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hplx-sendmail Vulnerability

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M-028: HPLX-sendmail Vulnerability


December 19, 2001 21:00 GMT
 PROBLEM:           Hewlett-Packard has identified a vulnerability in
                    hplx-sendmail-1.0-1 which is based upon Sendmail
                    version 8.11.6. There is an input validation flaw in
                    part of its debugging code.
 PLATFORM:          HP Secure OS software for Linux Release 1.0
 DAMAGE:            Potential for local users to gain unauthorized root
 SOLUTION:          Apply available patch.
 VULNERABILITY      The risk is MEDIUM. To gain access the attacker would
 ASSESSMENT:        have to be logged in as a local user.

   CIAC BULLETIN:          http://www.ciac.org/ciac/bulletins/m-028.shtml
   PATCHES:                http://itrc.hp.com

[***** Start HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY SECURITY BULLETIN: #007 - 12/18/01 *****]

Document ID:  HPSBTL0112-007
Date Loaded:  20011218
      Title:  Security vulnerability in hplx-sendmail

    Originally issued: 18 December '01

The information in the following Security Bulletin should be acted
upon as soon as possible.  Hewlett-Packard Company will not be
liable for any consequences to any customer resulting from customer's
failure to fully implement instructions in this Security Bulletin as
soon as possible.

PROBLEM:  Security vulnerability in hplx-sendmail.

PLATFORM: Any system running HP Secure OS software for Linux Release 1.0

DAMAGE:   Potential for local users to gain unauthorized root access.

SOLUTION: Apply the appropriate patch.


AVAILABILITY: The patch is available now.
 A. Background

   hplx-sendmail-1.0-1 is based upon (publicly available)
   Sendmail version 8.11.6 which has an input validation flaw
   in part of its debugging code. This flaw could be exploited
   by an attacker who already has local access to a system
   and wants to gain root privileges.  This flaw is fixed in
   hplx-sendmail-1.1-1, which is based upon Sendmail v8.12.1.

 B. Fixing the problem

    Apply the following patch:


    This patch is available as follows: -

    Use your browser to access the HP IT Resource Center page


    Use the 'Login' tab at the left side of the screen to login
    using your ID and password.  Use your existing login or the
    "Register" button at the left to create a login. Remember to save the
    User ID assigned to you, and your password. This login provides
    access to many useful areas of the ITRC.

    Under the "Maintenance and Support" section, select "Individual Patches".

    In the field at the bottom of the page labeled "retrieve a specific patch
    by entering the patch name", enter {{ Patch number (s) }}

    For instructions on installing the patch, please see the install text file
    included in the patch.

 C. To subscribe to automatically receive future NEW HP Security
    Bulletins from the HP IT Resource Center via electronic
    mail, do the following:

    Use your browser to access to the HP IT Resource Center page


    Use the 'Login' tab at the left side of the screen to login
    using your ID and password.  Use your existing login or the
    "Register" button at the left to create a login. Remember to
    save the User ID assigned to you, and your password. This
    login provides access to many useful areas of the ITRC.

    In the leftmost frame select "Maintenance and Support".

    Under the "Notifications" section (near the bottom of
    the page), select "Support Information Digests".

    To -subscribe- to future HP Security Bulletins or other
    Technical Digests, click the check box (in the left column)
    for the appropriate digest and then click the "Update
    Subscriptions" button at the bottom of the page.


    To -review- bulletins already released, select the link
    (in the middle column) for the appropriate digest.

 D. To report new security vulnerabilities, send email to


    Please encrypt any exploit information using the
    security-alert PGP key, available from your local key
    server. You ma also get the security-alert PGP key by
    sending a message with a -subject- (not body) of
    'get key' (no quotes) to security-alert@hp.com.

    Permission is granted for copying and circulating this
    Bulletin to Hewlett-Packard (HP) customers (or the Internet
    community) for the purpose of alerting them to problems,
    if and only if, the Bulletin is not edited or changed in
    any way, is attributed to HP, and provided such reproduction
    and/or distribution is performed for non-commercial purposes.

    Any other use of this information is prohibited. HP is not
    liable for any misuse of this information by any third party.
-----End of Document ID:  HPSBTL0112-007--------------------------------------

[***** End HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY SECURITY BULLETIN: #007 - 12/18/01 *****]

CIAC wishes to acknowledge the contributions of Hewlett-Packard for the
information contained in this bulletin.
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    Voice:          +1 925-422-8193 (7 x 24)
    FAX:            +1 925-423-8002
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    E-mail:          ciac@llnl.gov
    World Wide Web:  http://www.ciac.org/
                     (same machine -- either one will work)
    Anonymous FTP:   ftp.ciac.org
                     (same machine -- either one will work)

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