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Pluck CMS 4.5.2 Multiple local file include vulns
Multiple Local File Include Vulnerabilities in Pluck CMS 4.5.2
Multiple Local File Include Vulnerabilities in Pluck CMS 4.5.2

Digital Security Research Group [DSecRG] Advisory       #DSECRG-08-037

Application:                    Pluck CMS
Versions Affected:              4.5.2
Vendor URL: http://www.pluck-cms.org/ 
Bug:                            Multiple Local File Include
Exploits:                       YES
Reported:                       28.07.2008
Vendor Response:                03.08.2008
Solution:                       YES
Date of Public Advisory:        25.08.2008
Author:                         Digital Security Research Group [DSecRG] (research [at] dsec [dot] ru)


Pluck CMS has Multiple Local File Include vulnerabilities. 


1. Local File Include vulnerabilities found in script data/inc/themes/predefined_variables.php

Vulnerable GET parameters "blogpost", "cat" and "file".

First discovered by AmnPardaz Security Research Team [http://www.bugreport.ir/index_48.htm]. 
Vendor fixed vulnerability in version 4.5.2 by blocking directly access to this file [http://www.pluck-cms.org/releasenotes.php#4.5.2]. 
However, attacker still can exploit this vulnerability from index.php file.

Code [line 15-46]

//Make sure the file isn't accessed directly
if((!ereg("index.php", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) && (!ereg("admin.php", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) && (!ereg("install.php", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) && (!ereg("login.php", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))){
    //Give out an "access denied" error
    echo "access denied";
    //Block all other code

//Include Translation data
include ("data/settings/langpref.php");
include ("data/inc/lang/$langpref");
//Get Site-title
$sitetitle = file_get_contents("data/settings/title.dat");

//Get the page-data
$filetoread = $_GET['file'];
$album = $_GET['album'];
$blogpost = $_GET['blogpost'];
$cat = $_GET['cat'];

if (($filetoread) && (file_exists("data/content/$filetoread"))) {
include "data/content/$filetoread"; }

elseif ($album) {
$title = $album; }

elseif (($blogpost) && (file_exists("data/blog/$cat/posts/$blogpost"))) {
include("data/blog/$cat/posts/$blogpost"); }

elseif ((!file_exists("data/content/$filetoread")) && (!$album) && (!$blogpost)) {
$title = $lang_front1;
$content = $lang_front2; }


Pluck CMS has security module that checks for hacking attempts and blocks them.


//Remote File Inclusion
//Check for strange characters in $_GET keys
//All keys with "/" or ":" are blocked, so it becomes virtually impossible to inject other pages or websites
  foreach ($_GET as $get_key => $get_value) {
    if ((ereg("/", $get_value)) || (ereg(":", $get_value))) {
    die("A hacking attempt has been detected. For security reasons, we're blocking any code execution."); }


This vulnerability can be exploited only on systems that accept backslash as a path separator.



2. Local File Include vulnerabilities found in script data/inc/blog_include_react.php

Vulnerable GET parameters "blogpost" and "cat".

Code [line 15-30]

//Make sure the file isn't accessed directly
if((!ereg("index.php", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) && (!ereg("admin.php", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) && (!ereg("install.php", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) && (!ereg("login.php", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))){
    //Give out an "access denied" error
    echo "access denied";
    //Block all other code

//Predefined variable
$blogpost = $_GET['blogpost'];
$cat = $_GET['cat'];
$pageback = $_GET['pageback'];
list($reactiondir, $extension) = explode(".", $blogpost);

//Include the blogpost


Attacker can exploit vulnerability from index.php file.

This vulnerability can be exploited only on systems that accept backslash as a path separator.




Vendor fix this flaw on 22.08.2008. New version of Pluck CMS 4.5.3 can be download here:


Release notes:



Digital Security is leading IT security company in Russia, providing information security consulting, audit and penetration testing services, risk analysis and ISMS-related services and certification for ISO/IEC 27001:2005 and PCI DSS standards.
Digital Security Research Group focuses on web application and database security problems with vulnerability reports, advisories and whitepapers posted regularly on our website.

Contact:    research [at] dsec [dot] ru
http://www.dsec.ru (in Russian) 

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