TUCoPS :: Web :: CMS / Portals :: tb10257.htm

Monkey CMS v0.0.3 Remote File Include Vulnerabilitiy
Monkey CMS v0.0.3 Remote File Include Vulnerabilitiy
Monkey CMS v0.0.3 Remote File Include Vulnerabilitiy

"""  ::     ::                :::::   ::::  """
"""   ::   ::                 ::  :   ::    """
"""     ::::    ::   :: ::::: :::::   ::::  """ 
"""    ::  ::   ::: ::: :: :: ::  ::    ::  """ 
"""  ::      :: :: :  : ::::: ::   :: ::::  """
"""                                         """
   Xmor$ Security Vulnerability Research TM

# Tilte: Monkey CMS v0.0.3 Remote File Include Vulnerabilitiy

# Author..................: [the_Edit0r]
# Homepage................: [Www.XmorS-sEurity.coM] 
# Location ...............: [Iran]
# Software ...............: [Monkey CMS] 
# Impact..................: [ Remote ]
# Site Script ............: [http://sourceforge.net/projects/monkey-cms/] 
# We ArE .................: [ Scorpiunix,KAMY4r,Zer0.Cod3r,SilliCONIC,D3vil_B0y_ir,S.W.A.T,DarkAngel ]

------------------------------------- Code --------------------------------

include_once ('templates/'.$admin_skin.'/footer.php');  line 116


------------------------------- proof Of Concept ---------------------------



# Contact me : the_3dit0r[at]Yahoo[dot]coM

# [XmorS-SEcurity.coM]

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