Uploaded By: CAPT. BLOOD Msg. :61 About :TELENET NUMBERS From :ROGER OLSON To :ALL CALLS Date :2/13/83 00:00 Here are a few TELENET numbers to try fo r some fun and games: You will have to figure out password cod es in most cases yourself. Just dial your local TELENET s witch, then try one of the following: C 21288 American Express Company -(type command "Information") C 30155 Newsnet 75 C 201220 "D PVM" I don't know what thi s means. C 31240 SLVAX 1 Ditto C 31233 Credit Information Corporation Time Sharing C 31250 American Hospital Supply Corp. Waukegan, IL C 31243/44 TRAVENOL Systems A/B C 21220 IRVI I don't know what this me ans. C 617138 (here's a goody for you!!) C 31340 Alternate Network ** Acct # 130 0-7777 Password "AID" to read the help files. This is an international system alot like TELENET serving England, Australia, etc and the code shown here is the interchange b etween them and TELENET. Of course, the abo ve account number and password is a "demo" for new clients of their system. In addition th is people have local access numbers in most co mmunities; see the section on "local access" i n the above. C 41527 Stanford University WYLBUR syst em. Answer with "HX.GST" to account number, and NO password is needed. In future messages, I shall discuss more TELENET numbers if anyone is interested, plus similar it ems from DATAPAC, the Canadian "cousin" to TELENET. Msg. :62 About :LOCAL TELENET NUMBERS From :ROGER OLSON To :ALL CALLS Date :2/13/83 00:00 In reference to message 61, here are a f ew local dial up TELENET lines for those who may not know them: In White Plains area (914) 328-9199 Manhattan (212) 736-0099 / 947-9600 / 785 - 2540 Buffalo (716) 847-0600 Rochester (716) 454-3430 / 454-1020 Boston (617) 338-1400 Detroit (313) 964-5538 / 964-2989 Chicago (312) 938-0500 Wash DC (202) 347-1400 / (703) 435-3 333 Of course, there are literally THOUSANDS of them, far too many to list all, but the above should serve most users of this BBS. For Next ==> All searchers for TELENET n umbers should be alert to the TELENET numbering scheme, which i s this: The letter C as in "connect" is always the first thin g to type. Then, the next three digits always indicate the TE LEPHONE AREA CODE being searched. Example: You want to find thin gs in Chicago? You will always type C 312xx. The final two (some times 3 !!) digits is the system being called. So for ease in searching, you can begin for example with C 21201 and work your w ay up to C 21299. You will get one of the following replies in about 99 percent of the cases: ==> 212xx connected (or) 212xx not responding (or) 212xx illegal address. Sometimes you wil l also receive the reply 212xx Does not accept collect call s. Please establish a paid caller account. In most cases, th e computer systems on TELENET take "collect" calls from whomev er calls them, but a few require you to establish a specific log on with TELENET first, (in order to place a "paid call") to a g iven computer. I hope this discussion is useful to people who enjoy finding new systems to experiment with, as I do. Msg. :64 About :INTERESTING PHONE NUMBERS From :ROGER OLSON To :ALL CALLS Date :2/13/83 00:00 Here are some interesting phone numbers for you to try out-- Chicago (312) 996-5100 Univ of Illinois (Circle) Computer Room Chicago (312) 222-6000 Quaker Oats Comp any Chicago (312) 972-6979 Argonne National Labs ** (you come in on a BBS "front". L og in as follows to break the BBS an d access the 370 --> F)Charley L) Ho rnaday Department "AI" then on BBS you can break out if you check the menu a nd use your instinct. Colorado (303) 349-6496 A good phreak bo ard in the Rockies!! Manhattan (212) 369-5114 Acct # 210,10 0 Password "Dalton" it w ill ask you to attach to an open job. Use numbers shown . Msg. :471 About :SEARS CREDIT CHECKING From :THE HACKER To :(?]ALL[?) Date :4/6/83 HERE ARE SOME NUMBERS THAT YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN SEARS CREDIT CHEC KING SYSTEM 404-885-3400 ACCOUNT#????? STORECODE#4 DIVISION#57 . THIS IS A PASSWORD TO LOYOLA COLLEGE 213-642-2706 TYPE#LOGON DGW PASSWORD#RASTAMAN COULD SOMEONE FIGURE OUT WHAT THESE NUMB ERS ARE I JUST FOUND THEM 1-800-631-8113 1-800-321-3074 1-800-321-3052 1-800-321-3048 1-800-321-3049 COULD THESE BE 800 LOOP'S ANSWER BACK PLEASE I KNOW YOU CAN FIGURE THIS ONE OUT ROGER OLSON Msg. :512 About :MULTI FREQUENCY SYSTEM From :PRIEST To :ALL MF Date :4/17/83 ALL YOU INTERNATIONAL CALLERS YOU WILL NEED THE MULTI FREQUENCY SYSTEM TON ES BECAUSE OVER IN ALL THOSE STRANGE PLACES THEY WO NT EXCEPT TOUCH-TONES SO HERE ARE THE TONES THESE ARE MIXED TO NES 1 = 900+700 HZ 2 = 1100+700 HZ 3 = 1100+900 HZ 4 = 1300+700 HZ 5 = 1300+900 6 = 1300+1100 7 = 1500+700 8 = 1500+900 9 = 1500+1100 CODE 11 = 1700+700 CODE 12 = 1700+900 KP = 1700+1100 KP2 = 1700+1300 START = 1700+1500 Msg. :519 About :SPRINT/MCI/OTHER BUGGERS From :ROGER OLSON To :ALL Date :4/17/83 I highly recommend the proceedure mentio ned here earlier for staying OUT OF TROUBLE with "the competi tion". Look for your own passwords. Don'u use the ones posted on BBS's except maybe once, to "get a feel" of how the particu lar switch works. If possible, test the codes between 8 - 11 AM to detirmine if they are business codes or not. When possible , use a local loop to call into/out of to the switch you are u sing. This simply adds more frustration in the event anyone is tracing. When possible, STAY AWAY completely from these OCC's, o pting instead to use the Wats lines from large companies, via the ir remote call in ports. You always want to stay away from system s that individually account for each call, as MCI/Sprint do. WATS lines, on the other hand, especially in older exchange s, do not record every number called - just the total time the line was in use, in hours per month. In either case....have your phun now!! Cause after the Final Judgement and Settlement is implemented next year, you will place <<all>> long distan ce calls by merely dialing the number desired, and entering a two digit "choice of carrier" code (for ATT, MCI, Sprint, Allnet, etc) and your local central office will use ANI to sup ervise your call! The outfits like MCI will discontinue dealin g with the public as such, and will only deal <with other tel ephone companies> who in turn will act like billing/collection agents for MCI, etc. Watch and see! The times are changing! N o more phucking around!