Vulnerability Concentrator IP Options Affected Cisco VPN3000 Description Following is based on a Cisco Security Advisory. If a crafted IP packet, with an invalid IP Option setting is transmitted to a VPN 3000 series concentrator on the same network segment (no routers in between), it can cause the VPN 3000 series concentrator to hang with a 100% CPU Utilization. The concentrator would then have to be reset. After rebooting, the equipment would function normally until the crafted IP packet is received again. The defect can be exploited to produce a denial of service (DoS) attack. The vulnerability is described in Cisco bug id CSCds92460. This notice will be posted at http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/707/vpn3k-ipoptions-vuln-pub.shtml Cisco VPN 3000 series concentrators running software releases up to but not including revision 2.5.2 (F) are affected by this vulnerability. This series includes models 3005, 3015, 3030, 3060, and 3080. Any VPN 3000 series concentrators running revision 2.5.2 (F) or later are unaffected by this vulnerability. If a crafted IP packet, with an invalid IP Option setting, is transmitted to a VPN 3000 series concentrator on the same network segment (no routers in between), on either the Inside or the Outside interface, it can cause the VPN 3000 series concentrator to hang with a 100 % CPU Utilization. The concentrator would then have to be reset via the console port as no SNMP or HTTP remote management control would be possible. After rebooting, the equipment would function normally until the crafted IP packet is received again. In order to exploit this vulnerability the attacker must be on the same network segment as the concentrator without any routers in between. A crafted IP packet traversing a router would typically get its invalid IP Options dropped and would not be able to affect the VPN 3000 series concentrator. When this crafted IP packet is received by the VPN 3000 series concentrator, the concentrator will stop passing traffic and will not respond to any management inquiries via SNMP, Telnet or HTTP. However management via the console port is possible. For VPN 3000 series concentrator models 3015, 3030, 3060, and 3080 the CPU Utilization bar graph indicator on the front panel will go to 100%. Solution This vulnerability does not affect the VPN 5000 series concentrators. No other Cisco product is known to be affected by this vulnerability. To determine if a Cisco VPN 3000 series concentrator is running affected software, check the revision via the web interface or the console menu. The vulnerability has been fixed in revision 2.5.2 (E) code. The fix will be carried forward into all future releases. However due to the another advisory the recommended revision to upgrade to is 2.5.2 (F). Upgrade can be done via the remote software upgrade feature using the VPN 3000 series concentrator's web based management interface. There are no system configuration workarounds. Please upgrade to revision 2.5.2 (F) code.