TUCoPS :: General Information :: 800-8.txt

Security Issues in the Database Language SQL

          NIST Special Publication 800-8

                     Security Issues in the Database Language SQL
                       W. Timothy Polk and Lawrence E. Bassham

               The Database Language SQL (SQL) is a standard interface
               for  accessing  and manipulating  relational databases.
               An SQL-compliant database management system (DBMS) will
               include a minimum  level of functionality in  a variety
               of  areas.   However,  many  additional areas  are left
               unspecified by the  SQL standard.   In addition,  there
               are  multiple  versions   of  the  SQL  standard;   the
               functionality  will vary  according  to the  particular

               This document examines  the security functionality that
               might be  required of  relational DBMS's,  and compares
               them  with the   requirements  and options  of the  SQL
               specifications.    The comparison  will  show  that the
               security  functionality  of an  SQL-compliant  DBMS may
               vary  greatly.    A variety  of  security  policies are
               considered which can be supported  by SQL. The document
               ends by showing  which types of functions  are required
               by the examined security policies.

          This is a special ascii version of the document.  Indices are not
          included, and figures are include  at the end of the document  in
          ugly  ascii.    These  features are  included  in  the PostScript
          version and in the hardcopy version.

          Hardcopy may be ordered from  the Government Printing Office when

          1 Introduction   1
               1.1 Audience   1
               1.2 The Standards   1
               1.3 Using This Document   2
               1.4 Security Considerations   3

          2 SQL Architecture   5
               2.1 SQL Functionality   5
               2.2 SQL Implementation    5
               2.3 Security Responsibilities: The SQL Component   6
               2.4 Security Responsibilities: Non-SQL Components   7
                    2.4.1 Application Interface to SQL   7
                    2.4.2 SQL Interface to Physical Database   7
                    2.4.3 SQL Interface to Non-SQL DBMS   8
                    2.4.4 Interface to Remote Databases   8

          3 Security Policy   9
               3.1 Discretionary Access Control   9
                    3.1.1 Privileges   9
                    3.1.2 Authorization Identifier   11
                    3.1.3 Roles   12
               3.2 Mandatory Access Control   12
                    3.2.1 Polyinstantiation   13
                    3.2.2 TCB Subset Architecture   14
                    3.2.3 Trusted Subject Architecture   15
                    3.2.4 Integrity Lock Architecture   15
               3.3 Schema Manipulation   16
               3.4 Integrity Constraints  16
                    3.4.1 Table Constraints   16
                    3.4.2 Column  Constraints and  Check Constraints  
                    3.4.3 Assertions   18
                    3.4.4 Domains   19
                    3.4.5 The SQL'89 Security Bug   19
               3.5 Object Reuse  19
               3.6 Labels  19
               3.7 Inference  20
               3.8 Aggregation  21

          4 Accountability   22
               4.1 Identification & Authentication label   22
               4.2 Auditing   23

          5 Assurance   24
               5.1 Testing and Evaluation   24
                    5.1.1 FIPS Conformance   25
                    5.1.2 NCSC Evaluation   26
               5.2 Reliability   26
                    5.2.1 Fault Tolerant Systems   26
                    5.2.2 Disk Array Technology   27
               5.3 Transaction Management (Integrity)   28
               5.4 Diagnostics Management  28

          6 Summary/Recommendations  29

          7 References  31

          8 Figures and Tables  33

          1 Introduction 

          Federal agencies maintain  an increasing  amount of valuable  and
          sensitive information in  relational database management  systems
          (DBMS).    These   agencies  are  required  to   utilize  Federal
          Information  Processing  Standard  (FIPS) 127-compliant  database
          management systems. FIPS 127 specifies  the Database Language SQL
          (SQL)1 for accessing and manipulating relational databases. 

          SQL   requires  certain   levels  of   functionality  in   schema
          specification,  retrieval   and   modification   of   data,   and
          transaction management.   However, a number  of security-relevant
          areas are not addressed.  As a result, SQL-compliant DBMS systems
          offer varying levels of security functionality. 

          This  document  examines  the various  security  aspects  of SQL.
          Security-relevant features  are identified,  in conjunction  with
          the version of the SQL standard that supports them.  Critical but
          unspecified security features are noted, as  well as the types of
          mechanisms that could be offered by vendors. 

          Finally, three  broad security policies are examined.   The level
          of support offered by the various  SQL versions is contrasted for
          each policy, and critical controls  unspecified by any version of
          SQL are identified. 

          1.1 Audience 

          This document is  intended to assist information  technology (IT)
          managers in  the selection  of DBMS's  with appropriate  security
          functionality.  IT  managers with knowledge of  security policies
          and  mechanisms, and  familiarity with  DBMS's will find  it most
          useful.  However, the document  does not assume that familiarity.
          Background information regarding  both security and  databases is
          included to assist the reader. 

          1.2 The Standards 

          SQL is  a  widely used  language for  accessing and  manipulating
          relational databases. Several  levels of  SQL are defined;  these
          levels   are    generally   upwardly    compatible.       Certain
          security-relevant  features  are required  in  an   SQL-compliant
          DBMS.  Other  security features are not specified by SQL, but may
          appear in  particular products.   The exact  functionality of  an
          SQL-compliant  DBMS  varies  according   to  the  particular  SQL
          specification and the  set of unspecified enhancements  which are

               1  SQL   is  not  an  acronym,  although   it  derives  from
          "Structured  Query  Language."   The  complete  name  is Database
          Language SQL. 


          also included. 

          The basic SQL definition is  ANSI X3.135-1989, "Database Language
          - SQL with Integrity Enhancement" [ANS89a], and will be  referred
          to  as  SQL'89.    The  functionality  of SQL'89  includes schema
          definition,  data  manipulation,   and  transaction   management.
          SQL'89 and ANSI  X3.168-1989, "Database Language -  Embedded SQL"
          [ANS89b], form the basis for FIPS 127-1 [FIP90]. 

          ANSI  X3.135-1992  [ANS92] describes  an  enhanced SQL,  known as
          SQL'92.   The enhancements include  schema manipulation,  dynamic
          creation and execution of SQL statements, and network environment
          features  for  connection  and  session  management.  FIPS  127-2
          [FIP90b] is based upon X3.135-1992. 

          Finally, a third version of SQL is currently under development in
          ANSI and  ISO. This version  will be referred  to as SQL3  in the
          remainder of this  document.  SQL3 enhancements will  include the
          ability to define, create, and manipulate user-defined data types
          in addition to tables. 

          ISO/IEC Draft International Standard  9579-1 [ISO90a] and  9579-2
          [ISO90b] define the Remote  Database Access (RDA) standard.   RDA
          provides  a   method  for  interconnecting   database  management
          systems. 9579-1 describes the generic  model; 9579-2 presents the
          SQL specialization information. 

          1.3 Using This Document 

          Section  2,  SQL  Architecture,  provides   an  overview  of  the
          functionality  and  interaction  of the  components  of  a system
          supporting an SQL-compliant  DBMS. The section includes  a survey
          of  the security  responsibilities of  each component  in such  a

          Sections 3, 4,  and 5 present required features  and enhancemants
          of SQL-compliant DBMS systems.2 These  sections are structured to
          reflect the Security Requirements described in [TCS85]. Section 3
          presents mechanisms that can be used to  enforce Security Policy.
          Section  4  addresses  Accountability   mechanisms.    Section  5
          includes Assurance  measures.   (The  TCSEC security  requirement
          Documentation is omitted.) 

          The content of  these sections  does not strictly  adhere to  the
          TCSEC security  requirements.   Items  are  added or  omitted  to
          reflect   the   requirements   of   non-DoD   federal   agencies.

               2 "Enhancements" are features which are not specified in the
          SQL specifications, but are not ruled out by the standard either.
          The vendor has the option of  including such features for product


          Modifications include:
          o    augmenting the integrity requirements in security policy; 
          o    omission of covert channels; 
          o    inclusion  of fault  tolerant  hardware, such  as  Redundant
               Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) storage units; 
          o    discussion of assurance  value of FIPS  conformance testing;
          o    discussion of inference and aggregation.

          The final section of this paper presents a review of required and
          optional  security  features.   These  features  are  examined in
          conjunction with  general security  choices (e.g.,  mandatory vs.
          discretionary access control).  The level  of support offered  by
          the various SQL versions is contrasted for each of these choices,
          and critical controls  that are not  specified by any version  of
          SQL are identified. 

          1.4 Security Considerations 

          The basic security  requirements are, as always,  preservation of
          confidentiality  and  integrity  while maintaining  availability.
          There are a  number of specific  threats within these  categories
          that merit special consideration here. 

          Inference  and  aggregation  are  usually  considered  threats to
          mandatory access control  policies.  There  are also a number  of
          DBMS specific security issues, such  as referential integrity and
          polyinstantiation.  Classic  operating systems  problems such  as
          deadlock  and   transaction  completion  problems  must  also  be

          The following definitions will be used in this document:  
          o    inference:   Derivation  of   new  information   from  known
               information.  The inference problem refers  to the fact that
               the derived  information may be  classified at  a level  for
               which the user is not cleared. The inference problem is that
               of  users   deducing  unauthorized   information  from   the
               legitimate information they acquire.[Thu92] 

          o    aggregation: The result of  assembling or combining distinct
               units   of  data   when   handling  sensitive   information.
               Aggregation of data  at one sensitivity level  may result in
               the  total  data being  designated  at a  higher sensitivity

          o    polyinstantiation:  Polyinstantiation  allows a  relation to
               contain  multiple  rows  with  the  same  primary  key;  the
               multiple  instances  are  distinguished  by  their  security

          o    referential integrity: A  database has referential integrity
               if all foreign keys reference existing primary keys.[Cam90] 


          o    entity integrity: A tuple  in a relation cannot have  a null
               value for any of the primary key attributes.[DJ92] 

          o    granularity: The  degree to which  access to objects  can be
               restricted. Granularity can  be applied to both  the actions
               allowable on objects,  as well  as to the  users allowed  to
               perform those actions on the object.  

          An  example  of  polyinstantiation is  included  in  section 3.2,
          Mandatory Access Control.  Examples  of inference and aggregation
          may be  found in  sections 3.4  and 3.5,  Inference Controls  and
          Aggregation respectively. 



          2 SQL Architecture 

          This section begins with a brief description of the functionality
          of SQL. Secondly, a model of  an SQL implementation is presented.
          Finally, the security problems associated  with each component of
          the model are highlighted. 

          2.1 SQL Functionality 

          SQL  defines standard  components and  facilities for  relational
          database management  systems.  The components of  an SQL database
          are schemas,  tables, and views. A schema describes the structure
          of related tables and views.  Tables hold the actual data  in the
          database; they consist of rows and columns.  Each row is a set of
          columns; each column is a single data element.  Views are derived
          tables, and may be composed of a subset of  a table or the result
          of table operation (e.g., a join of different tables). 

          The SQL standard  describes facilities  to perform four  specific

          o    Schema  Definition:  Used  to define  the  structure  of the
               database, integrity constraints, and access privileges; 

          o    Retrieval: Retrieve  data from  a database  with a  standard
               query interface; 

          o    Data Manipulation:  Populate and  modify the  contents of  a
               database by adding, modifying or deleting rows and columns; 

          o    Schema  Manipulation3:  Modify   the  structure,   integrity
               constraints, and privileges  associated with the tables  and
               views in the database; and 

          o    Transaction Management: The ability to define and manage SQL

          Each of  these components is related to certain security threats.
          Schema  definition  and   manipulation  relate  to  problems   of
          inference and aggregation.  Data retrieval  tasks must conform to
          confidentiality policies.    Data manipulation  must  conform  to
          integrity   policy.     Transaction  management   contributes  to
          maintaining the integrity of the database. 

          2.2 SQL Implementation  

               3  Schema  manipulation  is  introduced  in SQL'92.    These
          facilities are unspecified in SQL'89.


          To perform the security analysis, it  is necessary to assume some
          architecture for  an  SQL implementation.    Figure 1  depicts  a
          standalone model, which can be implemented with any level of SQL.
          Figure 2  depicts a client/server model, which can be implemented
          in a standard fashion with SQL'92  or SQL3 together with RDA (ISO
          9579).    Client/server  implementations  with   SQL'89  will  be
          proprietary and may not be interoperable with other  SQL products
          without  the use of special  gateways.  The  first model shows an
          application interfacing  with an SQL processor,  which interfaces
          with a physical  database on a local  system.  This model  can be
          implemented  with  any version  of  SQL.    The  second  model, a
          simplification of the model presented  in [GS92] requiring SQL'92
          or SQL3, has the following features:

          o    An  application,  written  in  the  SQL  query  language  or
               utilizing embedded SQL, will communicate with an SQL server.

          o    The  SQL   server  may  directly  access   an  SQL-compliant
          o    The   SQL  server  may   access  a  database   that  is  not
               SQL-compliant through an appropriate database processor. 
          o    The  SQL  server may  act as  a client  and access  a remote
          o    The SQL server  may access  a remote  database by  utilizing
               implementation-defined communications software and  de facto
          o    The SQL server utilizes the OS services of the local host to
               access and store data on the system.4  

          2.3 Security Responsibilities: The SQL Component 

          There  are valid  security considerations  for each  of the  four
          areas of SQL functionality: 

          o    Database Schema: The  database schema must be  well designed
               to ensure that aggregation and inference are not threats. 

          o    Retrieval:  The SQL  server is  responsible for  maintaining
               access control for SQL level objects. 

          o    Modification: The  SQL server is responsible for maintaining
               access control for  SQL level  objects.  The  SQL server  is
               responsible for  enforcing type  checking and  ranges; these
               are  external  consistency  issues.     The  SQL  server  is
               responsible for  enforcing check constraints  and uniqueness

               4 In  certain cases, such  as database machines,  the system
          may not have a general purpose operating system.  The system will
          still offer certain services to the SQL layer, though.


               requirements; these are internal consistency issues. 

          o    Transaction Management:  The SQL server must  ensure orderly
               access  to  data  when  concurrent  transactions  attempt to
               access  and  modify  the same  data.5  The  SQL  server must
               provide   appropriate   transaction   management   features:
               incomplete  transactions  can  result  in loss  of  external
               consistency6   -  the  tables  and elements  are  no  longer

          2.4 Security Responsibilities: Non-SQL Components 

          2.4.1 Application Interface to SQL 

          The interface  between the SQL  processor and an  application may
          utilize  the   embedded  SQL   language  or   the  SQL   language
          (interactively  or  invoked  by  a  front-end  processor).    The
          application  must  supply   accurate  information  regarding  the
          identity of  the user  to  the SQL  processor.   This places  two
          requirements  on the system: appropriate selection and management
          of identification and  authentication (I&A) controls and  control
          of this critical attribute's propagation. 

          If the  I&A control is  weak or poorly  managed, there  is little
          assurance of  accuracy for  this attribute.   Consider  passwords
          where  the account name and password  are identical (a.k.a., "joe
          accounts").  If an application accesses  SQL for such an account,
          there is an increased probability that the actual user is not the
          authorized account user.  Identity-based controls become severely

          Some  systems include  programs or  features that allow  users to
          modify their identity.  The  UNIX operating system, for instance,
          includes the file attributes  setuid, which re-sets the  user id,
          and  setgid,  which re-sets  the group  id.   Termination  of the
          program  is intended  to cause  the  old user  and group  id's to
          resume.   However, flaws in  the implementation of these features
          may allow a  user to  continue to masquerade  as the other  user,
          executing SQL programs with unauthorized privileges. 

          2.4.2 SQL Interface to Physical Database 

          The operating system provides the basic  services that enable the
          SQL processor to store, retrieve, and  modify data on the system.
          The operating system  is responsible for guaranteeing  the simple


               5 Deadlock (and denial of service) is one possible result of
          such concurrent transactions; loss of data integrity is another.

               6 as defined by Clark and Wilson in [CLARK87].


          integrity7 of the data and preventing denial of service. 

          The operating system must also  prevent data from being  accessed
          outside the SQL  processor.  Access  to raw DBMS files,  database
          export files, or journal files may violate security policy.  Such
          actions  can  result   in  loss  of  integrity   (e.g.,  improper
          modification of data) or confidentiality  (e.g., by circumventing
          internal access controls of SQL). 

          2.4.3 SQL Interface to Non-SQL DBMS 

          The  SQL interface to  non-SQL DBMS's  is unspecified  in SQL'89.
          SQL'92  introduces  the concepts  of  an  SQL client  and  an SQL
          server.   By matching  an SQL client  with a non-SQL  server, SQL
          queries may  be performed  on non-conforming databases;  however,
          this requires that  the non-SQL server provide  an SQL-conformant
          view of its services and data. 

          The  interface between  a client  and server  must  be protected.
          Other processes on  the system could eavesdrop,  insert incorrect
          information, or perhaps  even delete information.   These actions
          would result in loss of integrity or confidentiality. 

          2.4.4 Interface to Remote Databases 

          The RDA standard is designed as a generic interface between local
          and remote database  servers. RDA also has an  SQL Specialization
          for connecting SQL-compliant  databases. Currently,  RDA is  only
          defined  for  use  in  an   OSI  network  environment.  Partially
          conformant products which use TCP/IP are also available.

          Use of  RDA on  an open  network may  expose the  system to  many
          threats.  Eavesdropping, packet  replay,  and  host spoofing  are
          likely  threats.  These  threats can  be  minimized  by employing
          encryption techniques and strong authentication measures. 

          The  RDA  standard allows  for  exchange of  authentication data.
          However,  it  is not  required.    Encryption techniques  may  be
          employed at several different  layers of the OSI stack.  RDA does
          not require or  forbid such  techniques; therefore, the  security
          achieved will be dependent upon the implementation. 

          Where proprietary protocols are used, the  system will be exposed
          to all  the  same  threats  as  use of  RDA.    From  a  security
          standpoint, the same  threats must be  addressed.  (From an  open
          systems standpoint,  there are  also interoperability  problems.)
          In addition, if  a translator gateway is required  this may add a
          single point of failure to a distributed database architecture.

               7 Simple integrity  refers to  the operating system  reading
          and writing data in a predictable manner.


          3 Security Policy 

          This section  addresses mechanisms for enforcing  security policy
          on computer  systems.  It concentrates on  controlling the access
          to,  and modification  of,  data.   This  corresponds roughly  to
          confidentiality  and integrity  policy although  availability can
          sometimes be affected. 

          The  section  begins  by  addressing  access control  mechanisms.
          Discretionary and mandatory access controls are examined in turn.
          Next,  the  section  reviews  integrity  constraints.    This  is
          followed  by  the more  traditional  security features  of object
          reuse and labeling.  The section  closes by examining  mechanisms
          for controlling inference and aggregation. 

          3.1 Discretionary Access Control 

          Discretionary access control (DAC) is a  means by which access to
          objects is  restricted to specific users or groups of  users. The
          access control is discretionary in  that access privileges may be
          passed on to other  users, either directly or indirectly,  by the
          owner of the object. 

          3.1.1 Privileges 

          Privileges are  the means by  which SQL enforces  DAC. Privileges
          are granted with  a Grant  statement and are  used to specify  an
          allowable action on a  specific object, e.g., to UPDATE  the rows
          in a specific table, to a grantee. 


          SQL'89 defines the following five  privileges which establish the
          granularity of access available to users of the database: INSERT,

          o    The INSERT privilege grants a user the ability to create new
               rows in a base table or a viewed table. If the new row is to
               be added to  a base  table, the candidate  row must  include
               every column of  the base table  for which no default  value
               has been  either implicitly  or explicitly  defined. If  the
               candidate  row  is  to  be  added  to a  viewed  table,  the
               candidate row  must include every  column in the  base table
               from which the  viewed table  is derived. Additionally,  the
               view must be updatable. 

          o    The  DELETE privilege  grants a user  the ability  to delete
               rows from a table. In order  to delete rows from a table  or
               view, the delete privilege  needs to have been granted  and 
               the view must not be read-only. 


          o    The SELECT privilege grants a  user the ability to  retrieve
               values  from  a  table.  Essentially,  the  select privilege
               allows users to read tables. 

          o    The UPDATE privilege grants users the ability to  update, or
               change,  the contents of a  row in a  table. In addition, to
               perform updates on a  view, the view must not  be read-only.
               Column  constraints  can  be  specified  when  granting this
               privilege; that is, a user may  be allowed to update certain
               columns within a table or view. 

          o    The  REFERENCES  privilege  grants  a  user the  ability  to
               specify a foreign key reference across schemas. Foreign keys
               are fields which coincide with a unique field (e.g., primary
               key fields) in  the grantor's table. A  security implication
               of the references privilege is that it can be used, possibly
               inadvertently, to implement a denial of service attack. When
               table B references table  A, records from table A  cannot be
               deleted or  the primary  key field  cannot be  changed if  a
               record from table B corresponds to that record from table A.
               Another security implication of the references privilege  is
               that  a  user  could, based  on  the  constraint definition,
               determine  all  legal values  for  the referenced  column. A
               policy violation would occur if this information was used to
               infer knowledge from which a user had been exluded. 

          Privileges  can  be granted  to  individuals or  to  everyone (if
          PUBLIC is specified). Caution  should be used when utilizing  the
          PUBLIC specifier.  Additionally, privileges  can be  granted with
          the WITH GRANT OPTION. This gives the  grantee of a privilege the
          ability to subsequently grant that privilege to other users. As a
          result, the owner may loose control  over his own table. Finally,
          privileges can  be granted one by one, as a comma separated list,
          or with  the ALL  specifier. The  ALL specifier,  however, refers
          only to those privileges grantable by that user. 

          A significant  security flaw in SQL'89 is  the fact that there is
          no standard way to revoke privileges. As job requirements change,
          necessary access to the database could also change.  It should be
          noted  that   the  standard   does  not   exclude  vendors   from
          incorporating  a  statement  for   revoking  privileges  into  an
          implementation, and many  vendors do  include such a  statement.8
          The standard simply does not require such a statement, or specify
          the semantics of such a statement if included. 

               8  In fact, the  authors do  not know  of any  product which
          omits a mechanism for revoking privilege.



          A new privilege has been defined  for SQL'92. The USAGE privilege
          is  used to  allow  or restrict  access  to domains,  collations,
          character  sets, and  translations. Additionally,  all privileges
          from SQL'89 hold with the following extensions: 
          o    The  INSERT  privilege  can  be   specified  with  a  column
               constraint as well  as on whole  tables.  (SQL'89  specified
               column  constraints  only  for  the  UPDATE  and  REFERENCES

          o    The  REFERENCES  privilege  has  several  extensions.  These
               extensions  maintain  referential  integrity  on delete  and
               update operations in the base table.  Instead of a delete or
               update operation in the base table being blocked because the
               record is referenced  in another table, the reference can be
               specified with one of the following actions: 
          o    The CASCADE  specifier will  propagate the  change from  the
               base table to the  referencing table. On update, the  update
               will appear in  the referencing  table. On delete,  matching
               rows in the referencing table will also be deleted. 

          o    The SET NULL specifier will set, for both update and delete,
               the  referencing column  in all  matching rows  to the  null

          o    The  SET DEFAULT  specifier will  set, for  both update  and
               delete, the referencing column  in all matching rows  to the
               default value, as specified with the "<default clause>."" 

          o    The NO  ACTION specifier  performs no  referential integrity
               function. It is included for backward compatibility reasons.
               It results  in the  same  functionality as  SQL'89. When  no
               referential integrity constraint is specified, the NO ACTION
               specifier is implicit. 

          SQL'92  adds  the  REVOKE  statement.  With this  statement,  all
          grantable access privileges can be  revoked. The revoke statement
          can also  be used to  revoke the grant option  from a user.  As a
          result that user could no longer grant privileges to other users.

          3.1.2 Authorization Identifier 

          For both SQL'89  and SQL'92 <authorization identifiers>,  the SQL


          non-terminal  used   to  specify   users  (e.g.,  <grantor>   and
          <grantee>), are defined in an implementation-dependent  way. This
          means SQL does not  define how operating system users  are mapped
          to SQL users. See Section 4.1, Identification and Authentication,
          for more information. 

          3.1.3 Roles 

          With  current  versions  of  the  SQL  standard,  maintenance  of
          appropriate access  control restrictions is difficult.  The Grant
          and  Revoke  statements  are  available  to  allocate  individual
          privileges,  but  this  leaves  much   for  an  administrator  to
          maintain. A change  in job requirements  by one user can  require
          many changes  to database  access for  that  user. To  complicate
          matters further, if  the user whose job  requirements changed has
          granted  privileges  to  other users,  those  privileges  must be
          examined for correctness. 

          Another drawback of the  current privilege system is that  a user
          accumulates  privileges required for different job functions. For
          example, separate job  functions for  one individual may  include
          payroll clerk and purchasing agent. It  may be desirable to allow
          the user  access to only payroll related objects while performing
          payroll  clerk functions  and  purchasing  related objects  while
          performing purchasing agent functions. 

          SQL3, the newest version of SQL  being developed, has an enhanced
          facility for the  manipulation of access  rights. In addition  to
          the existing Grant and Revoke statements, a new construct, called
          Roles,  is  being developed.  This  facility will  allow database
          administrators  to  create  individual  roles with  corresponding
          database access requirements.  Then, for  example, when a  user's
          job  requirements  change  to  no  longer include  payroll  clerk
          activities, only one Role needs to be revoked instead of revoking
          access privileges  to all objects  needed only for  payroll clerk

          An additional benefit of Roles is  that a user can have only  one
          Role  active at a  time. This would  allow a user  to access only
          payroll related objects when working under the Payroll Role,  and
          access   procurement  related  objects  when  working  under  the
          Purchasing Role.   

          3.2 Mandatory Access Control 

          Mandatory access control  (MAC) is not supported directly in SQL.
          However, there are  several different methods for  implementing a
          mandatory access  control  model.  The  major  architectures  for
          trusted  DBMS  products [Cam90]  are  the Trusted  Computing Base
          (TCB)   Subset   Architecture   (Figure   6),   Trusted   Subject
          Architecture (Figure 7), and Integrity Lock  Architecture (Figure
          8).  Each  is intended for  use with a  Trusted Operating  System


          (OS), but requires different controls. 

          It should be noted  that an SQL-based DBMS with  mandatory access
          controls can be designed without modification of the SQL  syntax.
          However, certain modifications in  SQL semantics must be made  if
          polyinstantiation is used to control inference. 

          3.2.1 Polyinstantiation 

          Polyinstantiation  is  frequently  used   with  mandatory  access
          control database systems  to control inference.   This section is
          intended  to   explain  polyinstantiation.  Inference,   and  the
          application  of  polyinstantiation  for  inference  control,  are
          described in Section 3.4, Inference. 

          In the following  example, the  database is  a single  relational
          table. The table contains two columns: Patient name  and Disease.
          The Patient name field is the key for this  table.  There are two
          clearance levels, HIGH and LOW. Two sets of data exist; the first
          set is HIGH  data (Figure 3) and  the second is the  LOW data set
          (Figure 4). 

          The  HIGH  data  include patients  under  police  guard,  such as
          Jackson, or  patients with confidential  diseases.  The  LOW data
          include  all    other patients,  and  perhaps  some  of the  HIGH
          patients with different data. 

          When users with LOW security level  browse the database, they are
          only permitted to  see the LOW data.   If a user wishes  to add a
          LOW record with primary key X, the command is accepted even  if a
          HIGH record exists with that key. 

          When a user  with HIGH  security level browses  the database,  he
          sees  all of the HIGH records, as well  as the LOW records with a
          primary key that  is not found in  the HIGH data.   The resulting
          table is shown in Figure 5.  Note that the record for Howard does
          not appear twice; only the HIGH level record appears. 

          This feature may be useful in a number of ways.  LOW users cannot
          determine if a HIGH  record exists with key Gordon  by attempting
          to create  a record  and  checking for  an error  message.   Dual
          records could  be used, as in the case  of Howard, to prevent LOW
          users from discovering the true nature of Howard's illness.  This
          is intended to prevent disclosure by inference.  

          In many  situations, polyinstantiation  may be  implemented by  a
          local  database   security  administrator  using   only  standard
          features from  SQL'89. The  above example  is easily  implemented
          with two  base tables, known only to  the security administrator,
          and a single view available to all other users. 

          BaseTable1(PatientName,Disease,Level)         with        Primary


          BaseTable2(UserName,SecurityLevel) with Primary Key(UserName)

          CREATE VIEW PatientInfo(PatientName,Disease)
              AS SELECT PatientName,Disease
              FROM BaseTable1
              WHERE   BaseTable1.Level   =   (SELECT   SecurityLevel   FROM
                          WHERE UserName = CURRENT_USER
                 (BaseTable1.Level = "LOW"
                    NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM BaseTable1 AS X
                       WHERE X.PatientName = BaseTable1.PatientName
                       AND X.Level = "HIGH"

          With   view    optimization   techniques   available    in   most
          SQL-conformant processors,  user access  through the  PatientInfo
          view should suffer no significant performance penalty over direct
          access to BaseTable1. 

          This view  is always updateable,  provided that  a DEFAULT  value
          exists  for  Level in  BaseTable1.    In SQL'89  and  SQL'92, the
          default clause does not  allow a case expansion to  determine the
          default, so one cannot  specify in the schema that  insert values
          for  Level are HIGH  for high level  users and LOW  for low level
          users.   Instead, one would specify a default and all new inserts
          would have that Level initially assigned.9 

          Ensuring  that  new  inserts  are  all assigned  the  appropriate
          security level  requires a second  view, to be used  only by HIGH
          level users. The  second view would  assign inserts a HIGH  value
          for Level by default.  The first view would have a default of LOW
          for Level. 

          3.2.2 TCB Subset Architecture 

          The TCB Subset  model implements MAC by  maintaining the database
          in multiple, single-level, files.   The operating system enforces
          the  access  control  policy,  restricting  the DBMS  process  to
          appropriate information.  This means that  the DBMS does not have
          to be trusted, so evaluation is simplified.  The DBMS might still
          enforce privilege based  access controls,  but would not  enforce
          MAC policy.  If no DAC policy  is required, all  users would have

               9  The emerging SQL3  specification includes facilities that
          easily get around this problem.


          all privileges for all tables. 

          The  TCB Subset model  implies polyinstantiation. If  a record r1
          exists with keys K, but  is classified SYSTEM HIGH, a  SYSTEM LOW
          user  cannot see it.   If  a SYSTEM  LOW user  attempts to  add a
          record  r2 with keys K, the system must  do so.  Now the DBMS has
          two records with the same set of  keys in the same table.  SYSTEM
          LOW users will see r2.  SYSTEM HIGH users will see r1 instead; r2
          is considered incorrect.  This can reduce inference problems, but
          results in a variety of integrity problems.   The data in the two
          records may become out-of-date.   Then if one record  is changed,
          but the other is not, the DBMS loses integrity. 

          Note  that this  is  quite complicated  if  categories are  being
          utilized.  The TCSEC suggests that  MAC systems support a minimum
          of eight security  levels and  256 categories.   Since the  files
          must  support  combinations  of categories  for  each  level, the
          number of files is unmanageable. To  avoid this problem, the DBMS
          could have to enforce  the category aspect, but this  defeats the
          purpose of the architecture:  the DBMS process must be  a trusted

          3.2.3 Trusted Subject Architecture 

          A Trusted  Subject Architecture DBMS  enforces both MAC  and DAC.
          The  database is stored on the system  as SYSTEM HIGH OS objects.
          Within  those  files,  DBMS  objects  are  labeled  according  to
          security  policy.  Those  labels are  used as  the basis  for MAC
          enforcement.  DAC  enforcement is  based upon the  usual SQL  DAC

          The  Trusted Subject  Architecture  does not  imply  or rule  out
          polyinstantiation.  Support  for polyinstantiation must  be built
          in if it is required. 

          3.2.4 Integrity Lock Architecture 

          The  Integrity  Lock  Architecture  uses  an  untrusted  DBMS  in
          conjunction  with  a trusted  OS  and trusted  filter  to enforce
          security policy.   The  DBMS could  enforce DAC  policy, but  MAC
          policy  and labeling  would be  enforced by  the trusted  filter.
          Encryption and  cryptographic checksums  are employed to  protect
          the   security  label  from   modification.  The  Integrity  Lock
          Architecture   implies   support   for  polyinstantiation.   This
          architecture  allows use of off-the-shelf  DBMS software.  It has
          disadvantages due to high overhead. 

          These are the most  common architectures for MAC DBMS's,  but are
          not the  only ones.   They can also  be combined to  some extent.
          For instance,  the Integrity Lock  Architecture could be  used to
          add category enforcement to the TCB Subset Architecture. 


          3.3 Schema Manipulation 

          SQL'92 allows manipulation of the schema itself, rather than just
          the data.  Columns and  constraints on  columns can  be added  or
          removed from tables. Additionally, schema object, such as domains
          and constraints, can  be altered or  deleted. Also new to  SQL'92
          are schema definition tables. These tables are created by the SQL
          processor  and are treated as views, in that they can be accessed
          but not directly changed in SQL. 

          3.4 Integrity Constraints

          Data integrity  is addressed  by a  variety  of data  constraints
          specified in  the database  schema.   These constraints  describe
          relationships between  tables,  relationships between  rows in  a
          table,    and  permissible values  for  elements.   Relationships
          between  tables, or between  rows in a table,  are known as table
          constraints.    Range checks  and  other specifications  for data
          values are element constraints. 

          3.4.1 Table Constraints 


          SQL'89  defines three types of integrity  constraints that may be
          placed upon tables.  These constraints are:

          o    unique constraints; 
          o    referential constraints; and  
          o    check constraints.

          SQL'89 also defines with CHECK option on views. 

          A unique constraint definition specifies a list of columns in the
          table T.  T cannot contain multiple rows where the values of each
          of the corresponding columns  are identical.  Each of  the listed
          columns must be defined as NOT NULL. 

          Example: Assume T  has columns {a,b,c,d}  and is constrained  for
          uniqueness on {a,c,d}.  Row Ti has values {ai,bi,ci,di}.  T meets
          the constraint if there are no rows Tj and Tk such that {aj = ak,
          cj = ck,  and dj = dk}.   In Table 1, T-1  meets the constraints,
          but T-2  does  not.   Rows  T1 and  T4  are  not unique  for  the
          specified columns. 

          A referential constraint definition specifies  columns in T which
          reference keys in another table F.  If all specified columns in a
          row of T are non-null,  then a row in F must exist  such that all
          corresponding columns match.  The table has referential integrity
          if every  row meets  this criteria, or  has a  null value  in the


          specified columns.10

          A check  constraint definition  specifies a  condition which  all
          rows in T must satisfy.  The condition may restrict a  column, or
          may restrict relationships between  columns. (For example, within
          a row MAX-TEMP  >= MIN-TEMP.)  The condition is  ternary; it  may
          evaluate to "true,"  "false," or  "unknown."   The condition  may
          specify illegal values or  legal value ranges. The table does not
          satisfy the check condition if and only if there exists a row for
          which the condition evaluates to "false." 

          Views  with check options  are similar to  check constraints upon
          tables.  However, the constraint is satisfied if and  only if the
          condition evaluates to "true."  


          SQL'92 enhanced referential  constraints with the MATCH  FULL and
          MATCH PARTIAL specifications.  If no match type is specified, the
          functionality  is  identical  to  SQL'89.    If   MATCH  FULL  is
          specified, then for each  row in T:
          o    all referencing columns must be null; OR 
          o    all referencing columns must be non-null and there must be a
               row in F such that all corresponding referencing columns are
               equal value.

          If MATCH PARTIAL is specified, then for each row in T: 
          o    there  must  be  a row  in  F  such  that all  corresponding
               referencing columns are equal value, or a referencing column
               value in T is null.

          3.4.2 Column Constraints and Check Constraints 

          SQL'89 defines  six types  of integrity  constraints that may  be
          placed upon columns.  These constraints are: 

          o    data type; 
          o    precision; 
          o    references specification;  
          o    default clause; 
          o    CHECK constraint definition; and 
          o    NOT NULL.

          The  defined data  types  for SQL'89  are  character strings  and
          numbers. The character strings are specified with a fixed length.

               10  If one or  more specified columns  in the  row are null,
          correspondence can not be established.


          Numbers  may  be  exact  numeric  values or  approximate  numeric

          Exact  numeric values  include integers and  real numbers  with a
          precision  and scale.   A real number of exact numeric value is a
          string of decimal digits of length  precision.  The exact numeric
          value is the integer  value of the significant  digits multiplied
          by 10-scale. 

          Approximate  real numbers  have an  exponent and  mantissa.   The
          mantissa is  a signed  numeric value;  the exponent  is a  signed
          integer that specifies the magnitude of the mantissa. Approximate
          real  numbers  have precision;  precision  is a  positive integer
          specifying the number of binary digits in the mantissa.  Integers
          come in two sizes.  Real numbers can be defined in five different
          ways, allowing the  database designer  to create fields  tailored
          for the data. 

          The  references  specification  allows  the  specification  of  a
          referential integrity clause  for a single column  (rather than a
          list  of columns). Any  non-null value  entered into  that column
          must exist in the corresponding table and column. 

          Default clauses may  be stated explicitly or  implicitly.  SQL'89
          permits default values of  NULL, USER, or a literal  (constant of
          appropriate  data  type).  Additional default  options,  such  as
          <datetime value function>, are available in SQL'92. 

          A CHECK  constraint definition  specifies a  condition which  the
          column element  must satisfy in each row.   This differs from the
          table  check  constraint;  the  condition  can only  involve  the
          specified column  element.  Again,  the condition is  ternary; it
          may evaluate to "true," "false," or "unknown."  The condition may
          specify illegal values or legal value  ranges. The table does not
          satisfy the check condition if and only if there exists a row for
          which the condition evaluates to "false." 

          The NOT  NULL constraint  is an  implicit check  constraint.   It
          corresponds to CHECK <column name> IS NOT NULL. 

          SQL'92 adds two new data types, datetime and interval.   The type
          datetime includes  DATE, TIME, and  TIMESTAMP.  The type interval
          allows  specification  of  a  year-month  or  day-time  interval.
          Variable  length character strings are also  added in SQL'92, and
          the character set for the character string may also be defined. 

          User-defined data types are under consideration for SQL3. 

          3.4.3 Assertions 

          In  SQL'92,  assertions  enhance  the  SQL'89 check  constraints.
          Assertions are named constraints that "may  relate to the content


          of individual rows of a table, the entire contents of a table, or
          to  a state  required  to exist  between   a  number of  tables."
          [FIP93] This  is a  significant enhancement,  since SQL'89  check
          constraints applied to  column(s) in a  single row.  (In  SQL'92,
          check constraints are allowed to contain subqueries.)

          3.4.4 Domains 

          Domains were  introduced in  SQL'92.  Domains  are a  significant
          enhancement    for data  abstraction  used  to specify  a  set of
          permissible  values.  Domain  definitions  can  also be  used  to
          enforce a  variety  of format  constraints, such  as position  of
          hyphens in a date field. 

          3.4.5 The SQL'89 Security Bug 

          SQL'89 allowed a  user with  UPDATE or DELETE  privileges to  use
          WHERE clauses even if they did not have  SELECT privileges.  This
          allowed  users  to "probe"  the  system  for data  they  were not
          privileged to have.  They could confirm the existence of a record
          with  certain column values  even though they  could not directly
          read the record.  This bug  was fixed in an SQL'89 Errata and  is
          specified correctly in SQL'92. 

          Note  that  a workaround  exists for  older  SQL'89 systems.   By
          defining updatable  views, the columns  users can  access may  be
          limited to the  appropriate subset of the  data.  In any  case, a
          user with DELETE privileges  will be able to determine  values of
          primary keys. 

          3.5 Object Reuse

          Object reuse is defined in [Rob91] as:

               The reassignment  to some subject  of a  medium (e.g.,  page
               frame, disk  sector, magnetic  tape) that  contained one  or
               more objects.  To be  securely reassigned,  such media  must
               contain  no  residual  data from  the  previously  contained

          SQL'89 and SQL'92  have no specification regarding  object reuse.
          In  order  to  accommodate  object reuse  issues,  both  the  SQL
          processor and the operating system will need to address the issue
          jointly. The  operating  system is  responsible for  deallocating
          system resources, such as  files used to store whole  tables, and
          the SQL processor  is responsible  for deallocating SQL  objects,
          such as individual  rows of tables. To  maintain confidentiality,
          data stored  in these resources and objects must be zeroed out or
          replaced with random data before reassignment. 

          3.6 Labels


          Mandatory access  controls require  support for security  labels.
          These labels are used as the  basis for access control decisions.
          In order to  correctly label  data, the system  must request  and
          receive the  security level of data.  This can be accomplished in
          several ways. 

          On a trusted system, the  user may specify the security level  of
          each  session. (The specified security level  must be "less than"
          or equivalent to  the user's clearance  level, of course.)   That
          information would be passed to the  DBMS, and all input would  be
          labeled at that  level by default. Alternatively,  the DBMS could
          include  a  mechanism  to  request  and  set  the  current  level

          If  the  DBMS   is  not  trusted,   as  in  the  Integrity   Lock
          Architecture, all mechanisms regarding labeling will be placed in
          the trusted filter or operating system. 

          In  addition,  if the  DBMS  labels  DBMS  objects  with  greater
          granularity  than  OS  objects,  the  DBMS  must  maintain  label
          integrity.   For instance,  if all DBMS  objects are stored  in a
          single SYSTEM HIGH OS object, as in  Figure 7, then the DBMS must
          maintain labels for  the DBMS objects.   This  is in contrast  to
          Figure 6, where the OS keeps track of all labeling  information.

          3.7 Inference

          Consider a research hospital, which has a database of doctors and
          patients.   Patient information includes address, Social Security
          number, doctor name, known allergies, current  prescriptions, and
          scheduled appointments.  Each patient's  medical history  is kept
          on-line  in  a  series  of   medical  records.  Scheduled  hours,
          appointments, and specialty are associated with each doctor. 

          This  database  is  used  for  scheduling  appointments,  billing
          patients,  and  filling prescriptions.    The hospital  wishes to
          protect the patients' anonymity, and  prevent disclosure of their
          ailments to anyone other than a patient's individual doctor.  For
          this  reason,  the average  user  is  not allowed  to  access the
          patient history/medical records. 

          However,  the  database  may still  be  vulnerable  to disclosure
          through inference. 

          o    Doctors generally  specialize in the treatment of particular
               diseases.  It may be possible for hospital staff  to infer a
               patient's ailment from   the identity  of the doctor.   This
               could be determined  by viewing  the patient information  or
               the doctor's schedule. 
          o    Drugs  are  generally    associated  with the  treatment  of
               particular diseases.  It may  be possible for hospital staff
               to infer a patient's ailment from  the prescription.


          Polyinstantiation is the key method  used in these situations for
          limiting inference in multi-level secure systems. 

          3.8 Aggregation

          Consider  a  database  of  parts  for  a missile.    Each  part's
          information includes sufficient information for a manufacturer to
          fabricate the part.   This  information would include  materials,
          physical geometry, and finishing treatment(s).  (A screw might be
          described as follows:  steel; 1 x 8 pan head  with fine left-hand
          threads;  rust-inhibiting  paint).   In  addition,  the  database
          includes assembly  information and  the   quantity  of each  part
          required to assemble one missile. 

          Each part is  unclassified.  The  combined schematic and  missile
          design are classified as SECRET.  If each manufacturer is limited
          to accessing a few part descriptions,  he will not learn anything
          about the missile itself. However, if the manufacturer can access
          the entire database,  they may be able to figure out how to build
          the missile.11 

          To  limit aggregation,  one  should limit  access  as tightly  as
          possible. Inference is  a problem that is  derived primarily from
          poor database design.   There are  several methods for  detecting
          and reducing the potential for disclosure by inference, including
          those  described  in  [Thu92].  These  methods  can  be  used  in
          conjunction  with  SQL, but  could  not be  performed  within the
          confines  of  SQL  itself.    These  methods  require  additional
          information  regarding the relationships  between the elements of
          different relations. 

          The   inference   problem  gets   the   most  attention   in  MAC
          environments, but can occur in DAC  systems as well. Fortunately,
          the same tools should apply to DAC systems. 

          The  aggregation problem occurs when  two pieces of information A
          and B  are classified  at level  X individually,  but level Y  (Y
          higher  than  X)  collectively.   This  problem  may  in fact  be
          insolvable.  Denying access to  A if User 1  with clearance X has
          already viewed B would  require an infinite history, and  quickly
          leads  to  inference  problems. Aggregation  is  primarily  a MAC


               11 It  is a lot like  assembling a bicycle on  Christmas Eve
          without directions.  You know  what a bicycle looks like and  you
          have a pile of parts.  You just try to use them all.


          4 Accountability 

          Accountability  is  not  addressed  in  the  SQL  specifications.
          Accountability  is   primarily  achieved  with   two  classes  of
          mechanisms:  identification  and  authentication   controls;  and

          4.1 Identification & Authentication label 

          Identification  and  authentication  (I&A)   mechanisms  are  not
          specified in SQL.   However, they  are required implicitly.   The
          DAC mechanisms  all assume  that such  information is  available.
          Such mechanisms are usually provided by  the host system, and the
          information is passed  to the SQL processor.   (In SQL'89 this is
          implementation defined; in SQL'92 it is performed via the CONNECT
          statement.) The quality  of this information will  vary according
          to  authentication  technique  and when  that  authentication  is

          In the simplest case, the user  authenticates his identity to the
          system at logon.  That  information is maintained throughout  the
          session.  The information is passed to  the DBMS when the DBMS is
          accessed.  The strength  of authentication varies with the  type,
          implementation, and management of  the authentication mechanisms.

          That  information  may  be incorrect  by  the  time  the DBMS  is
          accessed.  The user  may have  left the  terminal  or workstation
          unattended, and another  person may actually be  at the keyboard.
          The information may be improved if the user re-authenticates when
          the DBMS session begins. 

          A   stronger  method   requires   re-authentication  with   every
          transaction.  This  is  too  burdensome  for systems  relying  on
          passwords,  but  smart  card  based   systems  can  support  this
          requirement.  This method provides   high assurance that the user
          identification  was  correct  at  the  time the  transaction  was

          If such mechanisms are not  supplied by the host system, the  SQL
          processor could  incorporate its own I&A mechanism.  However, the
          lack of I&A implies a lack of access control by the host. In such
          a case, the processor would have to utilize encryption to protect
          the data.  That is, a host without access control requires a DBMS
          based upon the Integrity Lock Architecture. 

          Selection of I&A  mechanisms must be tempered  with common sense,
          of course. If passwords will be  used to authenticate both system
          and  DBMS session,  the same mechanism  (and password)  should be
          used. Requiring users to remember multiple passwords is likely to
          result  in  misuse  (e.g., they  will  write  them  down).   Both
          passwords  and  biometrics are  inappropriate  for authenticating


          transactions; the burden upon the user is too great. 

          4.2 Auditing 

          Auditing concerns for  trusted database systems are  described in
          [SFD92] as follows:
               Auditing of security-related activities  is required in
               [trusted]  DBMS's.  Security-relevant   events  include
               logins, granting and revoking of access  permissions to
               relations, etc. The level at which auditing needs to be
               done  is  variable.  The  performance  effects  of  the
               optional   auditing   features   should  be   carefully
               examined, since their  use may be a  significant factor
               in the performance of data management functions. 

          This statement is equally applicable to all database systems. 

          The SQL specification does not include auditing requirements, but
          SQL products may include some auditing functionality.  If the SQL
          processor includes auditing,  the OS must have  sufficient access
          controls to  prevent  modification of,  or access  to, the  audit

          Warning mechanisms are closely  related to auditing requirements.
          Such  mechanisms  notify  the  system  or DBMS  administrator  if
          critical events occur.  (An example might be an attempt to access
          tables  without  sufficient  privilege.)     Again,  SQL  has  no
          requirement for such mechanisms, but processors may include them.


          5 Assurance 

          Assurance describes a  broad range of mechanisms  and procedures.
          These  mechanisms  and  procedures address  the  behavior  of the
          system. A system with high assurance is more likely to operate as
          expected than a  system with low assurance.   Unexpected behavior
          is generally the  result of  hardware failure  or software  bugs.
          Hardware failure may be subtle (such as data transmission errors)
          or catastrophic (such as  a disk crash). Software bugs  may be in
          the OS, DBMS, or locally developed applications. 

          This section examines four areas of assurance:  
          o    testing and evaluation; 
          o    reliability of hardware; 
          o    SQL transaction management; and 
          o    SQL diagnostic reporting.  

          5.1 Testing and Evaluation 

          Two  primary  sources for  assurance  that software  functions as
          expected are testing and formal evaluation of  software.  Testing
          is  performed by  supplying inputs  to the  DBMS while  it is  in
          various states,  and  analyzing the  results.  Formal  evaluation
          involves  review of  design specifications  and code  as well  as

          Testing can be  very informal, consisting  of execution of a  few
          test  applications, or  quite rigorous.   The  features  that are
          specified in the  versions of the SQL standard can be tested in a
          very   structured  fashion  to   demonstrate  compliance  to  the
          standard.     This  is  known  as  conformance   testing.    FIPS
          conformance  testing  is a  primary  source of  this information.
          NIST maintains the NIST SQL Test Suite for validating conformance
          to FIPS SQL. 

          Formal  evaluation involves  reviewing  the architecture,  source
          code, and  documentation to detect any flaws in the system.  This
          process may  include formal  verification of  design and  program
          correctness.    Formal  evaluation  by  third  parties  currently
          concentrates  upon   security  functionality   in  general,   and
          confidentiality in  particular, due to the expense.  However, the
          process could be  performed against any standard  or standard set
          of criteria. 

          The  primary source for  formal evaluations by  third parties has
          been  the National  Computer Security  Center (NCSC).    The NCSC
          performs  evaluations  of  systems  and  subsystems  against  the
          Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria
          (TCSEC),  which  is commonly  known as  the  Orange Book.   Other
          organizations  providing  formal  evaluations  are  the  European
          Community evaluations against the Information Technology Security
          Evaluation   Criteria   (ITSEC)   and   the   Canadian   Security


          Establishment evaluations against the TCSEC and Canadian security
          criteria.  In  each   case,  the   evaluations  are  limited   to
          security-relevant   features  (as   defined  by   the  particular

          Conformance testing and security evaluation of SQL processors are
          complimentary  processes.  For example,  NCSC evaluations  do not
          look at code that  falls outside the "trusted computing  base" of
          security-relevant  code.  As  a result, NCSC  evaluation will not
          review many areas of SQL functionality  that are reviewed in FIPS
          conformance testing.   The TCSEC supplies criteria  in many areas
          where the SQL standard is silent,  so NCSC evaluations will cover
          many areas that are outside the scope of conformance testing. 

          5.1.1 FIPS Conformance 

          FIPS 127-1 specifies  ANSI X3.135-1989, "Database Language  - SQL
          with Integrity Enhancement",  and X3.168-1989, "Database Language
          - Embedded  SQL".12 FIPS  conformance testing  provides assurance
          that  the features  specified  in the  SQL  standard function  as
          expected.    This  testing  addresses  the  entire range  of  SQL
          functionality, not just security. 

          Conformance testing  is performed  by executing  a suite  of test
          programs and  evaluating the results.13  Conformance testing does
          not review  the code itself.  Security flaws such as trapdoors or
          bugs in the code may not be detected.  The evaluation is platform
          independent,  so  platform   dependent  security  problems   will
          probably go undetected.   Many security concerns,  such as covert
          channels, are simply not an issue in this type of testing. 

          Conformance testing  is also  "flat" with respect  to MAC.    The
          database is defined, populated, and  queried at a single security
          level.  This  makes  sense,   since  SQL  does  not   define  any
          functionality regarding  MAC.   However, polyinstantiation  would
          violate  SQL's uniqueness clauses, but is not detected because of
          the single level testing method. 

          SQL'92 has  been approved as both  ANSI and ISO standards.   FIPS
          127-2, which adopts ANSI X3.135-1992, was approved in June  1993.
          Conformance  tests  have  been  developed  only for  Entry  Level
          SQL'92, because it represents a minor enhancement over the SQL'89
          tests.  Conformance testing  for  Intermediate  and  Full  SQL'92
          represent a major development effort which has not yet begun. 


               12 FIPS 127-1 does  not require all features of  SQL'89: see
          the standard itself for details.

               13  The  conformance  testing  procedures  are described  in


          5.1.2 NCSC Evaluation 

          The  TCSEC  and  [TDI91]  provide  the  basis for  NCSC  security
          evaluations  of  trusted  database  management  systems.    These
          evaluations  consider  security policy14,  accountability, audit,
          and assurance.  NCSC  evaluations  are  platform  dependent,  and
          result  in  certification  of a  DBMS  for  use  on a  particular
          computer system, with a particular operating system.  A number of
          issues,  such as covert channels, are addressed where results are
          invalidated by changes in the platform. 

          Evaluations may consider  a wide range  of assurance levels.   At
          higher  levels,  NCSC  evaluations  include  review  of  security
          relevant code (the TCB).  At the highest levels, NCSC evaluations
          require formal verification of all code in the TCB. 

          5.2 Reliability 

          The most valuable  asset in a  database system is often  the data
          itself.  Loss of access to  this data may be measured per  minute
          in some cases.  This loss, known as denial of service,  may arise
          from a  number of  situations.   One of  these   is the  physical
          failure of hardware. 

          Insuring  reliability  of hardware  is  the primary  technique to
          address hardware failure.  Fault  tolerant systems address system
          failure; disk  array technology  can be used  to address  storage
          media  failure.   Fault  tolerance  is  not required  by  any SQL
          specification, but is a feature of certain SQL implementations. 

          5.2.1 Fault Tolerant Systems 

          If the hardware platform itself is  down, there will be no access
          to the system.   Fault tolerant systems are designed  to continue
          correct  operation  in  the  event  of  failure  of   any  single
          component.  They typically exhibit both redundancy physically and
          conceptually (two or  more CPU's, buses, disk  controllers, etc.)
          and  perform fault-detection  tests  with error-detecting  codes,
          disagreement detectors,  and self-checking logic  circuits.  They
          rely on disk  array technology  and WAFER storage  technologies15
          for fault tolerance in their peripherals. 

          Many systems are  not designed to  be completely fault  tolerant,
          but include  redundancy  at  common  points of  failure.    These

               14 The TCSEC security policy criteria is weak in the area of
          integrity policy.

               15 WAFER storage  are solid  state storage subsystems.  They
          are expensive, but  have performance advantages when  compared to
          disk array peripherals.


          systems might be  called fault  resistant.  For  example, a  disk
          cabinet  with  four  disk drives  might  include  redundant power
          supplies.  A  single power supply would be  sufficient to run the
          disks; however, a power supply failure would take them all out of
          service.  Redundant supplies  mean two power supply failures  are
          required to halt the systems. 

          This feature  does not make the disk  drives in the cabinet fault
          tolerant; a  single drive  failure will  result in  loss of  that
          disk's data  and storage.   It  does make  failure  due to  power
          supply less likely.   Fault tolerance  for disks requires use  of
          disk array technology. 

          5.2.2 Disk Array Technology 

          Disk  array  technology uses  several disks  in a  single logical
          subsystem.  Disk   arrays  were  introduced  in   [KGP89],  which
          described six classifications for "Redundant Array of Inexpensive
          Disks,"  or  RAID systems.    They were  numbered  RAID-0 through
          RAID-5.  RAID-1 through RAID-5  offer varying degrees of security

 Disk Shadowing 

          To reduce or eliminate  downtime from disk failure,  DBMS servers
          may employ disk shadowing  or data mirroring.  A  disk shadowing,
          or RAID-1, subsystem includes  two physical disks.  User  data is
          written to both disks at once.   In this case, if one disk fails,
          all of the  data is  immediately available from  the other  disk.
          Disk shadowing  incurs  some performance  overhead (during  write
          operations) and increases  the cost of  the disk subsystem  since
          two disks are required.   However, the major problem  with RAID-1
          is the 50% disk overhead; for  every 100 megabytes of disk space,
          200 megabytes are required. 

 RAID-2 through RAID-4 

          RAID  levels 2 through 4 are more  complicated than RAID-1.  Each
          involves    storage  of  data  and  error correction  code  (ECC)
          information,  rather  than  a  shadow  copy.    Since  the  error
          correction data requires less space than the data, the subsystems
          have lower disk  overhead.   Each level has  its own  performance


          RAID  level  5 involves  storage  of  data and  error  correction
          information but does not require a  dedicated shadow or ECC disk.

               16 RAID-0  provides  only balanced  performance. RAID-6  and
          RAID-7 have also been proposed since that time.


          RAID-5 has  good performance  characteristics, since  it has  the
          ability  to  read and  write  in parallel.  Unfortunately, RAID-5
          implementations work best  with large  numbers of physical  disks
          (10 to 20+) which rules out small to mid-sized disk subsystems. 

          5.3 Transaction Management (Integrity) 

          A  database  may be  in  a  consistent or  inconsistent  state. A
          consistent state implies  that all tables (or rows)  reflect some
          real-world  change.    An inconsistent  state  implies  that some
          tables (or rows) have  been updated but others still  reflect the
          old world. 

          Transaction management mechanisms  are applied  to ensure that  a
          database  remains  in a  consistent state  at  all times.   These
          mechanisms  allow  the   database  to  return  to   the  previous
          consistent  state  if an  error  occurs. Statements  available in
          SQL'89 for transaction management include the rollback and commit
          statements. These statements are used to  terminate transactions.
          SQL3 adds the concept of savepoints. 

          o    The rollback statement terminates a transaction  and cancels
               all  changes to  the  database, including    data or  schema
               changes.  This   returns  the  database   to  the   previous
               consistent state. 

          o    The commit statement  terminates a  transaction and  commits
               all changes to  the database, including both  data or schema
               changes.   This  makes  the   changes  available   to  other
               applications.  If   a  commit   statement  cannot   complete
               successfully,  for  example  a  constraint  is not  met,  an
               exception is raised  and an implicit rollback  is performed.
               Note that both  statement rejects and  transaction rollbacks
               are permitted by the SQL standard. 

          o    The savepoint  feature allows  a user  to mark  points in  a
               transaction, creating subtransactions. With this feature,  a
               user  can   rollback  portions  of   a  transaction  without
               affecting other subtransactions. For  examples of savepoints
               and subtransaction management see [Gal91, pages 23-24].

          5.4 Diagnostics Management


          SQL'92 adds a new area  of functionality: diagnostics management.
          This standardizes the return codes  and completion codes for  SQL
          statements.    This   may  have   some  security   functionality,
          especially when combined with external procedures. 


          6 Summary/Recommendations

          SQL-compliant  DBMS's can be  applied to any  scenario, no matter
          what security policy is required.  However, not all SQL-compliant
          DBMS's  will be  appropriate  for every  security  policy.   Many
          critical features are not specified  by SQL; others are specified
          in one  version of  SQL but  omitted from  earlier versions.  The
          systems acquisition  phase must begin  with a  clear and  concise
          statement of  the security  policy. The  exact features  required
          will be a function of that policy. 

          This  section provides a  short review of  security features that
          may  be  found  in  SQL-compliant  DBMS's.    These  features are
          classified  as  unspecified  or required.    Where  required, the
          version  of  SQL  is  specified  and   a  brief  summary  of  the
          functionality is provided.  For unspecified features, the feature
          is classified as an OS, hardware, or DBMS feature.  The remainder
          of  this  section  discusses the  various  features  and provides
          guidance regarding their relative importance. 

          Table 2 summarizes  the types of security-relevant  controls that
          might be offered in an SQL-compliant  DBMS.  Controls are grouped
          according to  security requirements.  For each control, a variety
          of mechanisms is listed.17  Each control is either required  by a
          version of SQL, or represents unspecified  functionality.  If the
          control was  a  new  requirement,  the Status  field  will  state
          required.  If functionality is added to that requirement in later
          versions of  SQL, the  Status field  will say  enhanced.   If the
          control is probable for SQL3,  the Status will be planned.   Note
          that functionality denoted  unspecified or  planned may exist  in
          products today; however, implementations will be no-standard. 

          SQL  processors  can   support  a  variety  of   security  policy
          mechanisms. In the  area of security  policy, the most  important
          decision  regards  the  type  of  access  controls  desired.   If
          discretionary controls  are desired, SQL'89 does include powerful
          controls.  SQL'92 significantly enhances  these controls with the
          specification of  the privilege revocation mechanism.  Roles will
          be a significant enhancement for SQL3. This  functionality may be
          available in SQL  processors even  before the SQL3  specification
          becomes stable.   Mandatory  controls are  not  specified in  any
          version of SQL but can be supported by SQL implementations. 

          The SQL integrity  constraints are  powerful tools for  enforcing
          and maintaining integrity.   SQL'89 includes a powerful  suite of
          integrity constraints.  SQL'92 does include  enhancements such as

               17 In some cases, controls map to mechanisms on a one-to-one
          basis.  For   example,  mandatory  access  control  is  basically
          performed  one  way.   In  these  cases, the  mechanism  field is


          assertions and domains.  These constraints may be used to enforce
          internal or external consistency constraints.   

          If the system will  utilize MAC, design tools should  be obtained
          to limit the threat  of aggregation.  Whether MAC or DAC policies
          are  envisioned,  inference  and  object  reuse  are  threats  to
          confidentiality.  Inference  is addressed  through add-on  tools;
          object reuse must be addressed within both the DBMS and OS. 

          Accountability  is unspecified  in SQL,  but the  choices  are of
          great importance. Most important is  the selection of appropriate
          authentication   points.     Should   each  transaction   require
          re-authentication, or is the session information sufficient?  The
          type of  authentication mechanism  is also  important, but  falls
          outside the SQL specification as well. 

          Auditing  and warning  mechanisms are  similarly unspecified  but
          required for  any reasonably  secure system.   These  mechanisms,
          especially  auditing   mechanisms,  depend   upon  the   identity
          previously  authenticated.     They  are  of  limited   value  if
          authentication is weak. 

          Finally, consider assurance  mechanisms. If the system  will rely
          on SQL-specified  DAC functionality, SQL conformance  testing may
          be  sufficient.   If  the  system  will rely  upon  MAC controls,
          evaluation may be more applicable. 

          Fault tolerance is an  expensive option, but may be  justified if
          the  value  of  the  data is  correspondingly  high.  Disk  array
          technology provides fault tolerance for data storage. 

          Transaction  management   features   can   add   assurance   that
          applications  are  well-behaved, and  the  database remains  in a
          consistent state.  These features add  assurance only if they are
          used  consistently  and   appropriately.    If  the   concept  of
          consistent state  is  not well  understood  for the  database  in
          question,   it   will  be   difficult   to  use   these  features


          7 References
          [ANS89a]  Database language  - SQL  with integrity  enhancements.
          American National  Standard X3.135,  American National  Standards
          Institute, 1989. 
          [ANS89b]  Database  language -  embedded  SQL.  American National
          Standard X3.168, American National Standards Institute, 1989. 
          [ANS92]  Database  language   SQL.  American  National   Standard
          X3.135-1992, American National Standards Institute, 1992. 
          [Bur89] Rae K. Burns.  "DBMS  integrity and security controls" In
          Report  of  the Invitational  Workshop  on Data  Integrity}. NIST
          Special Publication 500-168, 1989. 
          [Cam90] John  Campbell.  "A  brief tutorial  on trusted  database
          management systems (executive summary)" In 13th National Computer
          Security Conference Proceedings, 1990. 
          [CO92]  S.J.  Cannan  and G.A.M.  Otten.    "SQL  - The  Standard
          Handbook"  McGraw-Hill  Book  Co.,  Berkshire  SL6  2QL  England,
          October 1992. 
          [DD92] C.J. Date and Hugh Darwen.   "A Guide to the SQL Standard"
          Addison-Wesley Publishing, Reading, MA 01867 USA, October 1992. 
          [DJ92] Vinti M. Doshi and Sushil  Jajodia.  "Enforcing entity and
          referential  integrity in  multilevel secure  databases"  In 15th
          National Computer Security Conference Proceedings, 1992. 
          [FIP90] Database  language SQL.   Federal Information  Processing
          Standard 127-1,  National Institute of Standards  and Technology,
          [FIP93]  Database language  SQL.  Federal Information  Processing
          Standard  127-2, National Institute  of Standards and Technology,
          June 1993. 
          [Gal91]   Leonard   Gallagher.     "SQL3   support   for   {CALS}
          applications"  NISTIR 4494,  National Institute of  Standards and
          Technology, February 1991. 
          [GS92] Leonard Gallagher  and Joan Sullivan.   "Database language
          SQL:  Integrator  of  {CALS}   data  repositories"  NISTIR  4902,
          National Institute of Standards and Technology, September 1992. 
          [ISO90a]  Remote  database  access  -   part  1:  Generic  model.
          ISO/JTC1/SC21  N4282,  Information  Processing   Systems  -  Open
          Systems Interconnect, 1990. 
          [ISO90b] Remote  database access  - part  2: SQL  specialization.


          ISO/JTC1/SC21  N4281,  Information  Processing   Systems  -  Open
          Systems Interconnect, 1990. 
          [KGP89] Randy H. Katz,  Garth A. Gibson, and David  A. Patterson.
          "Disk  system architecture  for  high  performance computing"  In
          Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 77, No. 12. Institute of Electrical
          and Electronics Engineers, 1989. 
          [MS92]  Jim Melton and Alan Simon.  "Understanding the New SQL: A
          Complete Guide" 
          Morgan Kaufman Publishers, San Mateo, CA 94403 USA, October 1992.

          [Rob91]   Edward   Roback.     "Glossary  of   computer  security
          terminology"  NISTIR 4659,  National Institute  of  Standards and
          Technology, September 1991. 
          [SFD92] Linda M.  Schlipper, Jarrellann  Filsinger, and Vinti  M.
          Doshi.     "A  multilevel   secure  database   management  system
          benchmark"  In   15th  National   Computer  Security   Conference
          Proceedings, 1992. 
          [TCS85]  Trusted   computer  system   evaluation  criteria.   DOD
          5200.28-STD, National Computer Security Center, December 1985. 
          [TDI91]  Trusted  database   management  system   interpretation.
          NCSC-TG 021, National Computer Security Center, April 1991. 
          [Thu92]  Bhavani  Thuraisingham.     "Knowledge-based   inference
          control in  a multilevel  secure database  management system"  In
          15th National Computer Security Conference Proceedings, 1992. 
          [Wag89] Grant  Wagner.   "System services  - group  3 report"  In
          Report  of  the  Invitational Workshop  on  Data  Integrity. NIST
          Special Publication 500-168, 1989. 


          8 Figures and Tables

          |    Application     |
          |   SQL Processor    |
             |   SQL     |
             | Database  |

          Figure 1. Standalone model


          |    Application     |
          ----------------------       RDA            ------------------
          |   SQL Processor    | -------------------> |     Remote     |
          ----------------------                      |    Database    |
                   |         |                        |     Server     |
                   |         |                        ------------------
                   |         V
                   |    ------------
                   |    | non-SQL  |
                   |    | processor|-----
                   |    ------------    |
                   V                    V
             -------------       ----------------       ----------------
             |   SQL     |       |    non-SQL   |       |    remote    |
             |   data    |       |     data     |       |     data     |
             -------------       ----------------       ----------------

          Figure 2. Client/Server model

          Patient Name  |  Disease
          Howard        |  AIDS
          Gordon        |  Syphilis
          Jackson       |  Gun shot

          Figure 3. High Data

          Patient Name  |  Disease
          Smith         |  Lung Cancer
          Howard        |  pneumonia
          Jones         |  2nd Degree Burns
          Hamp          |  heart failure

          Figure 4. Low Data

          Patient Name  |  Disease
          Howard        |  AIDS
          Smith         |  Lung Cancer
          Gordon        |  Syphilis
          Jackson       |  Gun shot
          Jones         |  2nd Degree Burns
          Hamp          |  heart failure

          Figure 5. High user's view


           High User         Low User
               /^\             /^\
                |               |
                |               |
                V               V
          | -------------  ------------ |
          | | High DBMS |  | Low DBMS | |
          | | Process   |  | Process  | |
          | -------------  ------------ |
          |  trusted operating system   |
               /^\   \         /^\
                |     \         |
                |      \        |
                V       \       V
              high             low
             database         database
              file             file            [Note: that should be a line
                                               the  low  dbms  file to  the
                                               dbms process]

          Figure 6. TCB Subset Architecture


               User Application
          |   trusted subject dbms   |
          | trusted operating system |
             database file (high)

          Figure 7. Trusted Subject Architecture

          Single-Level User    Single-Level User
          Front End (Low)      Front End (high)
               /^\             /^\
                |               |
                |               |
                V               V
          |   untrusted front end    |
          |      trusted filter      |
          | trusted operating system |
             database file (high)

          Figure 8. Integrity Lock Architecture


          --------------------------            --------------------------
          |          T-1           |            |           T-2          |
          --------------------------            --------------------------
          |  Ti    | a | b | c | d |            |  Ti    | a | b | c | d |
          --------------------------            --------------------------
          |  T1    | 2 | 2 | 3 | 4 |            |  T1    | 2 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
          --------------------------            --------------------------
          |  T2    | 2 | 2 | 4 | 4 |            |  T2    | 2 | 2 | 4 | 4 |
          --------------------------            --------------------------
          |  T3    | 2 | 2 | 3 | 5 |            |  T3    | 2 | 2 | 3 | 5 |
          --------------------------            --------------------------
          |  T4    | 6 | 2 | 3 | 4 |            |  T4    | 2 | 6 | 3 | 4 |
          --------------------------            --------------------------

          Table 1: Uniquesness Examples: contents of T-1 and T-2


          Security     | Security Mechanisms     | Status    | Where It's
          Requirements |  Class      | Mechanism | In SQL    | Found
          Security     | DAC         | Privileges | required  | SQL'89
          Policy       |             |            | enhanced  | SQL'92 
                       |             |------------------------------------
                       |             | Roles      | planned   | SQL3 
                       | Mandatory Access Control | not       | DBMS and OS
                       |                          | specified |
                       |             | Constraints| required  | SQL'89
                       | Integrity   | on Tables  | enhanced  | SQL'92
                       |             |------------------------------------
                       | Constraints | Constraints| required  | SQL'89
                       |             | on Columns | enhanced  | SQL'92
                       | Inference                    | not          | DBMS
                       |                          | specified  | tools
                       | Aggregation                  | not          | DBMS
                       |                          | specified  | tools
                       | Object Reuse             | not        | design of
                       |                          | specified  | OS and
                       |                          |            | DBMS
          Account-     |             | authenti-  | not        |    OS 
            ability    | Identifi-   | cation of  | specified  | dependent
                       |     cation  | system     |            |
                       |             | session    |            |
                       |  and         ------------------------------------ 
                       |             | authenti-  | not        |  DBMS 
                       | Authenti-   | cation of  | specified  | implemen-
                       |     cation  | DBMS       |            |  tation
                       |             | session    |            | dependent
                       |             ------------------------------------ 
                       |             | authenti-  | not        |  DBMS 
                       |             | cation of  | specified  | implemen-
                       |             | each trans-|            |  tation
                       |             | action     |            | dependent
                       | Auditing    | Journal    | not        | design of
                       |             | generation | specified  | DBMS 
                       |             -------------------------------------
                       |             | Journal    | not        | design of
                       |             | Protection | specified  | OS

          Table 2, Part 1 Security Features in SQL Standards


          Assurance    | Software    | SQL        | not        | FIPS con-
                       |             | features   | specified  | formance
                       |             |            |            |  tests
                       |             |------------------------------------
                       | Quality     | Security   | not        | NCSC
                       |             | features   | specified  | evaluation
                       |             | processor  | not        | hardware
                       |             |            | specified  | and OS
                       |             |------------------------------------
                       | Fault       | disk       | not        | hardware
                       | Tolerance   | shadowing  | specified  | and OS
                       |             |------------------------------------
                       |             | disk       | not        | hardware
                       |             | mirroring  | specified  | and OS
                       | Transaction  Management  | required   | SQL'89

          Table 2. cont'd. Security features in SQL standards.


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