TUCoPS :: Games :: c07-2517.htm

Limited format string in Netrek 2.12.0
Limited format string in Netrek 2.12.0
Limited format string in Netrek 2.12.0


                             Luigi Auriemma

Application:  Netrek
Versions:     <= 2.12.0 (Vanilla server)
Platforms:    *nix and Windows
Bug:          format string
Exploitation: remote (in-game)
Date:         02 Mar 2007
Author:       Luigi Auriemma
e-mail: aluigi@autistici.org 
              web:    aluigi.org


1) Introduction
2) Bug
3) The Code
4) Fix


==============1) Introduction

Netrek is a well known real-time strategy game inspired to Star Trek.


=====2) Bug

The Vanilla server is affected by a format string vulnerability caused
by the calling of the pmessage2() function without the needed format

The bug is located in new_warning() and can be exploitated through the
locking of a player (the same attacker too) who is using a malformed

Note that the EVENTLOG switch must be enabled for exploiting this
vulnerability (default is disabled).

from ntserv/warning.c:

void new_warning(int index, const char *fmt, ...) {

  char temp[150];

  va_list args;
  va_start(args, fmt);

  vsprintf(temp, fmt, args);


  if (eventlog) {

    char from_str[9]="WRN->\0\0\0";

    strcat(from_str, me->p_mapchars);
    pmessage2(0, 0, from_str, me->p_no, temp);


==========3) The Code



=====4) Fix

Version 2.12.1


Luigi Auriemma

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