THIS FILE IS THE BETA VERSION OF THE FILE!!!- THE FULL FILE WITH MORE ASSISTS WILL COME IN A SHORT TIME (NOW ITS 2.6.96) T H E G O D O F . H . H A C K I N G D I C T I O N A R Y ! ! ! the first dictionary of hacking for client program's for sites or bbs'es! ******************************************************************************** *WARNING: * *This is a registered copy of * *the text file, do not make any * *changes in the text body of the * *text or The God Of .H. will get you.* ************************************** This is the best thing you'l ever find about hacking/cracking client program's, and more & more stuff....:) ================================================= INTRODUCTION - WHY,WHAT,WHERE,WHO,WHEN,& GENERAL= ================================================= The WHAT Part - this is kind of a faq with some instruction about how to hack into places using their client program, and how to hack into places in general... The WHY Part - because i never saw a faq telling about "programs hacking" and also because i thing peoples should share their knowlege with other peoples..., othewize the world of computing will be top secret and the peoples will not be able to enjoy from free speech and information for all!. The WHERE Part - thins faq can be found on the internet or in some bbs'es in the world... and of course at the place you have found it! The WHO Part - this faq was writen by The God Of .H. , that's me... not a professional hacker or cracker but i'm learning and i had some major successes in my career :) . The WHEN Part - this faq was writen in 1996 in the state of israel. The GENERAL Part - after you read all the stuff above you can continue reading the rest of the faq , and of course... enjoy using the info in this faq...:) ****************************************** *CHAPTER ONE - HACKING FIRSCLASS PROGRAM!* ****************************************** THE TITLE QUESTION----- HOW TO HACK A FIRSTCLASS PROGRAM ? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ introduction: in this file i will show in a simple way how to hack an firstclass program, no... you wont get all the admin privileges, but you will get the admin menu with some option's that may work .... if not, then too bad :) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Part One - What Do I Need To Hack Into A FirstClass Based BBS ? ==== all you need is your personal computer, a phone number of a bbs that build on a firstclass program, a firstclass client program, (you can get one on http://www.softarc.com/) not version 3.1 cause its protected from cracking... borland workshop or any other good resource editor. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Part Two - Now, After i Have All That Stuff, What Do I Do ? === That is a very easy to explain part, all you have to do is to load with your resource editor the file wich called: FCCLIENT.EXE , that located in your firstclass client directory. now, go to the part in the file that sais: "MENUS" , after doing this thing take a look at the menus, in the part that sais "MENUBAR" , inside the menubar part make -"NEW POP-UP MENU" and name him exacly like this: &Admin after doing that, go to the menu in the "MENU" part that called "145" , go into this nemu and then use the COPY & PASTE option's to copy the admin option's from menu "145" into the "MENUBAR" under the menu that called Admin , when finished , save your work under a new file ... and when you'l want to use your firstclass client program activate it with the new file you have created and not with the file FCCLIENT.EXE and when you'l activate it you'l have the manu that called Admin... , happy hacking! IMPORTANT: if you try to modify the firstclass client program version 3.11 it wont work so try 2.6 , it always works...:) IMPORTANT2: if you are a mac user you can use the direction above but use the program RES-EDIT. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Part Three - This Suck's!!! , I Don't Have Full Admin What Can I Do ??? === Once i heard on a way to hack into firsclass program and get everything you want... but i don't have any idea how to do it... all i know is that this have a connection with TELENET and need's a very big understanding in TELENET, BUT.... dont give up there is another thing!. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Part Four - Well... What Is It ??? === Ok, this is the most effective way to hack into firstclass BUT the sysop must be a very stupid man if this way work's.... when you buy the firstclass program for the server there is one account that he is recorded into the program automaticly , and in some cases, the sysop forgets to change this accout password and then the bbs is very hackable... this account is the Admin account he uses this login & password: login:Admin Password:Admin oh god.... who can be so stupid and leave the admin password as admin ? (exept in my school) anyway, it worth trying it..., in case you'll make it, make 2-3 another user's with Add User option in the admin menu and check the admin box on then you'l have a backdoor to use if the admin will change his password... , i hope you'l enjoy...:) -------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS.... ==== Writing This Article: The God Of .H. ~ the world is differante! Information: The God Of .H. ~ we will change it back! R.m ~ F.C.W.N.B.T.S.A. Special Thank's Goes To: The Trasher ~ i know... --------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Word's... === Thank's For Reading This ... And Wait For More Hacking Stuff From Us... ~The God Of .H.~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************ *CHAPTER TWO - HACKING "THE PALACE"* ************************************ THE TITLE QUESTION--- WHAT IS "THE PALACE" AND HOW DO I HACK INTO THE PALACE ? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ introduction: The palace is a nice site that he is some kind of a meeting place to the peoples on the internet... when you are connected to this site, using his special client program you'l be a stupid "smily" with a name, if you are not a registered user you will have the name "GUEST" and some number near your name... now you can travel trough the palace, talk with peoples and play some nice online games...(i think you'l understand quickly how to travel or use the palace,cause its very easy thing...) BUT, its no fun to be a "regular" user i want to be a WIZARD level user (like Sysop or administrator) i want to have the option to move door's, create room's, kill users!!! well... you'l have to read the followin lines to understand how to do this things...:) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Part one - How Do I Get The Client Program ? === To get the client program, connect the followin site: http://www.thepalace.com/ you'l find there the client program for PC or MAC. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Two - How To Start ? === One , i think you should first install the client program after you installed the program connect to the palace using the program... check the place out, understand it... enjoy the peoples company talk with them, play with them, etc... after you did all that stuff , continue to the next part: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Three - I Got The Stuff... Now, Lets Talk Business...:) === Ok,Ok... the hacking part is the most easy i think... cause you will find out that he's the VERY SAME THING for tha firstclass hacking...,load the file PALACE.EXE using some resource editor, then go to the part that sais: "MENUS" or "MENU" or what ever...(you got the idea..) and find the menu that called "wizard" BUT.... HEY!!!! hes already at the original menubar!! so why i dont have it automaticly when i connected to the palace ?, Well.... this is no problam at all....:) , the only thing you have to do is simply copy the "WIZARD" menu into some other menu... like "MACROS" (he is very useless...), after that, save you'r work and run the program using your new file, and you'l have every thing you wanted ! you can trash the place ! , Happy Cracking Or Hacking Or WhatEver....:) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Four - Some Other Words... === Anyway... look at the program INI files, and exe files you may find some interasting things... try to change and play with them but never forget to make a backup first... because you can make damage to the program. --------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS === Writng This Thing: The God Of .H. ~ try my man.... Info: The God Of .H. ~ i'm the best or what ? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Words: === I hope you enjoyed from reading this, enjoy the next part also !!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------- AS I SAID , ITS THE BETA VERSION THE UPDATE WILL COME VERY SOON!