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Hacking Standard Bank

::                ..ooO Hacking Standard Bank by wyze1 Ooo..                ::
::                                                                          ::
:: Let me start by saying: d1s 1z d4 l33t3st d1sc0verY eYe h4vE eV3r m4de!! ::
:: Honestly, the ppl at Standard Bank should be fucking ashamed for having  ::
:: such fantastically stupid vunerabilities. But anyway, on with the show,  ::
:: or something...                                                          ::
::                                                                          ::
:: Standard Bank have these nice little terminals to promote online banking.::
:: All it is, is a Windows Box, with no Hard-drive, permanently stuck in a  ::
:: modified version of Netscape to browse the company's webpage through the ::
:: Intranet. Although they have remembered to block all sorts of uber-ereet ::
:: things like pressing the start button, or jamming ctrl+s, if you press   ::
:: alt+tab you get chucked back into a command prompt. Oh dear. =)          ::
::                                                                          ::
:: Have some-one to stand near you while you explore their system, and      ::
:: press Alt+Tab again to go back into Netscape when anyone walks by.       ::
::                                                                          ::
:: While in this command prompt, you can locate and mount the shares of     ::
:: any other machine on the network. You can get into all sorts of evil     ::
:: little shares that you shouldnt be in, and you can even get onto the     ::
:: the internet if you really know what you're doing. (Heaven knows why you ::
:: would want to do this, though)                                           ::
::                                                                          ::
:: But I won't cover any of that, you can figure it out yourself. And with  ::
:: a hack this stupid I think asking that you learn about the internal      ::
:: workings of the system on your own is pretty much justified, dont you?   ::
:: HEH. Alt+Tab Hax0rs of the Werld Unite! Alt+Tab the Planet! *Sigh* I     ::
:: cant wait to go back to England where people have brains.                ::
::                                                                          ::

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