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Social Impress CMS 1.1 - Session Fixation
Social Impress CMS 1.1 - Session Fixation
Social Impress CMS 1.1 - Session Fixation

[HACKATTACK Advisory #3]Social Impress CMS 1.1 - Session Fixation

Product: Impress CMS
Security-Risk: moderated
Remote-Exploit: yes
Vendor-URL: http://www.impresscms.info 
Vendor-Status: informed
Advisory-Status: not yet published

Discovered by: David Vieira-Kurz
http://www.HACKATTACK.at || http://www.HACKATTACK.eu 

Affected Products:
Impress CMS 1.1 and prior

Original Advisory:

SocialEngine is a PHP-based Content Management System.

More Details
1. Cookie_Manipulation:
The cookie variable "PHPSESSID" parameter can be set to a malicious and arbitrary value.

1.1 Description:
In a session fixation attack, the attacker fixes the user's session ID before the user even logs into the target server.
After a user's session ID has been fixed, the attacker will wait for them to login.
Once the user does so, the attacker uses the predefined session ID value to assume their online identity.

1. Do not accept session identifiers from GET / POST variables.
2.Regenerate SID on each request.
3. Accept only server generated SID:
One way to improve security is to not accept session identifiers not generated by server.

if ( ! isset( $_SESSION['SERVER_GENERATED_SID'] ) ) {
session_destroy(); // destroy all data in session
session_regenerate_id(); // generate a new session identifier

===============HACKATTACK IT SECURITY GmbH is a Penetrationtest and security Auditinf company located in Austria and Germany.

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http://www.HACKATTACK.at || http://www.HACKATTACK.eu 

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