Date: 20.04.2003 Subject: MPCSoftWeb Guest Book vulnerabilities. Description: This Guest Book is designed to be easy to use and configure, it uses a Microsoft Access 2000 database to store the messages. It has a number of features: emoticons and text formatting, a profanity or unwanted word filter, which can be modified as required, images can be used in the Guest Book, e-mail notification of Guest Book entries, COOKIES can be used by the Guest Book administrator. Vendor: www.mpcsoftweb.co.uk Vulnerability: insertguest.asp neglects filtering user input allowing for script injection to the guestbook via "Name", "location" and "comment" fields. The injected script will be executed in anyones browser who visits the guestbook. An attaker may download MS Acces database to gain administrator's password, which is not encrypted at all. Example: http://www.target.com/mpcsoftweb_guestbook/database/mpcsoftweb_guestdata .mdb Vulnerability discovered by Black Tigerz Research Group We are:Areus,Barracuda,n1Tr0f4n,Velzevol,n3ch,drG4njubas. Please visit our website: http://www.blacktigerz.org Our team needs more members, please drop a mail to membership@blacktigerz.org for more information.