COMMAND snort bypass using fragroute SYSTEMS AFFECTED All versions PROBLEM 0xcafebabe reported a post by Dug Song, which released a tool on the focus-ids list which totally blindsides Snort : http://www.monkey.org/~dugsong/fragroute/index.html His README.snort file contains several fragroute scripts which blindside even the current Snort version in CVS, tested on RedHat 7.2. For example, the latest wu-ftpd exploits run through the one line \"tcp_seg 1 new\" don\'t trigger any Snort alerts at all. SOLUTION Update (25 April 2002) ====== Snort 1.8.7beta1 is available at : http://www.snort.org/dl/beta/snort-1.8.7beta1.tar.gz. This should correct the issues that fragroute induces.