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HP-UX bdf & df Vulnerabilities
HP-UX bdf & df Vulnerabilities Privacy and Legal Notice


L-011: HP-UX bdf & df Vulnerabilities

October 26, 2000 16:00 GMT
PROBLEM:       Hewlett-Packard (HP) has identified vulnerabilities in bdf(1)
               and df(1).
PLATFORM:      HP9000 servers running HP-UX releases 10.XX and 11.XX
DAMAGE:        Users can gain unauthorized privileges.
SOLUTION:      Apply appropriate patches as indicated below.

VULNERABILITY Risk is MEDIUM. The vulnerability affects system security and ASSESSMENT: is publicly known.
[****** Start of HP Security Bulletin ******] Digest Name: Daily Security Bulletins Digest Created: Wed Oct 25 3:00:03 PDT 2000 Table of Contents: Document ID Title --------------- ----------- HPSBUX0010-127 Sec. Vulnerability in bdf(1) & df(1) commands The documents are listed below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document ID: HPSBUX0010-127 Date Loaded: 20001024 Title: Sec. Vulnerability in bdf(1) & df(1) commands ------------------------------------------------------------------------- **REVISED01** HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY SECURITY BULLETIN: #0127, 24 Oct. '00 Last Revised: 25 October '00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in the following Security Bulletin should be acted upon as soon as possible. Hewlett-Packard Company will not be liable for any consequences to any customer resulting from customer's failure to fully implement instructions in this Security Bulletin as soon as possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBLEM: bdf(1m) and df(1m) have misuse potential. PLATFORM: HP9000 servers running HP-UX releases 10.XX and 11.XX, DAMAGE: Users can gain unauthorized privileges. **REVISED 01** SOLUTION: Apply appropriate patches for BOTH commands as listed below. bdf(1m): for HP-UX release 11.00: PHCO_22274, HP-UX release 11.04 VVOS: PHCO_22326, HP-UX release 10.20: PHCO_22273, HP-UX release 10.24 VVOS: PHCO_22324, HP-UX release 10.26 CMW: PHCO_20871, ---->>>> HP-UX release 10.16 CMW: PHCO_22571, HP-UX release 10.10: PHCO_22502, HP-UX release 10.01: PHCO_22501. df(1m): for HP-UX release 11.00: PHCO_22276, HP-UX release 11.04 VVOS: PHCO_22327, HP-UX release 10.20: PHCO_22275, HP-UX release 10.24 VVOS: PHCO_22325, HP-UX release 10.26 CMW: PHCO_20960, ---->>>> HP-UX release 10.16 CMW: PHCO_22572, HP-UX release 10.10: PHCO_22504, HP-UX release 10.01: PHCO_22503. AVAILABILITY: The patches are available now. CHANGE SUMMARY: This revision adds CMW release 10.16 patches. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. A. Background Hewlett-Packard Company has been notified of vulnerabilities in both the bdf (1M) and df(1M) commands. B. Fixing the problem: Apply patches for both commands in the appropriate release. Please make note of patch dependencies. bdf(1M) for HP-UX release 11.00: PHCO_22274, HP-UX release 11.04: PHCO_22326, HP-UX release 10.20: PHCO_22273, HP-UX release 10.24: PHCO_22324, HP-UX release 10.26 CMW: PHCO_20871, ---->>>> HP-UX release 10.16 CMW: PHCO_22571, HP-UX release 10.10: PHCO_22502, HP-UX release 10.01: PHCO_22501. df(1M) for HP-UX release 11.00: PHCO_22276, HP-UX release 11.04: PHCO_22327, HP-UX release 10.20: PHCO_22275, HP-UX release 10.24: PHCO_22325, HP-UX release 10.26 CMW: PHCO_20960, ---->>>> HP-UX release 10.16 CMW: PHCO_22572, HP-UX release 10.10: PHCO_22504, HP-UX release 10.01: PHCO_22503. C. To subscribe to automatically receive future NEW HP Security Bulletins from the HP IT Resource Center via electronic mail, do the following: Use your browser to get to the HP IT Resource Center page at: http://itrc.hp.com Under the Maintenance and Support Menu (Electronic Support Center): click on the "more..." link. Then - Use the 'Login' tab at the left side of the screen to login using your ID and password. Check with your system administrator to see if you have an existing login or use the "Register" button at the left to create a login. You will need to login in order to gain access to many areas of the ITRC. Remember to save the User ID assigned to you, and your password. Under the Maintenance and Support Menu, click on the "more..." link. Under the "Notifications" section (near the bottom of the page), select "Support Information Digests". To -subscribe- to future HP Security Bulletins or other Technical Digests, click the check box (in the left column) for the appropriate digest and then click the "Update Subscriptions" button at the bottom of the page. or To -review- bulletins already released, select the link (in the middle column) for the appropriate digest. To -gain access- to the Security Patch Matrix, select the link for "The Security Bulletins Archive". Once in the archive the third link is to our current Security Patch Matrix. Updated daily, this matrix categorizes security patches by platform/OS release, and by bulletin topic. The security patch matrix is also available via anonymous ftp: ftp.itrc.hp.com ~ftp/export/patches/hp-ux_patch_matrix" On the "Support Information Digest Main" page: click on the "HP Security Bulletin Archive". D. To report new security vulnerabilities, send email to security-alert@hp.com Please encrypt any exploit information using the security-alert PGP key, available from your local key server, or by sending a message with a -subject- (not body) of 'get key' (no quotes) to security-alert@hp.com. Permission is granted for copying and circulating this Bulletin to Hewlett-Packard (HP) customers (or the Internet community) for the purpose of alerting them to problems, if and only if, the Bulletin is not edited or changed in any way, is attributed to HP, and provided such reproduction and/or distribution is performed for non-commercial purposes. Any other use of this information is prohibited. HP is not liable for any misuse of this information by any third party. ________________________________________________________________________ -----End of Document ID: HPSBUX0010-127-------------------------------- [****** End of HP Security Bulletin ******]

CIAC wishes to acknowledge the contributions of Hewlett-Packard Company for the information contained in this bulletin.
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