Msg#: 79 *Telcom P/H* 18-07-89 19.52.07 (Read 35 Times) From: E E. CUMMINGS To: ALL Subj: WHOS HERE well who all is back on the carnival let us re commence prior activities huh ok to start does anyone here wanna take part in a national kinda carding service like person a cards what person b wants and vice versa then they switch to avoid any possible local investigations if anyone does leave me mail see you in hell e e cummings Msg#: 441 *Telcom P/H* 08-08-89 21.20.01 (Read 26 Times) From: THE TERMINATOR To: E E. CUMMINGS Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 79 (WHOS HERE) Sounds like a good idea dude but first of all you would have to have addresses. In the hck/phrk world asking for an address is like asking to see someones moles on the area between your scrotom and asshole. Dude it could work though like use P.O. Boxes... Hmmm Willie what do you think ? Msg#: 455 *Telcom P/H* 09-08-89 07.22.34 (Read 24 Times) From: TEQUILA WILLY To: THE TERMINATOR (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 441 (WHOS HERE) Hmmm... I have elected not to participate in carding activities... What's the point? Willsie Msg#: 470 *Telcom P/H* 09-08-89 19.26.50 (Read 23 Times) From: GREENPEACE To: THE TERMINATOR (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 441 (WHOS HERE) I can't see using cards in personal use either. I could however have someone else do the chore for me and feel secure. I am past the age of concent to that sort of thingy. However it just so happens.... Greenpeace !!UU.west!!apple!!spies!!west!!green!! Msg#: 438 *Telcom P/H* 08-08-89 21.00.33 (Read 25 Times) From: THE TERMINATOR To: ALL Subj: BACK Yo. I'm back again. Life in the south is shit. Innyway lots of interestin stuff now. Gonna check it out with Willsie and see if it is fit for the public eye ... I'll be around. <----------- the TerMinaT0r -----------> Msg#: 480 *Telcom P/H* 09-08-89 23.45.55 (Read 25 Times) From: SILENCER To: AT&T Subj: MAINFRAME HEre is an At&T mainframe. 1-800-548-2996 login: sskinner PW: trixieq2 later \\Silencer/// Msg#: 1371 *Telcom P/H* 11-10-89 18.17.54 (Read 14 Times) From: MR. BYTE To: SILENCER Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 480 (MAINFRAME) Question: I call, and I get a node number, port number, and some kind of stuff, and it asks for destination...is this AT&T's way of asking for log-on codes, or what. (Novice hacker...Please help) Mr. Byte Msg#: 1380 *Telcom P/H* 12-10-89 19.48.51 (Read 16 Times) From: CAPTAIN CROOK To: MR. BYTE (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 1371 (MAINFRAME) Typical AT&T system... Hit ? for a menu (usually type modem for outdial) and if it doesn't take words then you will have to try numbers (destinations) Msg#: 1383 *Telcom P/H* 12-10-89 22.19.45 (Read 15 Times) From: MR. BYTE To: CAPTAIN CROOK Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 1380 (MAINFRAME) Thanx... Mr. Byte Msg#: 485 *Telcom P/H* 10-08-89 19.10.04 (Read 24 Times) From: THE TERMINATOR To: ALL Subj: WOWZA Here's a Sprint Backdoor 1-800-778-1989 then hold down # for 4 secs. Hehehe . woza wowza ttt Msg#: 486 *Telcom P/H* 10-08-89 22.25.50 (Read 22 Times) From: THE TERMINATOR To: ALL Subj: POST Arghhhhh Post dammit. Oh well I tried . Maybe pleading .. begging sobbing how bout. post please post oh weell try 1-800-345-8900 wait till she hangs up and call out . sometimes they catch on but if they don't heheheh Msg#: 491 *Telcom P/H* 11-08-89 01.22.51 (Read 23 Times) From: MR. QUARK To: ALL Subj: 0266 Just in case anyone's hurtin badly enuff to need codes, .. heres a couple'a working 950-0266ers.. 6389880 3809484 Have funsters Mr. Quark Msg#: 631 *Telcom P/H* 16-08-89 01.26.49 (Read 21 Times) From: MR. QUARK To: ANYBUDDY Subj: SCANNING FER CODEZ I guess this might be the wrong place to ask... but does anyone know how safe scanning for codes is these daze? I have bean out of the phreakin seen for awhile.. Am I safe leavin the scanner on overnite? Mr. Quark Msg#: 715 *Telcom P/H* 20-08-89 22.57.01 (Read 21 Times) From: THE TERMINATOR To: MR. QUARK (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 631 (SCANNING FER CODEZ) That completely depends on your how your Teleco office has things set up. I have scanned a lot and have had no problems. Lots of people say they have heard of someone get the shaft for scanning. Oh well, do what you want. Just if you see a bell truck pull up infront of your house, it means you are walking the line. What would happen is if your ESS is setup for watching sequential dialing, after you dial a set # of seq. #'s then they will drop a trouble card on your line. There will be a visit to see what is going on at your house. Maybe ANI (I seriously doubt it though) on your line. <------- The Terminator -------> Msg#: 764 *Telcom P/H* 22-08-89 18.41.06 (Read 21 Times) From: TEQUILA WILLY To: THE TERMINATOR (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 715 (SCANNING FER CODEZ) Gee...Doesn't sound very likely..I mean, people involved with telemarketing dial sequentially out of the cross directory. More than that, the telco. you were dialing would show up on your exceptional calling report (because you would be dialing it x many times).. In either case, so many people are on ESS, that's not really such a big deal 'cause it's very difficult to keep track of it all (in Bell's perspective).. Don't worry about it..Scan. If you are busted, then you can blame me. Comforting Persona, Wequila Tilly Msg#: 777 *Telcom P/H* 22-08-89 23.48.51 (Read 20 Times) From: MR. QUARK To: MR. QUARK (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 631 (SCANNING FER CODEZ) thanx willy... I feel much better. Actually, I don't dial sequentially.. just some 950's.. my scanner does up to 6 services sequentially.. so I think I'll be alrite... Soooo here we is. Mr. Quark Msg#: 837 *Telcom P/H* 25-08-89 17.20.04 (Read 19 Times) From: CAPTAIN CROOK To: MR. QUARK (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 777 (SCANNING FER CODEZ) 6 services sequentially?? Hmmm are you using Mikeydialer 2.0? Msg#: 958 *Telcom P/H* 31-08-89 23.55.39 (Read 21 Times) From: MR. QUARK To: CAPTAIN CROOK (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 837 (SCANNING FER CODEZ) Sure am.. .the only problem is I have a piece of shit Supra 24oo.. Dials incredibly slow!.. So.. I've got my Apple/apple cat combo.. that cat can run circles around mickeydialer.. approx 3 times the tries in the same amount of time... Oh well.. Mr. Quark Msg#: 980 *Telcom P/H* 02-09-89 21.10.41 (Read 21 Times) From: CAPTAIN CROOK To: MR. QUARK (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 958 (SCANNING FER CODEZ) I have this set up: Mega-4 Mikey Dialer 2.x USRobotics 14.4K I usually get 3 or 4 codes a night (759-2345 codes about 25 a night; But I dumped them after a whole shit load of people I know got nailed)... I have PULSE dialing toooo..... Msg#: 985 *Telcom P/H* 02-09-89 22.18.31 (Read 20 Times) From: GREENPEACE To: MR. QUARK (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 958 (SCANNING FER CODEZ) well, well, well have a mega-2.....<wait for grin> greenpieces Msg#: 989 *Telcom P/H* 03-09-89 02.01.09 (Read 20 Times) From: MAJOR BLADE To: CAPTAIN CROOK (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 980 (SCANNING FER CODEZ) Excuses my stupidity, but gee, don't the LD services <The ones that you can hack for c0dez....Require you punch them in on your PUSH BUTTON PHONE?> How does the modem dial PULSE, and then send the TONES? -*-Mb-*- <Asking questions for a better tomorrow...> Msg#: 1162 *Telcom P/H* 13-09-89 18.14.04 (Read 18 Times) From: CAPTAIN CROOK To: MAJOR BLADE (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 989 (SCANNING FER CODEZ) Simple, Miky Dial has the space for the phone # right? I enter ATDP1800-xxx-xxxx and then in the parameters I enter ATDTW. Neato, Eh? cc Msg#: 1173 *Telcom P/H* 15-09-89 08.43.53 (Read 22 Times) From: MAJOR BLADE To: CAPTAIN CROOK (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 1162 (SCANNING FER CODEZ) Wow... Msg#: 670 *Telcom P/H* 18-08-89 14.48.58 (Read 20 Times) From: DA-GLO BUNNY To: ALL Subj: CODE Here is a 1408 that is pretty new, 1 week old at the most. 950-1408-2323031 Da-glo Msg#: 716 *Telcom P/H* 20-08-89 23.05.02 (Read 21 Times) From: THE TERMINATOR To: ALL Subj: BUSTED On tower of Palanthas there was this guy called Dark Knight. He used 950-1022. He ran a VMB and left a message saying how the numbers were bad news. So if anyone uses 950-1022. Stop. He got busted on it. Just switch to a different one. He said they were probably going to prosecute him. Msg#: 771 *Telcom P/H* 22-08-89 19.45.19 (Read 21 Times) From: CAPTAIN CROOK To: THE TERMINATOR (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 716 (BUSTED) Dah, who doesn't know not to use 950-1022? Except for that meatball (no offense, bu the typical C-64 user). I have known so many people who have used 950-1022. I have told people not to use them (same with litel;those people got busted too) but no one really belives thata company is bad until they get slapped in the face with a bill compiled fro the last 10 months of heavy code abuse or they get their $5000 computer system taken away and then (maybe) mailed back domestic third class (read that as mule class) Msg#: 792 *Telcom P/H* 23-08-89 12.06.44 (Read 17 Times) From: THE TERMINATOR To: ALL Subj: CHAT SYSTEMS Ok, here are couple of chat systems. You can meet lots of interesting folks who are into P/h'ng too. 1-800-451-1475 300 baud $10 for lifetime membership. Lots of cool people. 603-643-6300 Dartmouth College type c talk@dcts for chat system. No fee. AT&T Mainframe 1-800-548-2996 have fun with this (no it's not a chat sys) <------- The Terminator -------> Msg#: 838 *Telcom P/H* 25-08-89 17.21.44 (Read 17 Times) From: CAPTAIN CROOK To: ALL Subj: CODES Well this code is for 800-759-2345 it was hacked last night at around 3:30 so you know it is new: 367854 Have fun, CC p500? Msg#: 846 *Telcom P/H* 26-08-89 08.52.56 (Read 18 Times) From: GREENPEACE To: CAPTAIN CROOK (Rcvd) Subj: MICKEY DIALER Yes we were using Mickey Dialer. It seems to me to be the best hacking program around. Its beautiful to use, and has a shit load of options and functions. I love it...is there something better? Greenpeace Msg#: 979 *Telcom P/H* 02-09-89 21.08.57 (Read 18 Times) From: CAPTAIN CROOK To: GREENPEACE (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 846 (MICKEY DIALER) No fucking way!! Mikey Dialer is zeeeeeeeeee best... Msg#: 982 *Telcom P/H* 02-09-89 21.12.55 (Read 17 Times) From: CAPTAIN CROOK To: ALL Subj: DEADNESS Shit man, clear away the webs...... Msg#: 1110 *Telcom P/H* 09-09-89 20.45.47 (Read 15 Times) From: THE MAD HATTER To: ALL Subj: HACK? How many of you guys hack? Here's a virgin system I'm not getting anywhere with. (208)/376-6505 If you get anywhere, let me know. Msg#: 1120 *Telcom P/H* 10-09-89 23.00.25 (Read 16 Times) From: MR. QUARK To: MAJOR BLADE (Rcvd) Subj: PULSE DIALING Well, I would guess that by pulse dialing, he meant that his fone company is still using archaic step by step switching systems.. making life real easy for joe fone phreak.... Mr. Quark Msg#: 1122 *Telcom P/H* 11-09-89 01.28.29 (Read 15 Times) From: MAJOR BLADE To: MR. QUARK (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 1120 (PULSE DIALING) Yes, I took it that he meant he was on an X-bar switching system, I was just curious how he could hack SOOOOOOO many c0dez on that system. Does he have a neat little tone generator built onto his K-kewl 9600 Baud modem? Not that it matters... -*-Mb-*- <Tired damnit!> Msg#: 1164 *Telcom P/H* 13-09-89 18.25.10 (Read 16 Times) From: CAPTAIN CROOK To: MAD HATTER OR WHATEVER Subj: HAHAHAHAHA Hey, Mad Hatter check the userlog to see the time between my last to calls!! I got your message about that system and hung up and got a password and login in under 5 mins!!! This system was easy!! 208-376-6505 login: CHRIS Password: CHRIS Boring System!! Msg#: 1176 *Telcom P/H* 16-09-89 06.25.23 (Read 18 Times) From: SPANISH HACKING To: ALL Subj: H Hi... we are calling from spain.... how about hackers there? it would be greeful if we share files and information? What about Hacker BBs... could you leave us some numbers? Thanks. Msg#: 1197 *Telcom P/H* 18-09-89 22.28.05 (Read 18 Times) From: MR. QUARK To: SPANISH HACKURZ Subj: HEHE Ya well I'm calling from czechoslovakia.. to see what you spanish hackers are up to.. sure.. I know a good hacker bbs.. call 415-BUG-1111. If you're interested in some good beachfront property, leaf mail.. Msg#: 1201 *Telcom P/H* 19-09-89 07.53.11 (Read 19 Times) From: TEQUILA WILLY To: MR. QUARK (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 1197 (HEHE) That was an intelligent post. Msg#: 1209 *Telcom P/H* 19-09-89 21.33.20 (Read 18 Times) From: GREENPEACE To: MR. QUARK (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 1197 (HEHE) I thought it to be quite wunderfoll. Lettz sea h0ww COnnfosed wea cann gett the espaniola dooooooooooodsss. Greenpeace Just That Kinda Ultra-Elite-K-RaD Kinda gUY. Msg#: 1305 *Telcom P/H* 03-10-89 23.36.06 (Read 17 Times) From: MR. QUARK To: TEQUILA WILLY (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 1201 (HEHE) I guess intelligence is in the eye of the beholder. Personally, I find it hard to believe that someone would logon here as 'spanish hackers'.. if you called Spain would you logon as 'California hacker dudes'?? I didn't think so. If I am wrong.. and they are truly spaniards.. well, then.. I'm sorry .. I guess. Mr. me Msg#: 1306 *Telcom P/H* 04-10-89 08.05.25 (Read 19 Times) From: TEQUILA WILLY To: MR. QUARK (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 1305 (HEHE) Hey, we can't all pick studly handles, Mr. Quark... heh heh Msg#: 1362 *Telcom P/H* 11-10-89 00.37.48 (Read 16 Times) From: MR. QUARK To: TEQUILA WILLY (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 1306 (HEHE) I think if you read that post carefully, you would see that I'm knocking the credibility of the dude.. not the 'studlyness' of his handle (I think it's a kind of cheesy word myself.. like most of the neato stereotyping words.. ) but I guess.. I guess it's just reserved for those few who deserve to be compared to a breeding horse. pfft. Thanks for the judgement though... maybe in my next life I'll pick a k-k00l 'studly' handle that will please you willy... Msg#: 1365 *Telcom P/H* 11-10-89 08.35.58 (Read 15 Times) From: TEQUILA WILLY To: MR. QUARK (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 1362 (HEHE) I did read your post carefully. Of course you are knocking his credibility.. Maybe if he had logged on with a handle like "FLAME PHANTOM" you wouldn't be knocking him? Tequila Willy Msg#: 1223 *Telcom P/H* 22-09-89 18.55.43 (Read 19 Times) From: CAPTAIN CROOK To: MR. QUARK (Rcvd) Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 1198 (YEAH) If you have seen Zapper (wacp) talk to him because he knows the guy who cards the HST's. Msg#: 1230 *Telcom P/H* 23-09-89 19.39.52 (Read 19 Times) From: MR. SINISTER To: ALL.... Subj: YO! what's up? wel' like what are you bunch of dousches' doing now??? illegal shit!??? hehehe well like if you are here's a couple 0266's, just hacked them out yesterday 9500266,,7247770 and7645660 have phun dousches! heehhehehe Mr. Sinister Msg#: 1233 *Telcom P/H* 24-09-89 17.30.37 (Read 18 Times) From: DOCTOR To: OLIBRI Subj: GET OUT I know that you snuck in here some how, if you know what is good for you, you will leave IMMEDIATELY Mr Meyer, otherwise, Im goin after you with both barells.