Vulnerability CISCO PIX Affected CISCO (PIX firewall software up to and v4.2(1), CBAC v11.2P, 11.3T, and will be present in initial 12.0 revisions of CBAC software. Description Robert Ståhlbrand found following during security-testing of firewalls in his lab. He found a serious bug in Cisco PIX which makes it possible to do DOS-attacks to static IP-addresses on the inside. Most of Cisco PIX is using NAT, but if you need DNS, mail etc. You have to have a static address for this server and many installations of Cisco PIX are configured like this. Send a fragmented packet, split it into 2 with the FIN-flag set and you'll notice that the packet with the TCP-header will be correctly dropped, but the second part will let through the PIX to the host on the inside! Another strange thing is the data being deformed so that all data is 7E! This was tested with only ICMP allowed, mail etc. and with nothing allowed and the same result appeared every time. The part not included the TCP-header was let through! So how can you do a DOS-attack with this? Easy! Just send a lot those packets (really mean a lot!!!) to this host and see what happends. An NT-server tested against completely stopped! Couldn't even move the mouse. Same thing with a Linux-box, but NT-servers with more then one CPU managed a little better. Only one CPU got up to 100%. This was tried against a SUN Ultra 2 with a lot of memory but this attack did not seem to affect this machine very much. The reason why the smaller machine hangs could (must?!) be that it collects a lot of fragmented packets but it never recieves the first part of it which will end the memory after a while. It will also have a great job collecting all these packets. The server will hang fast (1 second or so) if you have plenty of bandwith, slower if you don't but it will always work. The funny thing is that it is the PIX who makes it possible to perform this DOS-attack. Any company, organisation etc. who are using static addressing along with Cisco PIX with any version of PIX software is vulnerable to this. Even tried the last beta. Solution This vulnerability has been assigned Cisco bug ID CSCdk36273. CISCO made changes to the PIX firewall software to improve its behavior in the face of fragmented packets. Specifically: o Interfragment state will be kept. A non-initial fragment will be discarded unless the corresponding initial fragment was permitted to pass through the firewall. Non-initial fragments received before the corresponding initial fragments will be discarded. o The amount of memory dedicated to fragment state will be limited in order to avoid the obvious denial of service attacks against the PIX firewall itself. o Fragments received for statically configured NAT addresses without conduits will be dropped as other unsolicited packets are. o Fragments will be checked for certain overwrite attacks. These changes are undergoing quality assurance testing, and will be released in Cisco PIX firewall software release 4.2.2. The vulnerability is scheduled to be fixed for CBAC in Cisco IOS software release 12.0(2) and 12.0(3)T, which are tentatively scheduled for release in late November, 1998, and in late January, 1999, respectively. All schedules are subject to change.