From daddy.what.is.hipcrime@usenet.com Sun May 21 09:42:13 2000 Newsgroups: alt.2600,alt.hackers.malicious Subject: Your won chance to see - good permissions for MS IIS From: loop <daddy.what.is.hipcrime@usenet.com> Date: Sun, 21 May 2000 19:42:13 +0300 Goddamn, this text is crap, so this will be the only time you will see it - after I thoroughly got to know this, I'm sure I would have figured something even sneakier out, but this is just bull - I don't think it's worthy of my own archival... I guess the base stuff is cool, so any/all of you who like to archive texts, go ahead... Actually, I'm just too tired to write this again. -----------------------------------------------------count snipola------- Just a quick note on configuring IIS www and ftp services. My scenario IIS 4 www server has a cgi-bin (scripts in IIS) and the ftp has an upload dir. The goal of this text is to provide you with the ideal NTFS as well as ISM permissions for it. The NTFS permissions mean the basic filesystem permissions that are confined upon the www and ftp directories, while the ISM permissions are those which you set in the internet service manager. It's good security practice to name your %SystemRoot% and inetsrv dirs to obscure names, this will stop many attacks. However, it's kinda like security throught obscurity... still, many a script kiddie will choke on it. I named my NT dir john and ftp is john\ftp and www is john\www, logically. There's a whole lot of other permissions you should set correctly (methinks service packs set some of them) like the %SystemRoot%\repair dir, which first comes to mind. Remember, if you're still running IIS 3, anyone can see your wwwroot's directory by requesting a non-existent .idc file, just typing into their browsers http://www.server.com/afhighuihuaag.idc and stupid IIS displays an error saying "Can't find c:\obscure\www\root\afhighuihuaag.idc". First of all, under www and ftp I also create the scripts and uploads directories, respectively under each one. It might be clean to smack these in a separate dir too, and NOT two directories away from the dir root -- for instance the showcode.asp exploit usually escapes a certain amount of directories. Then again, it doesn't take that long for a cracker to try out a different amount of .. directories before s/he finds boot.ini in your root. Now stop your services, while you move your www and ftp dirs to a safe place, and reconfig IIS to server from there. Next, in ISM, configure the cgi directory to be placed in whatever you wished your script dir to be, and give it the permissions of execute, and no read. Don't allow directory browsing in any directories. Set it as an alias to whatever you want, cgi-bin and Scripts are the usual ones, so if you practice security through obscurity, you might put it up as MyRadicalExecutablesForIIS or something fun like that -- just be aware that URLs to your CGI stuff will have to contain this string, so there's no point in making it obscure if you have references to your CGI in your HTML files. If you don't, I see no reason to hold a cgi bin, so there we are... Only define a cgi directory if you're sure you know what you're doing and you know you need it -- you can cause a lot of fuss just by active server pages, ISAPI w/ perl or cool stuff like that, no need for standard CGI there. Then you'll define the home directory, which won't have execute perms in ISM, but it will have read. As said before, directory browsing will be a no-no. Surely you will also enable a default document, if for some reason you so wish, it will be pretty easy to keep the filename a secret, just smack it in there and put a corresponding file to the root dir. Next, in the service tab, smack connection timeout and max connections to something reasonable. You won't prolly need pw auth, so turn all that off. In the comment field you can put whatever your heart desires. Logging is what you'll surely want to enable. A good secure IIS install will have nothing to do with SQL/ODBC or other databases (say hi to RDS), and will log fully to a log file in a local hd. If you wanna, you can put up ACLs in the Advanced tab, as well as limit maximum throughput on your network by IIS. Nice. Now the NTFS permissions for the www part. IIS runs as IUSR_MACHINENAME which corresponds to the www or nobody account on unix. I hope you've got your stuff together with user manager before taking on IIS, I so love the domain model more than local accounts. First of all wwwroot, right click and take on properties. Security tab withholds the Auditing section, click on it. Put ticks in both the 'Replace Auditing...' parts and click on Add.... Double click Everyone to add it to the box below, and press ok. Put all the ticks in the Failure parts, you should also put ticks in execute, delete, change permissions, take ownership or write. Read is up to you, it will create a lot of traffic however. You might also choose the user you modify the stuff here as (Admin on my box) and put it up as only on failures, not on successes, and then again log everything on everyone else. You should also enable auditing for succesfull reads if you wish to keep a log on who's read the files -- kinda stupid, since NTFS won't see the remote IP address or anything like that, just the local username. When you click OK, the properties window will ask a few stupid questions, which you will respond to with 'yes'. And this will have been for nothing if you weren't smart enough to turn on auditing in user manager in the first place. Then comes the important part, the permissions. Well, I do so admire microsoft's open policy with the Full Control to Everyone (thumbs up to you) but I think I want a little more security than that. Remove the Everyone group, and start Adding. I only added users, that's a wee bit more smart I believe. You might wanna put up a big group like webmasters or something, if you have multiple/big www stuff there and you need many people to be able to modify it. For me it's just the admin. Add... -> Show Users -> Everyone and click OK for now. The permissions we want can't be chosen there, so now we'll click on Type of Access, and choose Special Directory Access, and click on only Read (R). Do the same for Special File Access. It should say something like this: Everyone Special Access (R) (R) there you go, got it configured correctly. Then Add... and add the webmaster. Around here it's the admin account, which'll also have special access. Read, Write and Delete seem appropriate, both for files and directories. Now you can exit the window, and we will move on to the cgi directory's NTFS perms. The Auditing options will be the same, except you should enable auditing of successfull reads, and disable it for successfull executes. No one should be able to read CGI scripts, since they might contain valuable information (valuable to a cracker). We only have Everyone, the only special accesses it should have to either dirs or files, is execute, NO READ! The Admin permissions should be RWXD or Read, Write, Execute and Delete. We're all set for the www part. Just please, PLEASE, I've seen many sites succumb to the evil samples or iisadmin -- remove the samples and iisadmin ( = ISM through the WWW interface) or at least remove the aliases from ISM. The sample scripts contain dangerous stuff varying from read any file on the hd (showcode.asp) to remote full exploit (databases and RDS). Then, the ftp part. Auditing for the ftproot for everything except read, and the ftp anon acct the special access of (R) (R). Admins or webmasters should have (RWXD) (RWXD). The uploads directory, that's a kinky one. I've seen sites like unixpower.org do fancy stuff like allow only shady uploads, but no downloads from the uploads dir or no dir listing there -- hence one can upload stuff, but can't use the open upload dir as, say, a warez distribution place. This might be a good way to stop people from exploiting your server for such causes. Now here's a good time to make auditing work for you. Log successfull writes, and your logs will show all uploads here, I thought that was kinda fun. You can also check in here from time to time too. And NOTE, an upload dir is what I see way too often with no use for it, if you're not sure you need this, then you don't. Many remote exploits count on writable directories. Good permissions might also restrict the internet guest account from creating directories here. I think good permissions for an upload dir vary so much site dependently, that settings for your site surely aren't the ones described here, it's the one you make yourself. Don't give anyone execute permissions here, very dumb. Giving someone the chance to upload stuff and then execute it is about the most stupid mistake one can make... So what I gave the anon ftp acct for files was write, if you want the users to be able to read their uploads too, enable that too. Delete is a good choice too, will let anyone delete anyone else's uploads however. Directory access was read and write. In ISM you should smack up your first line of defence, read and no write for the root and write and no read for the uploads. The logging, advanced and service tabs are the same as for www, but you might wanna check in the messages tab, you can define quite a few of the default messages. The only thing that bothers me, is that the ftp anon acct isn't IUSR_MACHINENAME. Hence you'll prolly have to do all your perms and auditing settings for 'Everyone' -- sad. Well, it didn't have much permissions anyway. With that you should be correctly set. File permissions however are just the beginning on your way to good security. -- Just another perfect day for scrubbing the floor and other exciting things.