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cvs - OpenPKG Security Advisory (cvs) OpenPKG-SA-2003.052
[OpenPKG-SA-2003.052] OpenPKG Security Advisory (cvs)

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OpenPKG Security Advisory                            The OpenPKG Project
http://www.openpkg.org/security.html              http://www.openpkg.org 
openpkg-security@openpkg.org                         openpkg@openpkg.org 
OpenPKG-SA-2003.052                                          17-Dec-2003

Package:             cvs
Vulnerability:       filesystem intrusion
OpenPKG Specific:    no

Affected Releases:   Affected Packages:        Corrected Packages:
OpenPKG CURRENT      <= cvs-1.12.2-20031027    >= cvs-1.12.3-20031205
OpenPKG 1.3          <= cvs-1.12.1-1.3.0       >= cvs-1.12.1-1.3.1
OpenPKG 1.2          <= cvs-1.11.5-1.2.2       >= cvs-1.11.5-1.2.3

Dependent Packages:  none

  According to a CVS [0] security update [1], a malformed module
  request can cause the CVS server to attempt to create directories
  and possibly files at the root of the filesystem holding the CVS
  repository. Even though filesystem permissions usually prevent the
  creation of these misplaced directories, the corrected OpenPKG
  packages include a CVS server which rejects such malformed requests.
  The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project assigned the id
  CAN-2003-0977 [2] to the problem.

  Please check whether you are affected by running "/bin/rpm
  -q cvs". If the "cvs" package is indeed installed and its version
  is affected (see above), please upgrade it immediately according to
  OpenPKG recommendations (see Solution). [3][4]

  Select the updated source RPM appropriate for your OpenPKG release
  [5][6], fetch it from the OpenPKG FTP service [7][8] or a mirror
  location, verify its integrity [9], build a corresponding binary RPM
  from it [3] and update your OpenPKG installation by applying the
  binary RPM [4]. For the current release OpenPKG 1.3, perform the
  following operations to permanently fix the security problem (for
  other releases adjust accordingly).

  $ ftp ftp.openpkg.org
  ftp> bin
  ftp> cd release/1.3/UPD
  ftp> get cvs-1.12.1-1.3.1.src.rpm
  ftp> bye
  $ /bin/rpm -v --checksig cvs-1.12.1-1.3.1.src.rpm
  $ /bin/rpm --rebuild cvs-1.12.1-1.3.1.src.rpm
  $ su -
  # /bin/rpm -Fvh /RPM/PKG/cvs-1.12.1-1.3.1.*.rpm

  [0] http://www.cvshome.org/ 
  [1] http://ccvs.cvshome.org/servlets/NewsItemView?newsID=85 
  [2] http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CAN-2003-0977 
  [3] http://www.openpkg.org/tutorial.html#regular-source 
  [4] http://www.openpkg.org/tutorial.html#regular-binary 
  [5] ftp://ftp.openpkg.org/release/1.2/UPD/cvs-1.11.5-1.2.3.src.rpm 
  [6] ftp://ftp.openpkg.org/release/1.3/UPD/cvs-1.12.1-1.3.1.src.rpm 
  [7] ftp://ftp.openpkg.org/release/1.2/UPD/ 
  [8] ftp://ftp.openpkg.org/release/1.3/UPD/ 
  [9] http://www.openpkg.org/security.html#signature 

For security reasons, this advisory was digitally signed with the
OpenPGP public key "OpenPKG " (ID 63C4CB9F) of the
OpenPKG project which you can retrieve from http://pgp.openpkg.org and
hkp://pgp.openpkg.org. Follow the instructions on http://pgp.openpkg.org/ 
for details on how to verify the integrity of this advisory.

Comment: OpenPKG  


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