COMMAND Informix wbBinaries allows to read system files SYSTEMS AFFECTED Informix v.?? PROBLEM Beck Mr.R says : I found a doubledot vulnerability on a site running Informix database. I can read of any file on the system by putting /../ into the url. But so far I have only found two sites with this problem. The site is running Netscape-Enterprise/4.0 on Solaris according to Netcraft.com On the site All image files are linked like this: http://site.com/ifx/? LO=00000001a6b7c8d900000003000000030004334d 38e02543000000000001eb800000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000 This is a part of fetching an image from the wbBinaries system table. The Web DataBlade Module provides wbBinaries for storing large binary resources such as images, sounds, and videos. But if I want to get the content of etc directory: http://site.com/ifx/?LO=../../../etc/ or even: http://site.com/ifx/?LO=../../../etc/passwd SOLUTION Nothing yet