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,
recommendation or favoring by the United States Government or the
University of California. The views and opinions of authors expressed
herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States
Government or the University of California, and shall not be used for
advertising or product endorsement purposes.

LAST 10 CIAC BULLETINS ISSUED (Previous bulletins available from CIAC)

L-096: Red Hat LPRng Vulnerability
L-097: Cisco 6400 NRP2 telnet Vulnerability
L-098: Microsoft Index Server ISAPI Extension Buffer Overflow
L-099: SGI PCP Pmpost Symlink Vulnerability
L-100: FrontPage Sub-Component Vulnerability
L-101: Microsoft LDAP Over SSL Password Vulnerability
L-102: HP OpenView Network Node Manager Security Vulnerability
L-103: Sun ypbind Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
L-104: SuSE Linux xinetd Buffer Overflow
L-105: SAMBA Security Vulnerability

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