TUCoPS :: General Information :: schoolhx.txt

How to Hax0r Your School! where your system's holes are. Perfect for use on the "other" end........heh heh heh......

 Phractal presents:

 How to h4x0r your school, kids!
 Brought to you by Phractal and Henry the OCI operator

 1. Hacking the computers
 a. Changing your grade
 b. Hackintosh
 2. Hacking Phones/Paging
 a. How to broadcast over the PA system
 b. Hacking their answering machines
 3. Hacking TVs and VCRs
 a. How to turn your remote into a school remote


 The computer system of every school varies greatly. On some, every computer is a 
 terminal on a network, and in others, none even have a modem inside them. Some have 
 Pentium 3's while others have Apple IIs. For the most part though I've seen an abnormal 
 amount of school's (particularly middle and high schools) have mostly Macs. What can you 
 do with these computers. Well, let's find out you 3l33t h4k4!

 A. Changing your grade:

 This is the dream of every script kiddie. The ability to hack into the school's 
 computer system to change his grades. Well it's not that easy. There are several ways you 
 can attempt to try and hack into your school's grading system. This file is written mostly 
 from my experience as a school h4k4!

 First off, when you get your homework/projects/tests back with grades on them, normally they
 are compliled into what is a grade sheet. You normally get a grade sheet for each class. 
 This is the typical grade of the common OCI operator before he dropped out.

 | Name: |
 | Henry the OCI operator |
 | | |
 | Assignment Date Grade | 
 | | |
 | Science wkst 9/9/99 33% F | 
 | True False Test 9/10/99 0% F | 
 | Home Ec 9/11/99 100% A |
 | State Capitols Test 9/12/99 23% F |
 | "How to be an asswipe" test 9/13/99 100% A |
 | Questionare 9/14/99 0% F |
 | | |
 | School for abused operators 1999 |

 Now usually these grade sheets are printed out from a computer that the teacher 
 either has at her desk or somewhere else in the room. Even if the room has several 
 computers, there is usually one that sticks out as being the "teacher's". Usually teachers 
 keep grade books and then input the information into the computer and make your nice grade 
 sheet. If there is no computer in the room or you're not sure which computer he uses, try 
 to make up a fake grade sheet and say to her "Excuse me but I scored 100% on my test, not 
 50%" (as indicated on the fake gradesheet. Now hopefully she will lead you to the magical 
 computer, or if she just glances at the grade book and notices that she must have entered it
 into the computer wrong, just casually ask her "What computer do you use?". But only ask it
 in a situation like that, otherwise she might get suspicious.

 If one day she takes you, or calls you over to that magical computer notice the name
 of the application that keeps and stores the grades, how it looks, how to use it etc. Look 
 at how the grades are arranged and how to change them. You can do this all by complaining 
 about a typo grade on your grade sheet (which happen quite often) If they don't happen quite
 often, steal a graded assignment somehow from someone else and use a VERY good scanner to 
 copy yours and there's to merge so that you can have a copy of a graded worksheet that isn't
 yours but your handwritten name on the top. Try to make it an assignment with little 
 writing, or you can try to steal one of those papers with no names on them and just fill in
 your name. Feel like a hacker yet?

 Next once you've hopefully found a computer. Go to school early, I mean EARLY. Before 
 everyone gets there except for the teachers. Usually in the morning the teachers are either 
 fucking eachother in the teacher's lounge or catching up on some work in the classroom. If 
 your teacher isn't there in the morning, wait, eventually she will be. If you notice the 
 computer is on and running in the OS, hopefully it's logged in as the teacher. If you want 
 to do this alone (as I do) you must wait outside the room or in another secluded place and 
 wait for the teacher to leave, either to make copies of something, get coffee, check ther 
 mail or get fucked in the butt by Larry the janitor. Once you're sure they are gone walk into
 the room quietly and see what you can do with the computer. If you're lucky, sometimes that 
 grade storage program is up and running right in front of you to play around with, if it's 
 not, try to find it, but also you may not be logged on as the teacher, and any other account
 probably won't allow you access to the grades. If this teacher never leaves, get three 
 friends together to help you on your quest for 3l33tn3ss. Get one friend to be at the 
 school's payphone, and another to come up with you in the morning. 
 When you and a friend go in together say that you both have problems with your grade sheet or
 are just curious to know your current grade and your dog ate your grade sheet. You and the 
 guy at the payphone should each have walkie talkies. When she brings up that beloved list of
 grades, press the "call" button and the guy should get a beep noise. Immediatly turn off your
 walkie talkie. That was the signal for your friend to call the office and ask to speak to 
 your teacher immediatly, as if its important, REALLY important. Then soon (hopefully) the PA
 will come on asking for your teacher to come to the office IMMEDIATLEY to the office for a 
 phone call. If your payphone friend made it sound really important, the teacher will (once 
 again, hopefully) leave quickly and leave you and your friend to that computer with the 
 program sitting in front of you logged on as the teacher. now turn your walkie talkie back on
 and have your friend tell you when the teacher is coming back to the room. During that time 
 hopefully you can change your worst grades. Ahh, What a RUSH! Your other friend in the room
 is there so if the teacher suspects anything in the future, you can both be witnesses for 
 each other and say you both didn't do anything.

 PS. Make your friend have a plan to talk to the teacher for a while to give you more time!


 There is the 16 year old method of hacking your school using a war dialer (aka deamon dialer)
 to scan for a school carrier where you can hopefully crack or exploit your way in, as seen in
 the movie "WarGames". I've personally tried this before I tried the above method, and this 
 didn't work for me. War Dialers can be found at hackersclub.com/km in the Phreaking section.


 I've never tried this but I've heard rumors of this being a way to hack into your school's 
 computer. The Telenet used to be the biggest network around before the internet. It was made
 by Sprint. The Telenet was a way for hackers of the eighties to break into most systems. And
 by the 90s most considered the Telenet passé. PLEASE don't make the mistake of confusing the
 Telenet with the Telnet. The Telnet is a protocol used for terminal emulation to connect to a
 remote server. To learn how to use the Telenet, read an 80s text file such as "A Novice's 
 Guide to Hacking 1989 Edition-by the Mentor". Once you have an idea of how it works, you need
 to scan for an NUA(Network User Address) in your area code. I've seen some texts with lists
 of other NUAs but they're all 10 years old.

 But, one thing I have noticed is that the latest text on the Telenet is over three years old,
 and a lot of the numbers it has listed are changed, so to make life easier though, hear are
 all of the Telenet access numbers as of September 1999:
 -- ---- --------------- -----------------------
 ** 800 In- WATS 546-2500 -

 AK 907 Anchorage 276-0453 (1)
 AK 907 Juneau 586-4342 (1)
 AK 907 Barrow 852-2425 (2)
 AK 907 Bethel 543-2411 (2)
 AK 907 Cold Bay 532-2371 (2)
 AK 907 Cordova 424-3744 (2)
 AK 907 Deadhorse 659-2777 (2)
 AK 907 Delta Junction 895-5070 (2)
 AK 907 Dillingham 842-2688 (2)
 AK 907 Fairbanks 456-3282 (2)
 AK 907 Glennallen 822-5231 (2)
 AK 907 Homer 235-5239 (2)
 AK 907 Iliamna 571-1364 (2)
 AK 907 Ketchikan 225-1871 (2)
 AK 907 King Salmon 246-3049 (2)
 AK 907 Kodiak 486-4061 (2)
 AK 907 Kotzebue 442-2602 (2)
 AK 907 McGrath 524-3256 (2)
 AK 907 Nome 443-2256 (2)
 AK 907 Northway 778-2301 (2)
 AK 907 Palmer 745-0200 (2)
 AK 907 Prudhoe Bay 659-2777 (2)
 AK 907 St Paul 546-2320 (2)
 AK 907 Seward 224-3126 (2)
 AK 907 Sitka 747-5887 (2)
 AK 907 Soldotna 262-1990 (2)
 AK 907 Tanana 366-7167 (2)
 AK 907 Valdez 835-4987 (2)
 AK 907 Yakutat 784-3453 (2)

 AL 256 Anniston 236-9711 B
 AL 205 Birmingham 328-5719 B
 AL 256 Decatur 355-0206 B
 AL 334 Dothan 793-5034 B
 AL 256 Florence 767-0497 B
 AL 256 Huntsville 533-6787 B
 AL 334 Mobile 432-9190 B
 AL 334 Montgomery 264-7284 B
 AL 205 Tuscaloosa 758-5799 B

 AR 501 Fayetteville 442-0212 B
 AR 501 Ft Smith 782-2852 B
 AR 501 Hot Springs 623-3159 B
 AR 501 Little Rock 375-4177 B

 AZ 520 Flagstaff 773-0588 B
 AZ 602 Phoenix 254-1903 A
 AZ 520 Tucson 620-0658 B

 CA 805 Bakersfield 631-0577 B
 CA 530 Chico 894-6882 B
 CA 909 Colton 824-5571 B
 CA 925 Concord 687-0216 C
 CA 909 Corona 278-1211 B
 CA 530 Davis 753-4387 B
 CA 760 Escondido 738-0203 B
 CA 707 Eureka 444-3091 B
 CA 707 Fairfield 426-3860 B
 CA 510 Fremont 249-9220 B
 CA 559 Fresno 233-6928 B
 CA 714 Garden Grove 379-7400 B
 CA 818 Glendale 507-0511 B
 CA 510 Hayward 538-0623 B
 CA 805 Lancaster 949-7396 B
 CA 323 Los Angeles 937-5526 A
 CA 310 Marina Del Rey 306-3450 B
 CA 209 Merced 383-2557 B
 CA 209 Modesto 576-2852 B
 CA 408 Monterey 655-1925 C
 CA 707 Napa 257-0217 B
 CA 510 Oakland 836-3844 B
 CA 760 Oceanside 430-0613 C
 CA 760 Palm Springs 343-3470 B
 CA 650 Palo Alto 856-4854 B
 CA 510 Pinole 724-0271 C
 CA 909 Pomona 626-1284 C
 CA 530 Redding 243-0690 B
 CA 949 S B Valley 458-0811 B
 CA 562 S. Fe Springs 802-2275 B
 CA 916 Sacramento 851-0700 B
 CA 408 Salinas 443-8791 B
 CA 650 San Carlos 591-8578 B
 CA 619 San Diego 233-1025 B
 CA 415 San Francisco 247-9976 A
 CA 408 San Jose 294-9067 B
 CA 805 San Luis Obisp 543-3233 B
 CA 310 San Pedro 548-7146 B
 CA 415 San Rafael 499-1629 C
 CA 925 San Ramon 829-6705 B
 CA 714 Santa Ana 558-1501 B
 CA 805 Santa Barbara 965-3326 B
 CA 408 Santa Cruz 459-7735 B
 CA 805 Santa Maria 348-3460 B
 CA 707 Santa Rosa 523-1048 C
 CA 209 Stockton 478-0402 C
 CA 805 Thousand Oaks 449-1500 B
 CA 805 Ventura 650-9203 B
 CA 760 Victorville 951-2612 B
 CA 209 Visalia 627-1201 B
 CA 626 West Covina 331-6611 C
 CA 818 Woodland Hills 887-7420 B

 CO 719 Colorado Sprin 632-0278 B
 CO 303 Denver 745-3285 A
 CO 970 Ft Collins 495-6799 B
 CO 970 Grand Junction 241-3004 B
 CO 970 Greeley 352-8563 B
 CO 719 Pueblo 542-4053 B

 CT 203 Bridgeport 332-7400 B
 CT 203 Danbury 778-2022 B
 CT 860 Hartford 560-1385 B
 CT 203 New Haven 624-5945 B
 CT 860 New London 440-0656 B
 CT 203 Stamford 961-8371 B
 CT 203 Waterbury 759-1445 C

 DC 202 Washington 659-2733 A

 DE 302 Dover 678-8328 B
 DE 302 Newark 292-0114 B

 FL 561 Boca Raton 367-0732 B
 FL 941 Cape Coral 334-0071 C
 FL 407 Cocoa Beach 267-0800 B
 FL 954 Ft Lauderdale 764-0318 B
 FL 561 Ft Pierce 466-4566 B
 FL 352 Gainesville 335-6697 B
 FL 904 Holly Hill 252-1609 B
 FL 904 Jacksonville 353-1137 B
 FL 941 Lakeland 680-3332 C
 FL 352 Leesburg 787-0799 B
 FL 407 Melbourne 725-9641 B
 FL 305 Miami 358-5349 A
 FL 941 Naples 263-3033 C
 FL 352 Ocala 351-3790 B
 FL 407 Orlando 246-0851 B
 FL 850 Panama City 763-8377 B
 FL 850 Pensacola 469-9688 C
 FL 954 Pompano Beach 941-5445 B
 FL 941 Sarasota 952-1152 C
 FL 727 St Petersburg 327-7024 B
 FL 850 Tallahassee 222-0533 B
 FL 813 Tampa 221-3713 B
 FL 850 Valparaiso 897-3421 B
 FL 561 West Palm Beac 820-9391 B

 GA 912 Albany 431-3113 C
 GA 706 Athens 548-9698 B
 GA 404 Atlanta 688-1212 A
 GA 706 Augusta 722-9877 B
 GA 706 Columbus 322-9386 B
 GA 770 Gainsville 532-9880 B
 GA 912 Macon 741-2108 C
 GA 706 Rome 234-1428 B
 GA 912 Savannah 236-2898 B

 HI 808 Oahu 536-3886 (1)

 IA 515 Ames 233-2603 C
 IA 319 Burlington 752-2516 B
 IA 319 Cedar Rapids 298-4600 B
 IA 319 Davenport 322-3361 C
 IA 319 Debuque 556-0783 C
 IA 515 Des Moines 288-4626 B
 IA 319 Iowa City 339-0320 C
 IA 712 Sioux City 255-1545 C
 IA 319 Waterloo 232-0195 B

 ID 208 Boise 343-0957 B
 ID 208 Idaho Falls 529-0406 B
 ID 208 Lewiston 743-5885 C
 ID 208 Pocatello 232-1764 B

 IL 847 Arlington Heig 670-9522 B
 IL 630 Aurora 896-9802 B
 IL 618 Belleville 277-9551 B
 IL 309 Bloomington 828-1441 B
 IL 312 Chicago 938-5462 A
 IL 815 De Kalb 756-3455 B
 IL 217 Decatur 429-6054 C
 IL 847 Glencoe 835-1143 B
 IL 815 Joliet 722-9652 C
 IL 708 Lansing 474-9310 B
 IL 847 Libertyville 362-5718 B
 IL 630 Naperville 355-2910 B
 IL 309 Peoria 674-2344 B
 IL 815 Rockford 962-9523 B
 IL 217 Springfield 525-1590 B
 IL 217 Urbana 384-3322 B

 IN 812 Bloomington 331-8890 C
 IN 812 Evansville 422-2911 B
 IN 219 Ft Wayne 422-8013 B
 IN 219 Gary 881-1020 B
 IN 317 Indianapolis 299-2593 B
 IN 765 Kokomo 452-0073 C
 IN 765 Lafayette 742-5488 C
 IN 765 Muncie 288-1113 C
 IN 765 Richmond 935-7532 B
 IN 219 South Bend 288-2355 B
 IN 812 Terre Haute 235-5671 C

 KS 785 Lawrence 843-8124 B
 KS 913 Leavenworth 651-0015 B
 KS 785 Manhattan 537-0948 B
 KS 785 Salina 825-7900 B
 KS 785 Topeka 232-5507 B
 KS 316 Wichita 264-4211 B

 KY 502 Bowling Green 843-0632 B
 KY 502 Frankfort 875-2911 B
 KY 606 Lexington 231-7717 B
 KY 502 Louisville 583-1209 B
 KY 502 Owensboro 686-8107 B

 LA 318 Alexandria 445-1053 B
 LA 225 Baton Rouge 344-5105 A
 LA 318 Lafayette 233-6951 B
 LA 318 Lake Charles 436-0518 C
 LA 318 Monroe 345-0106 B
 LA 504 New Orleans 524-7442 A
 LA 318 Shreveport 424-2255 B

 MA 508 Attleboro 226-8956 B
 MA 617 Boston 338-0002 A
 MA 508 Brockton 583-3533 B
 MA 781 Dedham 326-4064 B
 MA 508 Fall River 677-4477 B
 MA 508 Framingham 620-1119 B
 MA 978 Lawrence 687-8252 B
 MA 781 Lexington 862-9124 B
 MA 978 Lowell 459-2350 B
 MA 508 New Bedford 990-3300 B
 MA 413 Northhampton 586-0510 C
 MA 413 Pittsfield 499-7741 B
 MA 978 Salem 744-1559 B
 MA 413 Springfield 747-3700 B
 MA 508 Woods Hole 540-4085 C
 MA 508 Worcester 791-7630 B

 MD 410 Annapolis 266-6851 B
 MD 410 Baltimore 244-0470 A
 MD 301 Frederick 293-9596 B
 MD 301 Gaithersburg 869-4191 A

 ME 207 August 622-7364 B
 ME 207 Brewer 973-0700 C
 ME 207 Lewiston 784-0105 C
 ME 207 Portland 791-2400 C

 MI 734 Ann Arbor 741-8488 A
 MI 616 Battle Creek 961-9927 B
 MI 616 Bridgman 465-3248 B
 MI 313 Detroit 965-3011 A
 MI 810 Flint 767-3590 B
 MI 616 Grand Rapids 774-5958 B
 MI 517 Jackson 782-8111 C
 MI 616 Kalamazoo 381-3101 B
 MI 517 Lansing 482-0120 B
 MI 906 Marquette 228-4622 B
 MI 517 Midland 832-7068 B
 MI 616 Muskegon 726-5723 C
 MI 248 Pontiac 858-7109 B
 MI 810 Port Huron 982-8364 B
 MI 517 Saginaw 797-3822 B
 MI 248 Southfield 827-4710 B
 MI 616 Traverse City 946-2121 B
 MI 810 Warren 573-7300 B
 MI 734 Wayne 326-4210 B

 MN 218 Duluth 722-3029 B
 MN 507 Mankato 388-3780 B
 MN 612 Minneapolis 332-0033 A
 MN 507 Rochester 282-0555 C
 MN 320 St Cloud 253-1264 C

 MO 573 Columbia 499-0580 B
 MO 573 Jefferson City 634-8436 C
 MO 816 Kansas City 421-5783 A
 MO 417 Springfield 831-0057 B
 MO 314 St. Charles 723-5179 B
 MO 816 St Joseph 279-4797 C
 MO 314 St Louis 421-1376 A

 MS 228 Gulfport 863-0024 B
 MS 601 Hattiesburg 264-0815 B
 MS 601 Jackson 354-5303 B
 MS 601 Meridian 482-2210 B
 MS 601 Port Gibson 437-8916 B
 MS 601 Starkville 324-2155 B

 MT 406 Billings 248-6373 C
 MT 406 Great Falls 771-0067 B
 MT 406 Helena 443-0527 B
 MT 406 Missoula 543-5575 C

 NC 828 Asheville 259-9945 B
 NC 336 Burlington 229-0032 B
 NC 704 Charlotte 332-4023 A
 NC 910 Fayetteville 323-5940 C
 NC 704 Gastonia 865-4708 B
 NC 336 Greensboro 299-6600 B
 NC 828 Hickory 326-9860 B
 NC 336 High Point 889-7494 B
 NC 336 N.Wilkesboro 838-1663 C
 NC 919 Raleigh 781-9976 B
 NC 919 Res Tri Park 549-0542 B
 NC 252 Tarboro 823-7459 C
 NC 910 Wilmington 763-8292 C
 NC 336 Winston-Salem 785-9962 B

 ND 701 Grand Forks 775-7813 B
 ND 701 Fargo 235-9069 C
 ND 701 Mandan 663-6339 C

 NE 308 Grand Island 381-2049 B
 NE 402 Lincoln 438-4305 B
 NE 402 Omaha 341-4622 B

 NH 603 Concord 225-2566 B
 NH 603 Durham 868-2924 B
 NH 603 Manchester 647-2750 B
 NH 603 Nashua 880-0118 C
 NH 603 Portsmouth 431-7984 B

 NJ 609 Atlantic City 348-3233 B
 NJ 732 Freehold 780-2680 B
 NJ 201 Hackensack 488-1726 B
 NJ 609 Marlton 988-7800 B
 NJ 609 Merchantville 663-7730 B
 NJ 973 Morristown 605-1836 B
 NJ 732 New Brunswick 220-0405 B
 NJ 973 Newark 624-8843 A
 NJ 973 Passaic 777-2700 B
 NJ 973 Paterson 279-4515 B
 NJ 609 Princeton 799-2266 A
 NJ 732 Rahway 388-5288 B
 NJ 732 Redbank 571-0003 B
 NJ 973 Roseland 227-6722 B
 NJ 732 Sayreville 525-9507 B
 NJ 973 Summit 701-0767 B
 NJ 609 Trenton 392-4100 B
 NJ 609 Vineland 696-3883 B

 NM 505 Albuquerque 246-8950 B
 NM 505 Las Cruces 529-9191 B
 NM 505 Santa Fe 473-3403 C

 NV 702 Las Vegas 737-1752 B
 NV 702 Reno 824-3000 B

 NY 518 Albany 433-0092 B
 NY 607 Binghamton 773-2244 B
 NY 716 Buffalo 847-8181 B
 NY 516 Deer Park 254-6021 B
 NY 516 Hempstead 292-2820 B
 NY 607 Ithaca 273-2200 C
 NY 212 New York City 206-0256 A
 NY 716 Niagara Falls 282-3284 B
 NY 518 Plattsburgh 562-1890 C
 NY 914 Poughkeepsie 471-6728 B
 NY 716 Rochester 546-6998 B
 NY 315 Syracuse 448-0021 B
 NY 315 Utica 792-9962 B
 NY 914 White Plains 949-6878 B

 OH 330 Canton 455-1700 B
 OH 513 Cincinnati 579-1593 A
 OH 216 Cleveland 575-0811 A
 OH 614 Columbus 461-8671 A
 OH 937 Dayton 461-4600 B
 OH 440 Elyria 322-8645 C
 OH 419 Findley 422-8188 B
 OH 513 Hamilton 863-4116 B
 OH 330 Kent 678-8330 A
 OH 440 Lorain 960-1771 C
 OH 419 Mansfield 589-0276 C
 OH 419 Sandusky 627-0050 B
 OH 937 Springfield 324-1520 B
 OH 419 Toledo 255-7010 B
 OH 330 Warren 856-7265 C
 OH 330 Wooster 345-1023 B
 OH 330 Youngstown 743-2983 B

 OK 918 Bartlesville 336-6362 B
 OK 580 Lawton 353-0225 B
 OK 405 Oklahoma City 270-0028 B
 OK 405 Stillwater 743-1447 B
 OK 918 Tulsa 584-6935 B

 OR 541 Corvallis 754-0559 C
 OR 541 Eugene 683-5147 B
 OR 541 Hood River 386-4405 C
 OR 541 Klamath Falls 882-6282 B
 OR 541 Medford 772-3994 B
 OR 503 Portland 295-0337 A
 OR 503 Salem 375-3104 B

 PA 814 Altoona 949-0310 B
 PA 724 Butler 285-8721 B
 PA 717 Carlisle 249-9311 C
 PA 717 Danville 271-3840 C
 PA 814 Erie 459-9779 B
 PA 724 Greenburg 836-4771 B
 PA 717 Harrisburg 221-1500 B
 PA 814 Johnstown 535-3356 B
 PA 610 King of Prussi 265-2812 B
 PA 717 Lancaster 295-7128 C
 PA 215 Levittown 946-3469 B
 PA 412 Monroeville 380-5100 B
 PA 215 Philadelphia 854-0589 A
 PA 412 Pittsburgh 281-8326 A
 PA 610 Reading 607-8500 B
 PA 717 Scranton 341-5611 B
 PA 814 State College 231-1510 C
 PA 215 Warrington 491-6800 B
 PA 610 West Chester 436-7406 B
 PA 610 Whitehall 770-2244 C
 PA 717 Williamsport 494-5500 C
 PA 717 Wilkes-Barre 820-9755 B
 PA 717 York 845-9717 B

 RI 401 Newport 849-0229 B
 RI 401 North Kingston 295-7100 B
 RI 401 Providence 453-5353 B
 RI 401 Woonsocket 765-0019 B

 SC 843 Charleston 723-7342 B
 SC 803 Columbia 254-0038 B
 SC 843 Florence 669-0042 B
 SC 864 Greenville 232-7832 B
 SC 843 Myrtle Beach 626-9134 B
 SC 864 Spartanburg 542-1653 B

 SD 605 Pierre 224-2257 B
 SD 605 Rapid City 348-2048 B
 SD 605 Sioux Falls 334-4953 B

 TN 423 Bristol 968-2480 C
 TN 423 Chattanooga 266-3066 B
 TN 931 Clarksville 552-0032 B
 TN 423 Johnson City 282-6645 C
 TN 423 Knoxville 523-4031 B
 TN 901 Memphis 525-5201 B
 TN 615 Nashville 726-1213 B
 TN 423 Oak Ridge 481-3590 B

 TX 915 Abilene 672-3902 B
 TX 806 Amarillo 373-2926 B
 TX 903 Athens 677-1712 C
 TX 512 Austin 929-0078 B
 TX 956 Brownsville 544-7073 C
 TX 409 Bryan 779-0713 C
 TX 512 Corpus Christi 888-7207 B
 TX 214 Dallas 653-0840 A
 TX 940 Denton 381-1897 C
 TX 915 El Paso 532-1912 B
 TX 817 Ft Worth 332-1015 A
 TX 409 Galveston 762-8076 B
 TX 713 Houston 228-0705 A
 TX 956 Laredo 724-1791 C
 TX 903 Longview 758-1161 C
 TX 806 Lubbock 765-9631 B
 TX 956 McAllen 631-8967 B
 TX 915 Midland 561-8931 B
 TX 409 Nederland 722-7162 B
 TX 915 San Angelo 944-0376 B
 TX 210 San Antonio 225-1191 B
 TX 903 Sherman 893-4995 B
 TX 254 Temple 773-9723 C
 TX 903 Texarkana 794-4700 B
 TX 903 Tyler 597-8925 C
 TX 512 Victoria 572-3197 B
 TX 254 Waco 752-2681 C
 TX 940 Wichita Falls 322-3774 B

 UT 435 Logan 752-3421 B
 UT 801 Ogden 627-1640 C
 UT 801 Provo 371-0278 B
 UT 801 Salt Lake City 355-9030 B

 VA 540 Blacksburg 552-9181 B
 VA 804 Charlottesvill 977-5330 C
 VA 540 Covington 962-2217 B
 VA 540 Fredericksburg 371-0188 B
 VA 540 Harrisonburg 434-0374 C
 VA 703 Herndon 787-6719 B
 VA 804 Lynchburg 845-0010 C
 VA 757 Newport News 596-9232 B
 VA 757 Norfolk 626-3349 B
 VA 703 Occoquan 494-0836 B
 VA 804 Richmond 225-0021 B
 VA 540 Roanoke 857-4266 B

 VT 802 Burlington 660-4795 B
 VT 802 Montpelier 223-0758 B
 VT 802 Rutland 775-1676 C
 VT 802 White River 295-7631 C

 WA 253 Auburn 939-9982 B
 WA 360 Bellingham 733-2873 B
 WA 425 Everett 774-7466 C
 WA 360 Longview 577-3992 B
 WA 360 Olympia 705-0769 C
 WA 509 Pullman 332-0172 B
 WA 509 Richland 943-6117 B
 WA 206 Seattle 625-1386 A
 WA 509 Spokane 747-2069 B
 WA 253 Tacoma 383-9488 B
 WA 360 Vancouver 693-6914 B
 WA 509 Wenatchee 663-9482 B
 WA 509 Yakima 575-1060 B

 WI 608 Beloit 362-5287 B
 WI 715 Eau Claire 836-0097 C
 WI 920 Green Bay 432-0346 B
 WI 608 La Crosse 784-0560 B
 WI 608 Madison 257-8330 B
 WI 414 Milwaukee 271-2420 A
 WI 920 Neenah 731-1560 B
 WI 715 Wausau 848-6044 B

 WV 304 Charleston 346-0524 B
 WV 304 Clarksburg 622-6827 B
 WV 304 Huntington 523-2802 C
 WV 304 Morgantown 292-0492 C
 WV 304 Wheeling 233-7732 B

 WY 307 Casper 265-8807 C
 WY 307 Cheyenne 637-3958 B
 WY 307 Laramie 721-5878 B

 If you think you have found your school(most unlikely) at an NUA, the next step is to find
 out what operating system it has. I'm only really experienced in unix, and a little novell, 
 and don't know much about VAX/VMS or Prime systems, but the chances are you are with good
 ol' unix. Try default passwords and the way to tell you've gotten into the system is when
 you're at the $ prompt!

 Read other files to learn more on the Telenet and unix, don't become obssessed with it though
 because the odds are very slim that the school has an NUA.


 As I stated before many school's have Macs in their classrooms. My last school had a
 buch of those stupid iMacs. The only thing I find amusing about these computers is that, 
 there is a program that is called SimpleText in the MacOs 8.x package. This seems to resemble
 Notepad a little. It basically only allows you to write, but if you lookat the top of the 
 GUI interface in the "window" you should see "sound" or "voice" which allows the text you 
 type in the editor to be spoken by the computer in various types of voices. Now for the fun,
 type into the screen: Mrs. (insert teacher's name) 's pussy is so wide three tennis balls can
 fit in it, or something to that affect! That's all I can think of right now until a MacOs 
 version of NetBus or Back Orifice comes out.

 PS. If your school doesn't have Macs, just download Shit-Talker, a program that will say 
 anything you type in, just like SimpleText, but it is more featured and has things such as
 prewritten phrases and random insults, download it from http://members.aol.com/meatsloth.

 Also if you know anyone who has a Mac made within the last three years or so, become 
 his friend, and go over to his house to his lame Mac. Sometimes certain models actually come
 with remote controls for you to turn on the computer, and these remotes work with almost any
 recent Mac! So steal your friend's remote, and keep turning on and off the classroom's Macs 
 until the teacher goes crazy!


 One day go in to the office before after (or during) a class, and say that Mrs. 
 (whatever) wasn't in her room and you need to see her. Watch the secretary carefully, she 
 picks up the phone at her desk (usually) and dials a code, ans speaks into the phone "Mrs. 
 (whatever) please report to the office". Even though those fingers are quick try to keep 
 track of the numbers she pressed, and then try to find a phone (besides a payphone) in the
 school, try the teachers lounge. Try that code, and say something or make a sound to see if
 you are heard throughout the schoo'ls PA system, and now whip out your boom box and 
 play "Another Brick In the Wall" by Pink FLoyd all over school!

 PS. This doesn't work everywhere


 Some school's have answering machines, some don't. If your's does, when the message 
 comes on try to get a two digit code so you have access to their answering machine remotely.
 From there you can change the outgoing message and hear their messages, nothing too exciting,
 so if you are really interested in doing this, go read some text files on how to hack 
 answering machines. I have seen some AM hacking texts at phonerangers.org in the articles
 section and also of course at hackersclub.com/km. 

 If you think your school has a PBX, then try to hack into a VMB to get free calls! Read 
 other files to be more specific on hoing VMB/PBX. There is good PBX info in issue one of the
 OCPP(http://fly.to/ppn), and several issues of the Damage INC 



 If you're in one of those schools where there is a TV and VCR in every room, this 
 section is for you! Find out if your remote that is with YOUR VCR is a universal remote, or 
 if it is just for the specific brand. Usually Sony, Zenith, and Magnavox all come with 
 universal remotes. If you don't have a universal remote, go steal one from Rat Shack (radio

 Next, find out the brand of TVs and VCRs that the classrooms have. Use the manual
 that came with your remote to find out how to program the specific code used for that brand
 so that your remote communinicates with the TC/VCR. Now usually the codes are listed in the 
 manuals, but I'll list it here anyway.

 TV Codes


 Admiral 116, 121
 Akai 104
 Amark 103, 146
 AOC 104
 Bell/Howell 121
 Broksonic 131, 136
 Candle 139
 Centurion 119
 Citizen 139
 Contec 141
 Coronado 103
 Crown 103
 Curtis Mathes 116, 119, 121
 Daewoo 149
 Emerson 103, 104, 123, 124, 131, 136, 145
 Fisher 109, 118
 Funai 154
 GE 116, 106, 107, 114, 117
 Goldstar 103, 104, 119, 147, 153
 Hitachi 102, 103, 129
 JVC 125, 132
 KMC 103
 Logik 121
 LX1 133, 137
 Magnavox 103, 112, 113, 117, 119, 127, 128, 139
 Majestic 121
 Marantz 104
 Megatron 146
 Memorex 121
 Mitsubishi 104, 119, 120, 130
 MW 103m 104m 105, 113, 114, 119, 121, 130, 133
 NEC 104
 Panasonic 106, 107
 Philips 112, 113
 Pioneer 135
 ProScan 116
 Quasar 106
 RCA 104, 116, 126,
 Realistic 105, 123, 124
 Samsung 103, 119, 134, 141
 Sanyo 103, 118
 Scott 119
 Sears 103, 108, 110, 111
 Sharp 103, 105, 122, 133, 137
 Sony 115, 151
 Soundesign 139
 Sylvania 112, 113, 117, 119, 127, 128, 139
 Tatung 106
 Twlerent 103, 121
 Toshiba 110, 111, 134
 Yorx 101, 149
 Zenith 101, 149, 153, 154

 VCR Codes


 Admiral 208
 Akai 223, 241
 Audio Dynamics 202, 218
 Bell/Howell 206, 247
 Broksonic 221, 226
 Canon 214
 Citizen 209
 Craig 212
 Curtis Mathes 214
 Daewoo 244, 246
 Emerson 203, 221, 223, 226, 233, 235, 243
 Fisher 211, 212, 213, 247
 Funai 231
 GE 214, 216, 220
 Goldstar 209
 Hitachi 215
 JVC 202, 225
 Kenwood 202
 Logik 239
 LX1 209, 231
 Magnavox 207, 214, 231
 Marta 209
 Marantz 104
 Memorex 206, 212, 214, 231
 Mitsubishi 204, 222
 MW 208, 218, 214, 216, 219, 231
 NEC 218
 Panasonic 214
 Philips 214, 227
 Pioneer 210, 215, 123
 Portland 246
 Quasar 214
 RCA 215, 216, 220, 227, 242
 Realistic 206, 208, 212, 214, 231
 Samsung 220, 230
 Sanyo 206
 Scott 204, 206, 205, 233
 Sears 206, 208, 209, 211, 212, 215
 Sharp 208
 Sony 217, 232, 237
 Sylvania 207, 214, 227
 Tatung 202
 Teac 202, 231
 Toshiba 205, 215
 Yamaha 202, 218
 Zenith 201, 225, 229, 237

 Now you have complete control over when the TV and VCR and can turn it on when its off, and
 turn it off the next time the health teacher put's "The Anatomy of the Penis" into the VCR.
 Now, you can also take a porno video and re label it as an educational tape, stick it in the
 VCR, use your modified remote to put on in front of the whole class!

 This article was written soley for informational and humorous purposes, I do not advise you
 to do any of what is suggested in here for your own good. Nothing in this article is to be
 taken seriously. 

 http://fly.to/ppn - 7h3 3l3373s7 h4x0r s1t3 0ut th3re!

 Also, on a personal note, I do not normally wr173 L1k3 7h1s, I'm just find it funny that 
 people think they are elite when they write like that.


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