[MajorSecurity Advisory #45]oe2edit CMS - Cross Site Scripting and Cookie Manipulation Issue Details ======Product: oe2edit CMS Security-Risk: moderated Remote-Exploit: yes Vendor-URL: http://www.oe2edit.com Vendor-Status: informed Advisory-Status: published Credits ===========Discovered by: David Vieira-Kurz http://www.majorsecurity.de Original Advisory: ===========http://www.majorsecurity.de/index_2.php?major_rls=major_rls45 Introduction ===========oe2edit is a German Content Management System. More Details ===========Cross Site Scripting: Input passed directly to the "q" parameter in "oe2edit.cgi" is not properly sanitised before being returned to the user. This can be exploited to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser session in context of an affected site. Cookie Manipulation: Input passed directly to the "q" parameter in "oe2edit.cgi" is not properly sanitised before being returned to the user. This can be exploited to inject custom META tags to alter the cookies stored in the browser, set custom cookies and to modify the cookie information. Workaround ============Edit the source code to ensure that input is properly sanitised. You should work with "htmlspecialchars()" or "htmlentities()" php-function to ensure that html tags are not going to be executed. Example: $q = htmlspecialchars($_POST['q']); $test = htmlentities($_GET['test']); ?> History/Timeline ===============07.04.2007 discovery of the vulnerability 08.04.2007 additional tests with other versions 09.04.2007 contacted the vendor 15.04.2007 advisory is written 15.04.2007 advisory released MajorSecurity ======MajorSecurity is a non-profit German penetration testing and security research project which consists of only one person at the present time. http://www.majorsecurity.de/