TUCoPS :: General Information :: securit1.txt

Computer Emer. Respose Team

       Computer Emergency Response - An International

9                     Richard D. Pethia
                     Kenneth R. van Wyk

   Computer Emergency Response Team / Coordination Center
               Software Engineering Institute
                 Carnegie Mellon University
                     4500 Fifth Avenue
                 Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890


          Computer security incidents during  the  past
     few  years have illustrated that unauthorized com-
     puter activity does  not  obey  traditional  boun-
     daries  (e.g.,  national, network, computer archi-
     tecture).   Instead,  such   activity   frequently
     crosses   these  boundaries  not  just  once,  but
     several times per incident [Stoll89].

     International cooperation among computer  security
     response groups can be an effective means of deal-
     ing with computer security issues faced  today  by
     the computer user community.  This paper addresses
     the need for such cooperation and suggests methods
     by  which  individual  computer  security response
     groups can work together internationally  to  cope
     with computer security incidents.

_1.  _B_a_c_k_g_r_o_u_n_d

The increasing use and dependence on  interconnected  local,
regional,  and  wide area networks, while bringing important
new capabilities, also brings new  vulnerabilities.   Widely
publicized  events such as the November 1988, Internet Worm,
which affected thousands of  systems  on  the  international
research  network  Internet, or the October 1989, WANK worm,
which affected hundreds of systems on NASA's  Space  Physics
and  Analysis (SPAN) network are unusual, although dramatic,
events.  There are many  more  events  such  as  intrusions,
exploitation   of  vulnerabilities,  and  discovery  of  new
9  |= Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense

                     November 14, 1990

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vulnerabilities that occur with much greater  frequency  and
require effective methods of response.  Several examples are
listed below.

_1._1.  _I_n_c_i_d_e_n_t_s

From August 1986 until late 1987, staff members at  Lawrence
Berkeley  Laboratory  worked with investigators to trace the
paths of a computer intruder; the trail eventually lead them
to  a KGB-funded intruder operating out of Hannover, Germany
[Stoll88].  The investigation was often hampered by  a  lack
of cooperation among "bureaucratic organizations" [Stoll88].
On the other hand,  "cooperation  between  system  managers,
communications technicians, and network operators was excel-
lent" [Stoll88].  Still, it was only when the  investigators
in  both  countries  got  involved  that  the  intruder  was
apprehended [Stoll89].  It is worthwhile to  note  that  the
break-ins in this case utilized the same attack methods over
and over (such as  repeatedly  guessing  common  and  system
default   username/password  combinations,  exploiting  well
known security holes which had not yet  been  fixed  by  the
system  administrators,  etc.); through diligent, methodical
application of these methods, the intruders were  successful
at entering dozens of computer systems [Stoll89].

In November 1988, a rogue worm program entered the  Internet
and  caused  widespread  system  failures [Spafford88].  The
worm, written by Cornell University graduate student  Robert
Tappan Morris, Jr. [Markoff90a], exploited lax password pol-
icies as well  as  two  software  implementation  errors  in
specific  versions of UNIX, the predominant operating system
on Internet computers.

More recently,  three  Australian  computer  intruders  were
arrested  by  Australian  Federal  police  "after a two-year
investigation that included cooperation with  United  States
authorities"  [Markoff90b].   Again, the intruders exploited
known vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized entry  onto  sys-
tems [Danca90].

In October 1989, a worm program called Worms Against Nuclear
Killers  (WANK)  infected  a  National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) network [Alexander89].  The worm  pro-
gram  spread  to  many  computers  in different countries by
using system vulnerabilities that "should have  been  closed
months  ago"  following  a similar incident in December 1988

In another, albeit domestic, case,  two  computer  intruders
were  arrested and charged with illegal use of computer sys-
tems at Pennsylvania State University.  The intrusions  took
place  on  a  computer  system at the University of Chicago.
University of Chicago  officials  contacted  CERT/CC,  which
then  contacted  administrators  at Penn State.  Eventually,

                     November 14, 1990

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through the cooperation of the administrators and investiga-
tors, the two Penn State students were charged [Graf90].

These cases all illustrate the need  for  cooperation  among
computer security response groups.

_1._2.  _S_y_s_t_e_m _V_u_l_n_e_r_a_b_i_l_i_t_i_e_s

Another  situation  in  which  cooperation  across  multiple
organizations  becomes essential is in dissemination of sys-
tem vulnerability alerts (and, more importantly, their solu-
tions).   As  system  intruders  successfully gain access to
systems which have weak passwords  or  systems  where  known
security  vulnerabilities  have  not been closed, they often
share information on vulnerabilities in these  systems  with
others.  Likewise, as intruders discover new vulnerabilities
in particular operating system or other  software  packages,
information  on  the vulnerabilities is quickly communicated
through various bulletin boards and other electronic forums.

As a result, many large communities of system users  quickly
become vulnerable.  Traditional methods of dealing with vul-
nerability information, including closely protecting  infor-
mation on the existence of the vulnerability, are not effec-
tive once intruders have learned of system  weaknesses.   In
these  cases, supplying password guideline and security vul-
nerability information to system administrators  is  crucial
in raising security levels and deterring attacks.

The Computer Emergency  Response  Team  Coordination  Center
(CERT/CC)  (see  Section  2.1)  frequently  distributes CERT
Advisories that, among other things, inform  the  public  of
vulnerabilities, fixes, and active methods of attack.

_2.  _E_m_e_r_g_e_n_c_y _R_e_s_p_o_n_s_e _G_r_o_u_p_s

_2._1.  _I_n_t_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n _t_o _C_E_R_T

Shortly after the Internet  worm  of  November  1988  [Spaf-
ford88],  the  Defense  Advanced  Research  Projects  Agency
(DARPA) started the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT),
whose  Coordination  Center (CERT/CC) is located at Carnegie
Mellon University's  Software  Engineering  Institute  (SEI)
[Scherlis88].   "The  CERT  is a community group intended to
facilitate community response to  computer  security  events
involving  Internet  hosts"  [Denning90].   CERT consists of
hundreds of highly qualified volunteers throughout the  com-
puter  community, as well as the staff of the CERT/CC and of
the other emergency response groups in the CERT-System  (see
Section  2.2  for  details).   The CERT/CC serves as a focal
point for response to Internet  computer  security  problems
[Denning90].   Since  it  would  be  impossible  for any one
response group to address the needs of all  constituencies|=,

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the need for multiple CERT groups exists.  (This issue, too,
is covered in more detail in Section 2.2.)

CERT groups must have sufficient in-house  technical  exper-
tise  to  handle a reasonable portion of day to day security
incidents, leaving the  volunteer  contacts  for  situations
which  require additional expertise.  However, because emer-
gency response involves addressing more than just  technical
issues, CERT membership includes not only technical experts,
but site managers, security officers,  industry  representa-
tives, and government officials [Denning90].

One of the essential characteristics  of  a  CERT  group  is
being  available  to  its  constituency on a 24 hour per day
basis.  There must be a well  publicized  central  point  of
contact   which  is  available  continuously.   This  should
include, at a minimum, a "hotline" telephone which  is  con-
stantly manned, and an electronic mailbox which is monitored
during business hours.  The CERT/CC hotline number is  (412)
268-7090,    and   its   electronic   mailbox   address   is
cert@cert.sei.cmu.edu, on the Internet.

It is critical that a CERT group build and maintain  a  col-
lection  of  contacts,  both within the group's constituency
and externally [Dalton90].  The contact  information  should
include  other CERT groups, system vendors, law enforcement,
network operation centers, technical experts, site  adminis-
trators,  etc.   Building  the contact information is an on-
going process in which contacts are developed and maintained
over  time.  Each contact must be aware of its responsibili-
ties and/or expectations in the emergency  response  process

In addition to the contact information, a CERT group  should
maintain  an information repository which will be drawn upon
in future incidents.  The information in the repository will
include contact information (as detailed above), system vul-
nerability details, security  incident  reports,  electronic
mail  archives,  and other relevant information [Denning90].
Due to the nature of this information, the security  on  the
system on which it resides must be beyond reproach.  CERT/CC
maintains its information database on  an  off-line  system,
which is not accessible via network connections.

As system vulnerabilities (and their fixes), break-in  warn-
ing  information,  and  other  relevant  information becomes
available, CERT groups should issue advisories to members of
their  constituency  [Denning90].   Past  CERT/CC advisories
have  included  vulnerability   notification   (along   with
appropriate solutions), warnings of widespread break-ins and
  |= The term "constituency" is used here  to  define  a
group with some common needs.

                     November 14, 1990

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symptoms thereof, and secure system  administration  sugges-
tions.   The  entire  collection  of  CERT/CC advisories are
maintained on-line and are  accessible  to  CERT/CC  consti-

_2._1._1.  _E_x_a_m_p_l_e _C_E_R_T _I_n_c_i_d_e_n_t _H_a_n_d_l_i_n_g _P_r_o_c_e_d_u_r_e_s

As an ongoing process, CERT/CC has developed and is continu-
ing  to  improve upon its event handling procedures.  Natur-
ally, the procedures are different for each distinct type of
event  (e.g.,  system break-in, vulnerability report, worm).
This section presents an overview  of  some  of  these  pro-

When CERT/CC receives a report  of  a  system  break-in,  it
first    works    together    with   the   affected   system
administrator(s) in  determining  how  the  intruder  gained
access  to  the  system.   This  is generally in the form of
offering guidance on what sort of  signs  the  administrator
should look for to determine means of access.  Next, CERT/CC
offers assistance in repairing  the  exploited  hole(s),  as
well  as  other  commonly  known vulnerabilities.  Examining
systems for  backdoors  or  trojan  horses  that  have  been
planted by the intruder is an especially important activity.
If the break-in came from other sites, or  if  the  intruder
broke  into  other  systems from the current system, CERT/CC
notifies other affected site administrators  (from  time  to
time,  the  administrator  will already have contacted other
affected sites; in such a case, CERT/CC requests to be  kept
up to date with the relevant flow of information between the
sites).  In  some  cases,  other  affected,  or  potentially
affected,  sites  are  not  Internet sites.  In these cases,
communication across traditional "territorial" boundaries is
especially  important.    It is important to note that, when
contacting sites, CERT/CC always maintains the confidential-
ity  of  the  affected sites unless the sites specify other-

As system vulnerabilities are reported to CERT/CC, they  are
first  authenticated  and  then  reported  to  the  affected
vendor(s).  CERT/CC offers guidance to the vendor  community
by  reporting the magnitude of the threat (e.g., whether the
hole is being actively exploited, whether the hole is  known
to  a widespread audience, whether the hole can be exploited
from a remote system or requires existing system  access  in
order  to  be  exploited).   CERT/CC  also  offers technical
input, if desired by the vendors. The vendor community  will
generally  respond  with a fix, a workaround, or a reference
to same for the problem.  In many  cases,  the  CERT/CC  has
received  advanced  versions  of  fixes from vendors and has
received the vendor's authorization to release  the  fix  to
selected  members  of the technical community for review and
comment.  This technical review  process  shows  promise  of
improving the quality of corrections to vulnerabilities.

                     November 14, 1990

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Depending  upon  the  situation,  CERT/CC  then  drafts   an
advisory  for review by the vendors, the CERT-System, and/or
technical affiliates.  When the draft advisory  is  mutually
accepted, it is distributed electronically to CERT/CC's con-
stituency,  the  Internet  research  community.   For  this,
CERT/CC  operates  a CERT Advisory mailing list, in addition
to  a  Usenet  newsgroup,  comp.security.announce  [Quarter-
man90].  (See Appendix 1 for an example CERT/CC advisory.)

_2._2.  _C_E_R_T-_S_y_s_t_e_m

As mentioned in Section 2.1, no  single  emergency  response
group  can be expected to address the needs of every portion
of the computing world, due to the diversities and scale  of
all  of  the  various  computing  environments  [Denning90].
Individual communities each have their  own  distinct  poli-
cies,  rules, regulations, procedures, and culture.  Methods
effective in one community (e.g., the Internet research com-
munity)  would  not likely succeed in other communities that
have significantly different cultures  (e.g.,  the  military
community or the banking community).

In addition, implementation  platforms  (operating  systems,
networking  software  and  protocols) vary widely.  A single
CERT group would not likely be successful  in  dealing  with
technical  diversity,  or  at least could not do so economi-

The  "CERT-System"  model,  therefore,  includes   multiple,
cooperating  individual CERT organizations.  Each individual
CERT group in the CERT-System focuses on a  particular  con-

Each constituency in the model can be defined by either user
or  technology  boundaries.  The user constituencies consist
of groups with  common  networks,  needs,  and/or  policies,
while  the  technology constituencies are groups with common
computing architectures [Denning90].  An example of  a  user
constituency  is  the  Internet research community, which is
made up of organizations in academia, government,  military,
as  well  as  commercial  groups.   These  groups  are bound
together by being members of the Internet network.  An exam-
ple  technology constituency is the IBM mainframe community,
which is bound by a common computer architecture.

The CERT/CC group addresses both a user constituency (Inter-
net   research  community)  and  a  technology  constituency
(UNIX-based workstations and mainframes, which is  the  pri-
mary type of system on the Internet).

The CERT model lends itself well to network groups  such  as
the  Internet  research  community,  as  well  as  corporate
[Fedeli90], government, military, etc., groups.

                     November 14, 1990

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In times of crisis, many CERT groups can be  active  with  a
technology  coordination center analyzing problems and coor-
dinating the search for solutions and with user constituency
coordination  centers  gathering  information  and informing
their constituents as appropriate.

In less troubled times, the CERTs  work  together  to  build
effective  communication  mechanisms,  share  information on
effective computer security tools and techniques,  and  con-
duct  proactive  campaigns aimed at increasing the awareness
of computer security issues and improving  the  security  of
operational systems.

The CERT-System model has been widely  accepted  and  eleven
groups  funded  by  U.S.  government  agencies  and  several
private firms now participate in the  system.   Interest  in
participating  has been expressed by several other organiza-
tions and steps are being taken to more  formally  structure
the  CERT-System.   This  structure, including a charter and
by-laws that are being reviewed  and  approved  by  existing
CERT-System  members  as  this  paper is being written, will
provide a framework to enable wider participation.

_3.  _C_o_n_c_l_u_s_i_o_n_s

It has been shown that the CERT concept can be an  effective
means  of  responding to computer security-related incidents
[Graf90].  In incidents prior  to  the  existence  of  CERT,
system  administrators were frequently at a loss for outside
assistance     when     handling     security      incidents
[Stoll88,Stoll89].   It  has  also  been shown that computer
system security incidents do not obey network, national,  or
architectural  boundaries  [Stoll88]  and that the intruders
frequently exploit lax security procedures (due, perhaps, to
a  lack  of  specific knowledge on the administrators' part)

Effective computer security incident response requires  com-
munication  and  coordination  across  multiple communities.
While many incidents occur because software design or imple-
mentation  deficiencies  are  exploited,  resolution  of the
incidents requires more than a technical solution.  Communi-
cation  of  threat and vulnerability information across com-
puting  communities  is  essential  to  resolving   specific
incidents and improving the security of operational systems.

A well formed CERT-System will raise security awareness  and
knowledge  among  site  administrators  as  well as give the
administrators sources of assistance in  times  of  computer
emergencies.   By  drawing  on the experiences of individual
CERT groups, the knowledge level of  the  CERT-System  as  a
whole  will  grow,  enabling all members to more effectively
and efficiently deal with  computer  security  incidents  as
they arise.

                     November 14, 1990

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_1.  _E_x_a_m_p_l_e _C_E_R_T/_C_C _A_d_v_i_s_o_r_y


                       CERT Advisory
                       March 19, 1990
                 Internet Intruder Warning

There have been a number of media reports  stemming  from  a
March  19  New  York Times article entitled 'Computer System
Intruder Plucks Passwords and Avoids Detection.'  The  arti-
cle  referred to a program that attempts to get into comput-
ers around the Internet.

At this point, the Computer Emergency Response Team  Coordi-
nation  Center  (CERT/CC)  does  not have hard evidence that
there is such a program.  What we have seen are several per-
sistent attempts on systems using known security vulnerabil-
ities.  All of these vulnerabilities  have  been  previously
reported.   Some  national  news agencies have referred to a
'virus' on the Internet; the information we have  now  indi-
cates that this is NOT true.  What we have seen and can con-
firm is an intruder making persistent attempts to  get  into
Internet systems.

It is possible that a program may be  discovered.   However,
all  the  techniques  used  in these attempts have also been
used, in the past, by intruders probing systems manually.

As of the morning of March 19, we know  of  several  systems
that  have  been broken into and several dozen more attempts
made on Thursday and Friday, March 15 and 16.

Systems administrators should be  aware  that  many  systems
around  the  Internet  may  have  these vulnerabilities, and
intruders know how  to  exploit  them.   To  avoid  security
breaches  in  the  future,  we  recommend  that  all  system
administrators check for the kinds of problems noted in this

The rest of this advisory  describes  problems  with  system
configurations  that  we have seen intruders using.  In par-
ticular, the intruders  attempted  to  exploit  problems  in
Berkeley  BSD derived UNIX systems and have attacked DEC VMS
systems.  In the advisory below, points 1  through  12  deal
with Unix, points 13 and 14 deal with the VMS attacks.

If you have questions about a particular problem, please get
in touch with your vendor.

The CERT makes  copies  of  past  advisories  available  via
anonymous FTP (see the end of this message).  Administrators

                     November 14, 1990

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may wish to review these as well.

We've had reports of intruders  attempting  to  exploit  the
following areas:

1) Use TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) to steal  pass-
word files.

   To test your system for this  vulnerability,  connect  to
your  system using TFTP and try 'get /etc/motd'.  If you can
do this, anyone else can get your password file as well.  To
avoid this problem, disable tftpd.

   In conjunction with this, encourage your users to  choose
passwords  that  are difficult to guess (e.g. words that are
not contained in any dictionary of words of any language; no
proper  nouns, including names of "famous" real or imaginary
characters; no acronyms that are common to computer  profes-
sionals;  no simple variations of first or last names, etc.)
Furthermore, inform your users not to leave any  clear  text
username/password information in files on any system.

   If an intruder can get a password file, he/she will  usu-
ally  take  it  to another machine and run password guessing
programs on it.  These  programs  involve  large  dictionary
searches and run quickly even on slow machines.  The experi-
ence of many sites is that most systems that do not put  any
controls  on  the  types  of passwords used probably have at
least one password that can be guessed.

2) Exploit accounts without  passwords  or  known  passwords
(accounts  with vendor supplied default passwords are favor-
ites).  Also uses finger to get account names and then tries
simple passwords.

   Scan  your  password  file  for  extra  UID  0  accounts,
accounts  with  no  password, or new entries in the password
file.  Always change vendor supplied default passwords  when
you install new system software.

3) Exploit holes in sendmail.

   Make sure you are running the latest sendmail  from  your
vendor.  BSD 5.61 fixes all known holes that the intruder is

4) Exploit  bugs  in  old  versions  of  FTP;  exploit  mis-
   anonymous FTP

   Make sure you are running the most recent version of  FTP
which  is the Berkeley version 4.163 of Nov.  8 1988.  Check
with your vendor for information on configuration  upgrades.
Also   check   your  anonymous  FTP  configuration.   It  is

                     November 14, 1990

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important to  follow  the  instructions  provided  with  the
operating  system  to properly configure the files available
through anonymous ftp (e.g.,  file  permissions,  ownership,
group,  etc.).  Note especially that you should not use your
system's standard password file as  the  password  file  for

5) Exploit the fingerd hole  used  by  the  Morris  Internet

   Make sure you're running  a  recent  version  of  finger.
Numerous  Berkeley BSD derived versions of UNIX were vulner-

Some other things to check for:

6) Check user's .rhosts files and the /etc/hosts.equiv files
for  systems  outside  your  domain.  Make sure all hosts in
these files are  authorized  and  that  the  files  are  not

7) Examine all the files that are run by cron and at.  We've
seen  intruders  leave  back doors in files run from cron or
submitted to at.  These techniques can let the intruder back
on  the  system even after you've kicked him/her off.  Also,
verify  that  all  files/programs  referenced  (directly  or
indirectly) by the cron and at jobs, and the job files them-
selves, are not world-writable.

8) If your machine supports uucp, check the L.cmds  file  to
see  if they've added extra commands and that it is owned by
root (not by uucp!) and  world-readable.   Also,  the  L.sys
file should not be world-readable or world-writable.

9) Examine the /usr/lib/aliases (mail alias) file for  unau-
thorized  entries.   Some alias files include an alias named
'uudecode'; if this alias exists on your system, and you are
not explicitly using it, then it should be removed.

10) Look for hidden files (files that start  with  a  period
and  are  normally  not  shown  by ls) with odd names and/or
setuid capabilities, as these can be used to "hide" informa-
tion   or   privileged  (setuid  root)  programs,  including
/bin/sh.  Names such as '..  ' (dot dot space space), '...',
and  .xx have been used, as have ordinary looking names such
as  '.mail'.   Places  to  look  include  especially   /tmp,
/usr/tmp,  and  hidden directories (frequently within users'
home directories).

11) Check the integrity of critical system programs such  as
su,  login,  and telnet.  Use a known, good copy of the pro-
gram, such as the original distribution media and compare it
with the program you are running.

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12) Older versions of systems often have  security  vulnera-
bilities  that are well known to intruders.  One of the best
defenses against problems is to upgrade to the  latest  ver-
sion of your vendor's system.


13) The intruder exploits system default passwords that have
not  been  changed  since installation.  Make sure to change
all default passwords when the software is  installed.   The
intruder  also  guesses  simple user passwords.  See point 1
above for suggestions on choosing good passwords.

14) If the intruder gets into a system, often  the  programs
loginout.exe  and  show.exe  are modified.  Check these pro-
grams against the files found in your distribution media.

If you believe that your system has been  compromised,  con-
tact CERT via telephone or email.

        J. Paul Holbrook
        Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)
        Software Engineering Institute
        Carnegie Mellon University
        Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890

        Internet: cert@cert.sei.cmu.edu
        Telephone: 412-268-7090 24-hour hotline: CERT personnel answer
                   7:30a.m.-6:00p.m. EST, on call for emergencies
                    other hours.

Past advisories and  other  information  are  available  for
anonymous ftp from cert.sei.cmu.edu (


     Dalton, J., "Building a Constituency - An Ongoing  Pro-
     cess,"  _P_r_o_c_e_e_d_i_n_g_s,  _C_o_m_p_u_t_e_r  _E_m_e_r_g_e_n_c_y _R_e_s_p_o_n_s_e _T_e_a_m
     _W_o_r_k_s_h_o_p, 1990.

     Danca, R., "Officials Confirm Latest Attempt to  Invade
     Internet," _F_e_d_e_r_a_l _C_o_m_p_u_t_e_r _W_e_e_k, vol. 4, no. 12, 1990.

     Denning, P., _C_o_m_p_u_t_e_r_s _U_n_d_e_r _A_t_t_a_c_k, ACM Press, 1990.

     Fedeli, A., "Forming and  Managing  a  Response  Team,"
     _P_r_o_c_e_e_d_i_n_g_s, _C_o_m_p_u_t_e_r _E_m_e_r_g_e_n_c_y _R_e_s_p_o_n_s_e _T_e_a_m _W_o_r_k_s_h_o_p,

                     November 14, 1990

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     Graf, J., "2 Charged With Illegal Computer Use," _C_e_n_t_r_e
     _D_a_i_l_y _T_i_m_e_s, February 17, 1990.

     Alexander, M., Johnson, M., "Worm Eats Holes in  NASA's
     Decnet," _C_o_m_p_u_t_e_r _W_o_r_l_d, October 23, 1989.

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                     November 14, 1990

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