MESSAGE: 6642 DATE/TIME: 06-20-91 1:41a FROM : KENT HASTINGS RECEIVED : YES TO : JEFF HUNTER PRIVATE : NO SUBJECT: Hello! THREAD : YES FOLDER : I, "Caller Information" Crypto is a hot topic. I'd like to mention one of my favorite articles at this time, although I've done it before. The October, 1985 Communications of the ACM (Association of Computing Machinery), featured an article, which inspired the front cover, entitled "Security Without Identification: Transaction Systems To Make 'Big Brother' Obsolete". David Chaum explained how to present unforgeable credentials across multiple pseudonyms to thwart dossier compilation. He also showed how a bank could issue untraceable electronic money! Don't use this for money laundering or income tax evasion, kids. The issue was bound on a shelf at UCI here in So. Cal - you might find an issue up there, too. I made copies.