TUCoPS :: Web :: CMS / Portals :: b06-4325.htm

Mambo jim Component Remote Include Vulnerability
Mambo jim Component Remote Include Vulnerability
Mambo jim Component Remote Include Vulnerability

############# C Y B E R - W A R R I O R  T I M #############=0D
#Mambo jim Component Remote Include Vulnerability=0D
#Author: XORON=0D
#Class: Remote=0D
#cont@ct: x0r0n[at]hotmail[dot]com=0D
#Code:  in install.jim.php , line 16=0D
#Greetz: str0ke, Ironfist, Preddy, SHiKaA, sakkkure, x-mastER, DJR, DaRK, EntriKa, R3D4C!D, iNSoMNiA and all my friend=0D
# milw0rm.com [2006-08-17]=0D

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