TUCoPS :: General Information :: nedroot.txt

How to get a root shell on NedBank

.:--==--==--==->> How to get a Rootshell on Nedbank by Wyzewun <<--==--==--=:.
::                                                                          ::
:: Yes, our old Nedbank hack doesn't work anymore. Bah, I was bored of the  ::
:: employee menu anyway. Unrestricted shell sounds good to me. Yeh, think   ::
:: I'll get myself one of those. =)                                         ::
::                                                                          ::
:: Allright, y'know those old Nedbank ATM's with the full keyboards? Well   ::
:: go find one! Right, so you found your target - this machine is running   ::
:: Windows 3.11 for Workgroups with TCP/IP                                  ::
::                                                                          ::
:: Press the second Green Button on the Right and Yes at the same time      ::
:: Press the Help/Tab button                                                ::
::                                                                          ::
:: Now, you are chucked in2 some lame proggy called Nedshell. It's some     ::
:: sort of a taskmanager-type-thing. Bah, it's boring. Press "e" to end all ::
:: current tasks and close all Windows. The Screen will go black and then   ::
:: go into a Normal Windows 3.11 Interface for your hacking pleasure.       ::
::									    ::
:: But please guys, don't change anything, lest you get caught. I don't     ::
:: want to be responsible for the arrest of 500 ZA-Hackerz. Just look       ::
:: around, explore the system, cruise the net (yip, some of dem have i-net  ::
:: access) and tinker intelligently, making sure not to break things        ::
::									    ::
:: Most importantly, have phun, but don't do *anything* stupid. The less    ::
:: stupid everyone is, the longer Nedbank will take to fix this bug, and    ::
:: the longer you will all have axs to Nedbank's server and free i-net.     ::
::									    ::
:: Enjoy Kidzzz... 							    ::
::                                                                          ::

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